Do you feel like your relationship has become a bit stagnant? After a while of being in a relationship, it’s easy to get comfortable around one another to the point that you stop making an effort. If this sounds like you, keep reading. We’ve got a list of exciting ways to spice up your relationship right here. Be More SpontaneousA sure-fire way to take the fun out of being intimate is to make it into a routine. Feeling obligated drains the pleasure from it, and acting on your feelings when you feel attracted to one another is productive in making your partner feel desired and keeping a healthy level of communication and spark. Remember to make time for one another , and don’t let sex feel like a chore. Revisit Nostalgic Locations... Going back to the place you had your first date, where you used to flirt, or doing the activities that made you bond together as a budding couple is a lovely way to reawaken pleasant memories of one another and make the present just as rosy as the past. The honeymoon phase doesn’t end until you let it! ...Or Make New Memories! Visiting the past is a great way to indulge in the nostalgic parts of your relationship, but an even better way to spruce things up is to take control of the present. Take romantic trips, weekend holidays, visit a couples’ spa – or even massage each other. Putting effort into the relationship is something to be maintained and enjoyed, and only strengthens the intimacy between you. Introduce Toys A great way to provoke some intrigue in the bedroom is to begin exploring toys. For him or for her, there is a vast array of toys out there which can really make a difference to your sex-life. Wicked Wandas is a good example of a diverse range of quality toys, from light restraints to luxury toys, which you can use together to keep things new and exciting in bed, and there’s something for everyone. Shake Up Your Wardrobe While lingerie will always be a staple measure of seduction, dressing sexy is something you can do day or night. Looking and smelling good boosts your confidence, and this extra effort makes both partners feel appreciative and flirty. Whether it’s going out to dinner or staying in at home, putting something on you know makes you both feel good is a recipe for a fun night. Give Each Other Space While this may sound counterproductive, trust in the old saying ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’. It can be hard to appreciate your partner if you are both constantly under each other’s feet. Being in a relationship doesn’t require sacrificing your own time and individuality, and the dynamic is at its best when you take joy in sharing company. This doesn’t mean you have to put distance between yourselves, or inhibit the time you spend together - just be mindful that sometimes you need a little freedom, and so might your partner. Be Open Minded
One of the best things to do if you want to revitalize your relationship is to talk openly with one another – without fear or judgement. What haven’t you tried together but always wanted to? While you may not necessarily share all the same fantasies, these conversations foster trust and open the door to finding new forms of fun and discovering more about yourselves. Hopefully these tips will help you!
Read 4 tips on how to have the best possible backyard tailgate party in 2020 If this was any normal Fall, families everywhere are going to gather around for football season. 2020 is a little different, but that doesn't mean that you can’t have all your usual traditions with Fall fun for friends and families! There may not be as intense a football season this year, but you can still enjoy the change of the leaves and the cooling temperatures! Parties in the Fall are part of the season, and one of the most important traditions is a backyard tailgate party! You could go for generic frozen pizzas and beer, but it really depends what you want for your event. So, with that in mind, we’ve got four tips for the best possible backyard tailgate party you could have this year!
No matter what you do with your backyard tailgate party, make it as fun as possible for your guests. Always observe the current rules regarding the pandemic in your neighborhood, and you will ensure that everyone is safe and healthy. Provide your guests with masks and hand sanitizer to go one better and make sure that everyone is comfortable and happy. Your backyard tailgate party is going to be one of the best things that you plan this year, and it won’t take too long to get sorted if you start now! If you are looking for a collection of expensive dates to really impress your sweetheart then this ISN'T IT. But if you want 100's of inexpensive dates that cost from $5-$20 then you have found a goldmine of information. Whether… …you want to make a big impression to secure a second date, put your relationship back on track or just have more fun, keep reading, as this may be the most important letter you ever read… Did you know that while going out for dinner and a movie is one of the most popular dates, it is also one of the very worst dates you can go on? -- especially for couples in the early stages of dating! Don't believe me? Imagine this. You're sitting at a restaurant with your beautiful date and everything seems to be going fine. But after ordering your meals, you realize you can't think of anything interesting to talk about. You try to think of something… anything!… At that moment, your palms sweat, your heart thumps, and your mind begins to race at 100 miles an hour, as you notice your date looking around the room disinterested. And after two hours filled with awkward silence and generic questions, you take her home… …only to be struck with the cold sinking feeling that you blew your chances forever. Still think dinner is a good idea? Don't get me wrong, dinner can be great but it's just too hard to make a good impression over dinner. And if you're always going on dinner dates with a long-term partner, it's likely that things are getting a little stale and you're dying to try something new. Either way, you want to keep having lots of fun with a special someone and you know that going on original dates is perhaps the very best tool to accomplish that. But Finding Unique and Creative Date Ideas Is The Hard Part! Let's face it, trying to come up with cool unique date ideas is tough! Honestly, it could take you hours searching only to come up with average ideas like: "spend the day at the beach or cook dinner at home." These ideas are 'okay' but there are much better ideas. And that's where I come in. You see, after realizing that people are starving for new and refreshing ways to spend time together, I decided to sit down, recall and write down all the fun-filled dates I've had with my wife Athena over the years. The result is a quality collection of date ideas from friends, family and myself. But Why Should You Listen To Me and My Dating Ideas? My name is Michael Webb. And for the last 17 years I've been teaching people how to have fulfilling and successful relationships that last a lifetime through the power of romance. In fact, because of some of my dating and romance ideas, media around the world have taken to calling me "The World's Most Romantic Man," "America's Romance Expert," "Mr. Romance," "The Martha Stewart of Romance" and other interesting monikers. I don't necessarily agree with the titles, but I do aim to be the world's most loving husband to my wife of 22 years, Athena. Not to mention I have been featured in media countless times. Including every major newspaper in the United States, dozens of magazines and over 500 radio and TV shows such as Oprah, The 700 Club and Men Are From Mars / Women Are From Venus, sharing my tips and secrets with millions of viewers worldwide. In addition, I am also a bestselling author of 18 books on love, romance and relationships. My first book, "The Romantic's Guide" is an international bestseller. It was released in February 2000 and is already in its tenth printing. All in all, I am regarded in the media as one of the nation's top experts on love, dating and relationship matters. So YOU KNOW you're in good hands with my date ideas. But that's enough about me… here's what you get inside my book called… 300 Creative Dates!Most of the dates inside are easy on the budget–date ideas for less than $20. Of course, be mindful that not all of these ideas will work for you. We are all unique in our own special way. Find the ones that will work and adapt them to your particular style and situation and let this book inspire you to create your own exciting dates! NOT AVAILABLE IN BOOKSTORES Here's Just a Taste of The Ideas You'll Get Inside This Valuable Resource… You'll discover…
With this material, you will be the envy of every man and woman within hundreds of miles. Your dates will be so impressed with your outings that they will certainly tell all their friends how romantic and creative you are. And ladies, you need to plan some creative dates too! The more you put into your relationship, the more you will get back out of it. Use the ideas in this book to alternate the planning of date nights between you and your sweetheart. I'm so certain that you will find 300 Creative Dates to be the very best resource for improving your date nights that it comes with a money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, send it back for a full refund. No questions asked! You have NOTHING TO LOSE! Okay, So What's The Cost Of This Incredible Resource? How much is a great date idea worth to you? A date that might rekindle a relationship, win over a woman you've had your eye on or simply cure boredom! What is that worth to you? $100, $50, $30? In fact, your total investment in "300 Creative Dates" is only $47! However, for a limited time we're offering a special discount of only $27. That's only 9 cents per date! So for the price of two movie tickets and snacks, you could have enough dates to last you 5 years. And if you order now you'll also get… 3 Special Bonuses When You Grab a Copy Today Bonus #1: Dating Bible: A Better Way To Date (Sells elsewhere for $39.95) Right now, get a copy of Michael Webb's dating bible, currently selling for $39.95 elsewhere, totally free. You'll learn…
Bonus #2: The Romantic's Guide International #1 Bestseller (Sells elsewhere for $15.95 value) For a limited time, we'll also give you a free ebook version of Michael Webb's #1 bestseller. This 224-page book has been praised in over 250 magazines and newspapers for its "ingenious and creative" tips on romance. Inside this best-selling book you'll discover hundreds of creative and inexpensive ideas for gifts, dates, celebrations and ways to say "I love you." This book has been on top of the love and romance best seller list for over four years and usually retails for $15.95.… but it's yours free! You'll learn…
Bonus #3: The Newlywed's Guide To a Happy Marriage (valued at $14.95) This guide reveals how newlyweds can build a truly happy life together. You'll discover:
If you bought all these books separately on their own websites you'd have to pay $72.85 but if you order today, I promise your total investment will only be $27. Don't Decide Now - Just Say 'Maybe' And Try Everything At My Risk… Now, you still may not be convinced that this will work for you. Perhaps you feel your situation is uniquely different. I know you probably feel nervous or unsure, just like other people did, before they bought this book. So that's why I've reversed all the risk by giving you 30 days to try out the tips in the book. There is absolutely no way that you can lose–except by not taking me up on this risk-free examination of "300 Creative Dates." You either have 100 times more fun on dates, or get your money back! You can't lose! In the future I may decide to sell the included bonuses separately. So grab your copy today and lock-in these bonuses for free! Here's How To Grab Your Copy Of '300 Creative Dates' Right Now! For your privacy you'll be discreetly billed with the name "CLICKBANK." Once you have ordered on the secure server, you will be taken to a special download page where you download the book along with your free bonuses. The books are all in PDF format, which can be viewed on any computer (PC or MAC), smart phone, tablet or ebook reader. NOT AVAILABLE IN BOOKSTORES You will be downloading and learning from this breakthrough information within just a few minutes and using it to have more fun with your date. So if you're ready, it's time to click the image of the Ebook… You will receive instant access to the
book and bonuses (Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday) Warmly, – Michael Webb P.S. Even if you decide you don't want to keep "300 Creative Dates," the bonus books are yours to keep. You have nothing to lose - but a lot to gain. Attention: Smart Guys Who Are Sick And Tired Of Flakey Numbers, Being Ghosted On & Not Getting Anywhere With Text Game. Discover My Unique And Very Different Video Masterclass Where I’ll Show You EXACTLY What To Text Girls To Get More Dates, Hookups & Lays Than You Know How To Handle. Is It Really Possible For Ordinary Looking Guys To Be Receiving Amazing Texts From The Hottest Girls On A Daily Basis? My Name Is Moe And I Have A Confession…Over the last seven years, I’ve become known as one of the world’s top men’s dating and lifestyle coach thanks to the success of my groundbreaking “Natural system”. And in that time, I’ve been fortunate to:
And over the years, I’ve shared all my knowledge with thousands of guys in-person, at my live seminars and bootcamps. After obsessing over trying to find a dating method that would work for ANY guy… …Regardless of looks, age, career or any other external factor… My own dating life was proving to be very easy. I would get one-night stands with gorgeous girls with ease. I had a date with a different girl every night of the week. Yet… … There was still one major problem with my game, which was causing me untold headaches. And that was texting. I could go out to a bar, or hit the streets for daygame and load up anywhere from 5-20 numbers in my phone. But when I would text those girls, it was truly a numbers game. Yes, the girls who really liked me would still text me back, but… The Number Of Girls Flaking On Me And Ghosting Me Was Downright Embarrassing!I assumed for a long time this was just the way it was meant to be. I thought texting would always just be a numbers game, and there was nothing I could do about it. But the most embarrassing moment was when I was with a student. This guy was new to game, making rapid progress and he lined up a date with a girl he was really into. They had been texting back and forth. He texted me, asking what he should text her to get her to meet up with him that day. I gave him a message, he sent it, and… … Crickets. Not only did his girl NOT meet up with him. She didn’t even text him back! After days of back and forth text messages, she GHOSTED him. That’s when I knew I had to make a change and figure out the texting game once and for all. I went to Amazon and bought all the books on texting I could find. I went online, watched every YouTube video I could find on texting, and devoured them all. I even spent hundreds of dollars buying pickup programs, specifically on texting. I was determined to figure this out, once and for all. After taking in all this information, devising a new strategy for texting, I went out and applied it for a month. I collected over 100 different numbers and texted them all with my new strategy, experimenting with new ideas. And nothing. I was still being flaked. Still being ghosted. And my texting still had zero consistency. And funnily enough, that’s when I had my big epiphany! You see… Texting In 2020 Is Completely Different. In just the last three years, the social landscape has completely changed, and there’s one reason why: Instagram. Think of it like this… A few years ago, the average girl had maybe 2-3 guys who were texting her at any given time. But today, even a regular girl who works at Walmart is being hit on my 20-30 guys per day… Just through text alone! She has guys sliding into her DM’s constantly. She has her co-workers shooting her messages after work. And worst of all, she has a constant barrage of strangers who found her on Instagram, who are pumping up her ego. You are fighting all of these guys for her attention. So the question is… … In a world where the average girls receives 25 messages per day, how do you stand out? This became my obsession. I was fortunate because around the time I had this epiphany, I started hanging out with a good friend of mine who was a promoter. We’d be hanging out and his phone would be dinging with messages non-stop. He would sometimes have 20 different girls text him inside an hour. And those weren’t girls who just wanted to get in the club. These were texts saying: “What are you doing ;)” “Thinking about you. ” “Baby, when are you coming over. I need you.” In other words, they ALL wanted him. And half the time, he wouldn’t even respond. There were just so many messages, he found it hard to keep up. I asked him what he was doing, and he happily told me. And his strategy was so unique and different, that I KNEW right away that it would work. I knew it was the text game of the future. I Called It “Text Game Decoded”I tried his strategy out for myself, and it worked from the very first time I used it.
It was amazing, and on this page, I’m going to show you EXACTLY what I learned, and how YOU can use it in your own life to get similar results. But before we get into it, I need to give you the following warning. Warning: Do NOT Use Text Game Decoded Unless You’re Ready To Have your Phone Blowing Up With Messages From Girls Who Would Crawl Over Broken Glass Just To Come See You…If you’re sick and tired of flakey numbers, go-nowhere text message exchanges, and always having to come up with witty lines… …Then Text Game Decoded will change your life. Here’s why: I’m going to show you how you can get your hands on my highly-anticipated Text Game Decoded video masterclass… … And I’ll show you how you can get it at a steep discount during this special promotional period. But more importantly, I’m going to open your eyes and introduce you to a BRAND-NEW method of texting… … Something completely different than all the PUA guys are teaching, which works like crazy. And the best part is, you can get results:
In a moment, I’ll show you exactly what my secret to effortless texting is (and how you can also use it to get more dates, lays and girlfriends than you know what to do with)… Text Game Decoded Is Perfect For Guys Who Want…
Ultimately, Text Game Decoded is for the guy who wants more freedom, more abundance and more experience with women… … And you know reaching those goals is impossible without mastering the game of texting. But before I tell you more about the program, there’s something you really need to understand. And that is… When It Comes To Turning Numbers Into Dates, |
#1 The Try-Hard Guy Message We all know the “Try Hard Guy” when we see him. This is the guy who obsesses over each message trying to find the perfect line to say. He sends message after message trying to get more than just a “lol” in return. He sends paragraphs while she sends words. He sends his life story while she doesn’t even read the full message. Ultimately, his witty lines comes back to bite him on the ass as he ends up looking super needy, and having the girl he’s texting think: “Has this guy EVER been laid?” Look, we’ve all been there. So what should you do instead of being this fake and inauthentic guy? | The Alpha-Male Solution? Simple: Stop sending TEXTS & Start sending VIDEOS. Instant Messenger & MySpace were cool… Back in 2004. Text’s and Facebook were cool…Back in 2012. But it’s the age of Instagram and DM. And DM’s (as well as iMessage) allow us to do things we can’t do with SMS text messages. And that’s sending videos. By sending short and simple video messages (and especially when you use my format which is specifically engineered to drive her crazy and make her obsess over you) you’ll be the only guy sliding into the DM’s who’s name she actually remembers. You’ll stand out from the pack & authentically show yourself as the Alpha-male she wants to get her hands on. |
#2 The Boring Guy Message There’s a cardinal rule in game: Don’t be boring. Being boring is the ultimate unforgivable sin. Yet so many guys fall into this category! The Boring Guy doesn’t stand out in any way, boring her to tears and sending messages which do nothing but dry up her pussy. For example: “Hey, so I see you went to California last year on a trip. That is cool I’ve never been. How was the weather? That reminds me of when I went to Denver with my grandma. By the way… blah, blah, blah.” I nearly fell asleep just typing that… Listen, in today’s world, even a regular girl who works at Walmart is being hit on my 20-30 guys per day… Just through text and Instagram alone! Sending the same messages as everyone is a surefire way to never get laid. So if you’re happy to keep jerking off when you come home alone on Saturday nights, please keep sending these messages. Look, to keep her attention, you must be exciting and engaging in every message! You need to separate yourself from the hoard of other guys in her life, and leave her thinking about you, staring at her phone to see if you’ve sent her a message. So how do we do this? | The Alpha-Male Solution? Here’s what you need to do to stand out: Have a Celebrity Calibre Instagram profile. There’s a reason Dan Bilzerian has slept with most of Las Vegas. And that’s in big part to this infamous Instagram. Now, you may not be Dan Bilzerian – I’m not either – but here’s what you need to know. When you meet a girl, either at a bar, during daygame or through Tinder, the first thing she’s going to do is find you on Instagram. And she’s going to review your profile to get an idea of who you are, and whether or not you’re cool, exciting and sexy. Now, having a celebrity calibre Instagram may seem intimidating. But don’t worry. The average guy’s Instagram is full of selfies in his house, possibly of his food or hanging with the boys. In other words, completely boring and unmemorable. You don’t need an Instagram like Dan Bilzerian’s – you just need to be better than all these Beta males she’s crossing paths with. In a second, I’ll show you how to tweak your Instagram so as soon as girls see it, they think “Who is this guy!” This is one of the secrets to getting super hot reactions over text, getting almost immediate responses and ultimately having her ask YOU “Do you want to meet up?” |
#3 The Desperate Guy Message The Desperate Guy is the creepiest of the lot. This is the guy who is constantly begging for her attention. She takes two hours to respond. He take two minutes. She sends a few words. He sends paragraphs. She checks her phone every hour or two. He checks his phone every minute. Look, girls are highly attuned to high status indicators. And a lot of this comes down to safety. Desperate guys are DANGEROUS guys – and I mean this in the worst possible way. You have to remember that men are significantly stronger than women. If she ends up one-on-one with the wrong guy, he could easily become a stalker or commit an evil violent act. Ever seen a picture of a school shooter? It’s always the creepiest, most desperate looking guys you’ve ever seen. Now, that may sound ridiculous, but there’s decades of evolutionary psychology research backing this up. For her to ever meet up with you, you have to make her feel safe. Like she can trust you completely. Like you’re a good hearted man (yet dominant of course – nobody wants a little bitch. The point is, there’s a balance.) So what else can you do to get out of this category and instead join the 10% of men who get 90% of the lays and dates? | The Alpha-Male Solution? Master The Psychology Of Text Game While there are certain specific factors which make a guy seem creepy and desperate… … There are also specific psychological hacks which make her feel completely at ease, like she can trust you and like she’s safe around you. However, most guys have ZERO understanding of women’s psychology, so they never trigger these subconscious responses. But don’t worry, in a second I’ll show you a few of these psychological texting hacks which you can put to use in your game for almost immediate results. |
Truth Bomb: These ‘Attraction Killing Messages’
Are THE REASON You Aren’t Getting Dates
With The 9s & 10s Of Your Dreams
You’ve been lied to about what works. All men have.
Instead, what you need is a brand new approach that…
Works Regardless Of Your Looks, Height, Career Or Even Experience With Women…
- When you discover my secret to create Celebrity Caliber Pictures for Instagram, it won’t matter what you look like, you’ll still be having girls ask themselves “Who is this guy!”
- Just imagine how you’ll feel when you start getting DAILY messages from girls asking when you’re free and begging to meet up.
- Remember, girls respond to EMOTION, but most guys approach text game with logic. When you understand this, and combine it with my High Value Message sequences, girls will be magnetized to you and flakey numbers and being ghosted will be a thing of the past.
Works From The Very First Time You Use Them…
- I’ve laid everything out for you, step-by-step, exactly what to do, so there is absolutely no guesswork needed.
- No more being ghosted, these messages and short, powerful videos will ensure you ALWAYS get an excited and prompt response (because she knows she’s dealing with a dominant, high status man).
Use Deep Psychological Triggers To Make Her Obsess Over You From The Very First Message
- The 5 Proven Messages templates you’ll discover are based upon deep evolutionary psychology principles which trigger her subconscious mind to create attraction instantly.
- She’ll find herself thinking about you, checking your Instagram constantly, examining your stories to see if you’re out with other girls, and she’ll be sliding into your DM’s trying to get your attention and asking you to meet up.
- Just imagine never having to chase a girl again, instead having her chasing after you, changing her plans and meeting when it suits YOU.
If all of this sounds like something you might be interested in, then I’d like to introduce you to my brand-new program:
The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.
Inside the Text Game Decoded
You’ll Discover
- Step-by-Step instructions for how to text any girl you meet, exactly WHAT to say, HOW to phrase it, and WHEN to send to turn all those numbers you’re collecting into a steady stream of new dates, lays and girlfriends.
- A Behind The Scenes Look At MY Personal Messages: I’ll take you behind the scenes and show you my personal messages, so you can know EXACTLY what I do to get a steady new stream of girls begging me to take them on dates.
- The Alpha Male Number Close: Most girls have already decided whether they will text you back and want to see you again before you ever send them a single message. How? It all comes down to HOW you ask for the number. I’ll show you how to get this right every single time getting all of your interactions off to a perfect start.
- You’ll discover how to set up a celebrity calibre Instagram account so you can have girls chasing YOU. Remember, every girl you ever meet is going to look up your Instagram the first chance she gets. And she’s either going to see an alpha male stud, or she’s going to see another boring guy, just like the rest of them. Which category do you want to be in?
- You’ll learn the 4 BIGGEST texting mistakes a guy can make(and how to avoid them for the rest of your life). Just by eliminating these four common texting mistakes, you’ll immediately have fewer girls flaking or ghosting on you.
- I’ll give you real life examples of the CRINGIEST text messages I’ve ever seen so that you’ll NEVER make the mistakes these guys made.
- The Ultimate Social Proof Hack: What’s the fastest way to become a celebrity? Hang out with other celebrities! It’s the ultimate form of social proof, which as we know, is a very powerful psychological indicator. While you may not know any celebrities now, what if I could show you how to connect with them through Instagram, and have them show up in your profile? Then, any girl who looks through your IG will have her jaw drop when she sees all the guys you’re connected with. And best of all, anyone can do this. It just takes a very specific type of picture, a simple caption and a hack using the Instagram platform.
- You’ll discover the text message I love to send to flaky girls to make them put aside their flakey indecision and come out on a date with you. You won’t believe how many girls you thought it was over with will agree to meet you once you get this message down.
- Get Girls Chasing You: Let’s be honest: You’re sending too many messages, texting too many girls and you’re putting in too much work. What if you could flip the script so that girls are sliding into your DM’s and texting YOU all day long? It all comes down to validation and I’ll show you exactly how to use validation to get girls chasing you inside the program.
How Do You Know That Text Game Decoded Is Right For You?
Here’s how you can be 100% positive that Text Game Decoded is going to help you get a steady stream of new girls out on dates (and into your bed).
Just Ask Yourself…
- Are you sick of busting your ass every week at the bar, doing daygame or on Tinder, collecting anywhere from 3-10 numbers a night, and then having 80% of those girls go cold, get flakey or ghost you?
- If you’re not consistently turning numbers into dates, then to lays and then potential girlfriends, then Text Game Decoded is perfect for you.
- I’ll teach you EXACTLY step-by-step WHAT to send, WHY you should send it and WHEN to send it so you can turn almost every number you get into a date. (Remember, if she’s interested enough to give you her number, she’s interested enough to go on a date. Once you master the Text Game Decoded system, you’ll never have this problem again).
- Do you HATE when that cute girl you’re texting is taking 3-4 hours to reply to your messages, when you KNOW she’s already seen your message and is just choosing not to reply?
- If you’re sick of staring at your phone, begging for her to finally text you back and put you out of your misery, and you instead want your phone to be dinging hourly with girls hitting you up, then Text Game Decoded is for you.
- Inside, you’ll learn how to have a celebrity calibre Instagram profile which shows you off as the high status man you are, and will cause girls to chase YOU on a daily basis.
- Are you sick of texting girls and having a nightmare of a time trying to come up with the right thing to say?
- If it’s taking you more than two minutes to craft the perfect text message to send that cute girl you met at the bar, or the hot babe you matched with on Tinder, then Text Game Decoded is for you.
- I’ll show you easy-to-follow templates and fill-in-the-blank text messages which WORK and get girls to leave their apartment to come see you as soon as you text them.
- Are you sick of being at home alone on Saturday nights and never have dates or booty calls lined up for the weekdays?
- If you’re sick and tired of busting your ass doing all these approaches, but never having it turn into dates or lays, then Text Game Decoded is for you.
- I’ll show you my simple system for lining up dates every night of the week, and best of all, this works even BETTER on the hottest girls.
- Are you sick of girls sending one and two word messages back, saying things like “k”, “lol” “that’s funny”, and even getting these dry messages from just average looking girls.
- If you’re ready to start getting real results with 9’s and 10’s, then Text Game Decoded is for you.
- Get ready for an endless stream of girls blowing up your phone, giving you almost instant replies and bending over backwards so they can come and see you. Text Game Decoded will change your dating life FOREVER.
My 60-Day, ‘Date The Hottest Girls Of Your Life’,
Money Back Guarantee
Text Game Decoded has been used by hundreds of guys around the world to date the hottest girls of their life, and turn more numbers into dates, lays and girlfriends than anything else they’ve ever tried.
I’m so confident my system works for ANYONE regardless of looks, age, career or any of that external nonsense, that I’m going to give you the following deal.
Invest in Text Game Decoded today…
… Try it out for 60-days.
… And if, by the end of 60-days, you don’t feel you’re landing dates with the hottest girls of your entire life…
… Then just let me know and I’ll give you a full and prompt, money-back guarantee.
It’s really that simple. Either land dates with the hottest girls of your life, or let me know and I’ll give you your money back.
It couldn’t be more simple.
But it gets better, because in addition to a full refund, I’ll even let you keep the program. You don’t even have to return it.
Sound fair?
If so, then click on one of the “buy now” buttons below and let’s get started.
Join the program and get my proprietary system for turning numbers into dates with incredible ease.
- Take advantage of my 7 years of experience in the game, and use the exact same messages I’ve personally tested hundreds of times.
- Learn my 5 Proven Messages templates that are based upon deep evolutionary psychology principles to trigger her subconscious mind to see you as the High Status, dominant man who you really are.
- Learn my unique video message format, specially designed to drive girls crazy and to get them chasing you, asking YOU when you’re free to meet up.
- Put my 5 Celebrity-Like Social Media Posts Templates to the test and countlessly post your own versions of them to your own instagram. See for yourself how the girls who start following you will soon be commenting on these images, and then begin sliding daily into your DM’s. Those will be the easiest dates and lays of your entire life.
Click the Images of the Ebooks, and take 60 seconds to enter your information on my 100% up-to-date secure and encrypted form.
You’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to the program so you can immediately get started.
Just remember, you have absolutely nothing to lose, and in fact, you aren’t really even paying anything today.
Instead, you’re just taking the program for a test drive.
Because if you don’t get a hot date within 60 days, just let me know and I’ll immediately give you an unconditional, no-questions-asked refund.
So go ahead right now and sign up for the Text Game Decoded and I’ll see you in the program.
See you inside the program champ!

5 First Date Mistakes Men Make That End In Heartbreak and How To Avoid Them
Written By Michael Webb
Just face it!
you never get a second chance to make a first impression!
That's why, if you want to take things further with a woman, you need to show her your best on the very first date.
And in actual fact, there are 5 things that men consistently do on first dates that totally destroy their chances of seeing the woman again, and the worst part is they think they're doing it right!
Avoid the following 5 mistakes to increase your chances of success on your first date:
Bringing chocolate or flowers on a first date isn't the best idea - especially if you've just met the woman! She's there to get to know YOU. Women are always asking themselves "what does THAT mean?" And in this case it's, "He bought me flowers because he likes me, but he doesn't even know anything about me yet! A little suspicious.
When in the presence of a potential date, men often become boring, instead of keeping up the friendly vibe they have with their friends. They won’t make jokes or laugh with the woman, they won’t play around like they do with their friends and they generally take things a little too seriously. Why do men change their behavior around women, often without even realizing they’re doing it? Because they fear losing their only chance with the girl of their dreams, they try and play the safe side, which results in a “Mr. Serious.”
When men become "Mr. Serious" they often fall into "job interview conversation mode." Make sure you reserve questions like, "So where do you work?" or "How many brothers and sisters do you have?" for the future, after you've already had a lot of fun and made the sparks fly. Instead, talk about your hobbies, interesting stories and fun stuff. Avoid anything too deep for a long period of time. On a first date, it can make things a little depressing. Talk like you've known each other for years (as if you don’t need to do the awkward 20-questions quiz.) Of course you can ask basic questions, but never make it the main focus of your date. Focus on fun.
Without realizing it, many guys turn their dates off by trying a little too hard. For example: Men will lean into a woman’s personal space, and ask, "so do you like me?" or constantly change his opinion to seek her approval and make her like him. Big mistake. Ironically, it's leaning back, staying cool and calm, being a little cheeky, interesting, mysterious and comfortable with yourself that actually gets a woman's attention and keeps her interested.
If your date finds the night boring, you're finished. When it comes to having fun on first dates, nothing is more important than what you do. And while dinners and movies are nice, it's really hard to leave a great impression in these settings. Why? Because they set a very "proper tone" that's hard to turn into fun and playful. And unless you're a super funny, intelligent and interesting guy, dinner and movie dates just aren't the best place to take your date. Instead, go to fun places like mini-golf parks, carnivals, parks, or even better, come up with your own unique and fun ideas.
So in essence, while there are many factors to having a successful date, a great date idea really helps you do many of them naturally! Remember, where you take a woman on a first date can be the difference between a great night and a dating disaster! Choose wisely!
About the author:
Oprah Expert Michael Webb is the author of 300
Creative Dates, a book jam-packed with unique ways
to help leave a great first impression without
breaking the bank! To learn more, visit 300 Creative Dates
With the pressure of trying to act natural while hoping that she likes you and laughs at your jokes, first dates can sometimes feel like an interview. First dates are nerve-wracking, they’re also a great way to meet different people and see what potential you may have with them. In order to stay calm, here are some ways to feel more confident on a first date.
Stay Open-Minded
Most of us have an idea of the kind of person that we want to be with. Whether you’re picturing someone who loves foreign movies or someone who likes to spend their weekends outdoors, we feel like we know what our perfect date is like.
This is a great way to recognize your expectations, but it shouldn’t be a determining factor on whether the relationship will work out or not. No matter how sure you are of what your ideal match is like, there’s no guarantee that someone who ticks off everything on your checklist will actually fit with your lifestyle. Go on dates with an open mind, and you might find that traits you’ve never thought about are attractive to you, and be pleasantly surprised by the people you meet.
Prepare For The Conversation
The pressure of maintaining a conversation is probably the main reason that people feel nervous about a first date. This is natural. A big part of the date should (hopefully) be taken up with the conversation. You need to learn about your date and find out about their likes, hobbies, and cares.
No matter how well you feel the date is going, it can be comforting to have some open-ended questions in the back of your mind, ready to go if you hit a dry patch. Don’t memorize a script, but prepare for any silences so you don’t panic if they happen. By doing this, you can make it less likely that conversation will go stale, and increase your confidence.
Be Yourself Without Overthinking It
Whether you’re worried about where you should put your hands, what food you should order, or whether she’s noticed that you didn’t have time to iron your shirt, it can be easy to get caught up in overthinking about things that you’ve never really thought before. Instead of letting yourself spiral and get stressed, take some deep breaths.
Remember that there’s a reason that your date wants to get to know you more, and that has everything to do with who you are and nothing to do with you accidentally knocking your fork off the table when you sat down. Be yourself. Don’t hold back when you talk about things that matter to you. The people who are right for you will appreciate you for who are you.
Be yourself, but the best you. For example, if you’re a funny person, tell jokes, but remember it’s not a stand-up show. If you wear glasses and feel awkward about them, go here for a chic new pair that will make you feel good, but still you.
Don’t Take What Happens Personally
It’s hard to not second-guess yourself during a date when you’re being vulnerable just by showing up for a first date. The thoughts that begin stacking up in your head can range from worrying about whether you’ll get a second date, to worrying about whether you’re going out with the right women.
To explain your date’s actions, or why she doesn’t seem interested after the date, it can be easy to look back at what went wrong and how you could have behaved differently. You fret that make you didn’t laugh at her jokes enough, or that you disagreed with something she said. The more you dwell on things like this, the quicker you’ll fall into blaming yourself.
The trick to avoid falling into these toxic thought patterns, you need to realize that being yourself is enough. You shouldn’t have to change yourself in the hope that your date finds you interesting and attractive. If somebody wants to get to know you, nothing will stop them. If they don’t, nothing you can do differently will make them.
Remember Your Date Is Also Human
While you’re wondering if your date can somehow tell that you were so nervous you had to change your shirt three times, your date is probably worrying about something equally trivial. You’re both nervous and pretending that you aren’t.
When we get so involved in our own thoughts and feelings, it can be easy to forget that other people have very similar experiences. In this case, that’s nerves. By reminding yourself that your date is a human, you can recognize that the date is for both of you to discover if there’s something to explore once the nervousness has passed.
Set Your Intention Before The Date
Rather than thinking only about what you want from the other person, it can help to go into the first date thinking about what you want for yourself. Do you want to have fun getting to know someone new? Do you want a fun night out? Do you want an excuse to try out that new restaurant that just opened? Setting an intention helps to ground you, and gives you something to fall back on if nerves rise. Remember to breathe. What matters is remembering your intention to stay present with yourself.
Write Down Compliments You Receive
Most of us just brush off the compliments we get without giving them a second thought, but by doing this, you’re overlooking a valuable opportunity to boost your confidence and improve your sense of self. The next time someone gives you a compliment, take a moment to absorb it and write it down. By writing down what others say they like about you, you can train yourself to value and remember these thoughts. When you write things down, your brain is triggered to remember them.
Before your date, if you’re having a confidence wobble, look in the mirror and repeat five things that you like about yourself. Use your compliments list for inspiration. Whether you’re proud of your kindness, your nice eyes, or your killer spaghetti carbonara that everyone loves to eat, concentrating on your positive attributes instead of worrying about your insecurities or imperfections will make you feel better instantly.
Confidence is an attractive quality, so find a way that works for you to put your insecurities aside for the evening. If you tell yourself enough times that you’re not funny enough, smart enough, or good-looking enough, then you’re going to believe it, and so will your date. If you need to, think back to a time when you felt powerful and confident, whether at work, at home, or out with friends. Visualize the moment to boost your confidence before a first date.
If Your Get Anxious, Use Your Rational Brain
It can be useful to identify the source of your nerves and look at them from a more distanced perspective. If your nervousness gets intense and starts to get detrimental, for example, if you’re plagued with thoughts about how your date will hate you, or every date you go on ends in disaster, then you need to use rational thought to assess this. Think about dates that didn’t end badly. Take a mental inventory of your positive experiences and interaction that you have had on previous dates so that you can push out the nerves and replace them with more realistic thoughts. This leads to better thoughts, like “It could go well, so I’ll keep and an open mind and enjoy the evening.”
Present Your Best Self
Before a date, you should get the basics rights like choosing a clean, ironed shirt, instead of one crumpled at the back of the closet, even if the crumpled one is more you. In person, it’s worth making the effort to tidy up a bit and choose something nice to wear that flatters you.
You aren’t trying to mislead your date, but you do want to show them the best version of yourself. You shouldn’t go out and buy a whole new outfit based on what you think your date might like, as they might feel a little creeped out if they realize you’ve done this, but it ok to consider their style when you get dressed. A good trick is to take a look at their social media first (if you know it) to get an idea of what they might be like. You can see what they’re into and what kind of style they might go for. You shouldn’t try to change to yourself to be attractive for the other person, but if you notice that they always wear vintage style clothing, there’s nothing wrong with choosing a retro-looking shirt, if you already own one.
Remembering David X
David X passed away on Sunday, October 11, 2020, at the age of seventy-one.
David is and always will be, a fighter.
Up until the very last moments of his life, he continued to rally with every fiber of his being.
As many who knew him will recount, he wasn't always the easiest person to get along with as the spirit of a fighter often comes with many casualties. But if he liked you, he would move heaven and earth to help.
He lived his life with three tenets that he repeated constantly: honesty, trust, and respect.
Goodbye David, and Thank you.
People are having MORE SEX during Covid, not less
Upon reflection I decided that whereas some people would be completely surprised, those already involved won't be shocked at all.
When Covid first hit and we went into the first lockdown, my first reaction was that I better focus on new ways to make a living because coaching for dating was dead. I mean, who is going to make dating a priority during the lockdown? In fact, I remember reading social media forums and comments about how people were going to give up casual sex, and use their time in quarantine to get to know people online for weeks before being allowed to meet in person.
Seems logical right?
I have been a dating coach for a little over 20 years at this point, and I haven't seen this level of dating and hook ups in all that time. People are having way more sex during covid, than they did prior to covid. I have been riding the wave ever since.
The first lockdown was a wake up call for many single people. I saw a similar phenomena prior to covid. A person goes through a personal crisis, or major sense of loss, and it helps them re-prioritize their life and gets them to make their love life a priority.
Normally, I have clients that suffered some kind of major loss. These examples may include the love of their life just dumped them, or a parent dies, or they lose a career. Usually these occurrences make people realize their mortality, how little time they actually have left to have a great life, or how uncertain life can be, and thus they better go after something they really want (like losing their virginity, having great sex, or being in an amazing relationship).
When the first lockdown hit and started to last longer they they expected (about 3 weeks in), people started to realize something...that they were NOT least, they were not as happy as they thought they were.
A large number of clients come from the "happily single" cluster. Suddenly, without being able to go drinking and dancing with friends, visit family, going to the gym to socialize, going to the movies, or simply hanging out in a warm and comfortable cafe to catch up on some reading they discovered something really profound. They actually were NOT "happy being single" at all. They just had a lot of options available to fill in their time. Now with those options gone, being single and free from all the responsibility and commitment that a relationship requires...does not feel like freedom anymore. In fact, one client described it as being in a cage where you are both the prisoner and the warden at the same time, and not realizing it until the bars are closed. (Intentional play on words there).
The single parent group was another hard hit mass. Many single parents faced the hard truth that the casual flings that occupied their time had no interest in saving them once Covid hit. It is hard enough for a single parent to find lasting commitment in dating, but during a time of crisis (just like corona brought on), it seems that everyone who loved to have sex with you, had no desire to step up and help your kids survive anything. Even the platonic friends of single parents started to focus on looking out for themselves, and hoarding food and essentials, because no one knew what was going to happen next. Suddenly single parents realized maybe the ONLY person that had a vested interest in seeing their kids survive, were the partners they left because married life with those stable parents was just a little too boring. It seems that some (not all, and certainly not enough) of those single parents are now focused on seeking a better step-parent for their kids, than the concern of how much chemistry (in the form of butterflies in the stomach) the next fling can generate.
A number of people coming to me now, are people that have heard of me, or known of my services for quiet some time, but were never ready to start coaching. Well, it seems Covid has made them ready...the thought that they were going to be single going into the next lockdowns was too much for them...and understandably so.
The one thing so many of these groups of people have in common is that Covid has changed them. The thought that there was nothing left to distract them from the misery they feel in not having a more emotionally fulfilling relationship.
I have heard it said that grief can make someone horny, and that facing mortality can shift a person's focus to seeking more sex. Well, I would have to agree with those assessments, if what is being reported to me is true.
-people are looking up the ones they rejected and giving them a chance
-people that have just wanted to be friends are now initiating something romantic
-people having sex sooner than later (people that used to wait months are no longer holding out)
-when dating online, anyone refusing to meet in person in less than a week gets ghosted without a second thought (no long drawn out conversations online lasting weeks)
-people are going over to the homes of their dates for sex, even if they only met 2-3 times
-anyone that refuses to have sex right away gets ghosted
-no one wants to agree to being "just friends" anymore and stay in touch with anyone that rejected them
-anyone wanting faster exclusivity is left with the unpleasant task of either accepting non-exclusivity or walking away, because no one wants to be exclusive right away for fear of it not working out and ending up alone in the next stricter lockdown. They want to keep dating as many people as possible to keep their options open
-the sex is taking place behind closed doors and in secret. No one is sharing the details of their sexual encounters with their friends anymore for fear of being shamed or bullied for not social distancing. Yes, YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY are possibly out there getting some, and no, they aren't going to tell you about it.
In fact (and this is a personal pet peeve of mine), many of the most promiscuous individuals seem to be hiding behind the the social media masks of pushing others to social distance. These individuals are the living embodiment of Do As I Say Not As I Do.
As a coach, people share the details of their lives with me (even those that are not clients). I do not judge, professional or personally, so people tend to open up and tell me things they do not tell others. I find it sad that they go out of their way to push one agenda, when living another...I hope for them that at least they are not so vocal about their public positions, given that the positions that do in private might leave them open to exposure.
-for people in relationships, they seem to be at one of two extremes. Either they were planning to break up eventually but the thought of being stuck in quarantine with someone has pushed them to end the relationship right now, or the couple realize that things aren't so bad after all, and they would rather work out their differences than to get out there and date again, especially with social distancing making things more challenging.
If you are looking for some dating tips for Covid times, here they are:
1-First date: Dinner date over media (skype, facetime, etc..) Each of you dress up, make yourself presentable, prepare your favorite romantic meals, light the candles and have a date. I know it is not the same as a real in person dinner date. The point is to put in the same effort you would have if you were meeting in person. Action creates emotion, and this is a great way to start.
If that works well,
2-Second date: Meet in person and social distance. A walk in the park, or even of social distance picnic. Fly a kite. No close quarters and a step more intimate than an online dinner date from home.
3-Third date: Up to you. You can try to have more social distance dates, but anyone who is serious about wanting something more will only go on a limited number of social distance dates. Dating is NOT for making friends. Dating is for finding lovers and long term serious companions. If you are ready to risk being alone together, that is your choice. If not, set your boundaries and see if the other person is ready to be on the same level as you. If that person is not, then you dodged a bullet and move on to the next person to date. As long as you are both consenting adults, it is no one else's business.
For people that never made getting sex, or finding a serious relationship a priority before, some of them are waking up to the fact that now is a good time to connect with someone and they are getting out there, before it is illegal to get out there.
The general consensus is that no one wants to be alone going into the next strict-rules lockdown.
And no one feels they have time to go slow.
If you do engage in extra-sexual activity, or even hyper sexuality activity, I can only ask that you do your best to protect yourself, and those around you. It is not my place to tell you what to do with your lives. I am your coach, your guide, but I am not the boss of you.
-Frank Kermit
A Quick Guide to Post-Divorce Relationships
If you’ve been struggling with something like ED and take treatment for it, this is something that you should feel comfortable talking about when engaging with a new partner. On the other hand, if you suffer from ED and haven’t looked into treatment options, this could be something your partner helps you research to ensure that you can both have a health sex life. Thankfully, there are sites such as which can help with erectile dysfunction. All you have to do is fill in an online questionnaire and once reviewed, you could have a prescription issued and be enjoying your new relationship in no time.
While there might be some things that you want to hold back, there are other things that should be discussed with your partner sooner rather than later. This will give you the building blocks for a stronger relationship overall.
Make sure that you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to your children. For example, they might not take on any disciplinary role during an early point in your relationship, even if you are living in their home and your children are visiting you there. It is incredibly important that your children are allowed to build a relationship with your new partner for themselves.
However, you need to make sure that any potential partner is also on board with your plans. There will be people out there looking for fun, and there will be others looking for commitment. Work out what you would like, and then find someone who matches up with these preferences.
Dating after a divorce can be a scary experience, but that does not mean that you need to avoid the subject entirely. With the right attitude and a willingness to put yourself out there to meet new people again, you could soon be on your way to your next successful and rewarding relationship. The right person is waiting for you!
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