Here are some tips to help your family transition from a life in the city to a prepper lifestyle. For couples that have young children, it is possible to move from the rat race in the city to living a different life as preppers in the future. 1. Start working online. If you are currently tied to a job that keeps you living in the city, do an assessment of the value of your employment in terms of what expenses are covered by your job, so you know exactly how much money you need to be making. Some things to consider are: Are you and your partner both working? Do your job/s offer benefits that you have become dependent on? One of the ways to make the transition is for at least one of you to look for some kind of work that you can do online from home. It may require some training time, and it would be best to start it part time before you give up a full time job, but the goal would be to transition from a full time job (with no benefits) to a full time job online working from home. If you work online from home, that means that you can work from anywhere in the world as long as you are able to maintain an Internet connection. You are no longer tied to any particular location and moving to a more remote area is going to be easier. At the very least, it can help you move to an area that is less expensive and save money for other things. 2. Your kids education. If you have children, see about using the summer months to get them ahead for the upcoming school year. For example: if your child just passed the year for Grade 9, use the summer months to have your child start studying Grade 10 material. This will give your child an advantage during the upcoming school year and teach them the mindset of preparing for the challenges to come. Another thing for you to consider is If official summer school is available so they can pass a full course in 2 months of summer, as that would bring high school graduation one step closer. Why is it something to consider? Well for one thing, a child that has an easier time in school is less stressed and allows for the family to focus on other issues (like the transition). For a second thing, it is a good way to test the waters to see if home schooling is an option for your family, which may be necessary if you have the opportunity to live your prepper lifestyle sooner. Lastly, many families hold off making the transition to a prepper life until the youngest children graduate high school. This can be an opportunity to get the kids graduating sooner, or at least get as many courses out of the way sooner, so that in their last year or two of high school they would only have half a course load, which gives the family more time to prep the kids for college life and or a prepper way of life. 3. Start a family night. This is to increase the communication within the family and exploring shared interests. It is not always easy to get kids into prepping, so a family night catering to common interests will at least allow you to see where your common interests exist, and how those interests can be encouraged. Make learning about your new way of life a family project. Family night might include playing board games together such as Wildcraft: An Herbal Adventure Game. Be creative! How about a family night using Legos and construction paper to build an underground bunker? Sometimes movies that are not about prepping, but about transitions from city life to country life might also spark some good questions about the transition. With that said, there are many YouTube videos that that you may want to watch with your family (please check for age-appropriate materials before viewing with children). Not everyone is going to have the exact same interests, so use that to your advantage as a prepper family. For example: one person may be interested in hunting and trapping, another finds interest in learning about security and ways to keep a homestead safe. Another wants to focus on cooking and preserves, while another might be interested in raising livestock or gardening. There is something for everyone to explore, without making anyone in the family feel they have to do something they are not as interested in. Family night is a good way to explore a variety of interests in a fun way.
There are a lot more things that families can do to help them start their journey to moving out of the rat race of the city and closer to the kind of prepper related lifestyle they want. Use these suggestions as a starting point for your would be prepper family to explore the survivalist movement and lifestyle. I hope this helps. -Frank Kermit
Blind Dates don't have to be a nerve racking experience. Enjoy the moment by utilizing some of these top tips for a successful blind date as you read this contributed post. If you are going on a blind date, you may be feeling nervous and anxious about the experience. What should you talk about? What if there are any awkward silences? What if you are not attracted to the other person? These are just a few of the questions that may be going through your mind. But there is no need to worry; simply read on to discover some top tips for a successful blind date.
Use a matchmaking service – There is only one place to begin, and this is by using a matchmaking service to suit you up with your date. You can find out more information about this here: Why should you use such a service? Well, you do not want to go on a blind date with just anyone. If you do, then all of the worries mentioned in the introduction may come to life. However, with a matchmaking service, you can be certain that you are going to be going on a blind date with someone you are compatible with. Leave your insecurities at home – You need to bring the most confident version of yourself to the table. Leave your insecurities at home. It does not matter if your date isn’t into you; we were not put on this planet to be attracted to everyone that we meet. Throw out your expectations – One of the biggest problems when it comes to blind dates is that people go in there with expectations. There is no quicker way to kill your date then to conjure up an image of what the other person is going to be like. If they do not match this image, you end up ruling him or her out without giving them a chance. Prepare some questions – Think of some questions in advance that you can ask if it goes a bit quiet. Of course, you do not want it to sound like you are interviewing the person, and stay away from boring questions like what is their favorite color. Instead, why not ask what they would do if they won the lottery. Wear something you are comfortable in – Yes, it is important to dress to impress. Nevertheless, you need to make sure you are comfortable. If you are not, it will show. You can find advice on what to wear on a date here: Yes, those high heels may look amazing, but they don’t look good if you appear like you are going to topple over with every step that you take. Hopefully, you now feel more prepared for your blind date. If you follow the advice that has been provided above, you can make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. From being the real you to ensuring you fix up a date with someone you are going to be compatible with, follow the steps above with care. Are You Emotionally Faithful? What constitutes infidelity? Looking at porn? Chatting with an old flame on Facebook? Guys weigh in. by Tom Matlack (originally published June 12, 2010) With the recent indiscretions of Brett Favre, Tiger Woods and other famous philanderers, the question of what constitutes infidelity is on our minds. And, surprise surprise, men and women don’t always agree. Does having a special friend of the opposite sex at work count as cheating? How about looking at porn? Striking up conversations with an old flame on Facebook? According to an ongoing infidelity poll of over 8,000 women conducted by WomanSavers, 69 percent of women believe that viewing porn is emotional cheating. In a similar WomanSavers poll, 92 percent of all women felt that online affairs constituted infidelity. (Granted, the readers at WomanSavers, a site where you can do a background check on a guy before going on a date, might not reflect women everywhere.) But suffice it to say, there are many views on emotional fidelity. We would love to hear yours. As a guy, what do you think is important for a fulfilling relationship? What’s OK and what’s not? Do you have the urge to stray emotionally or physically? How do you deal with those urges? Here’s what some of them men I spoke with said: *****
The Question: How do I know if he likes me? (He asked me what my weekend plans were, but didn’t ask me out. By the way I said "no plans yet...") -No Date Yet Frank Advice Answer:
Dear No Date Yet, Given the current climate in society right now, he likely wants to ask you out, but is worried that you will be offended in some way. Did you communicate to him that you wanted him to ask you out? If you do want to go on a date with him, you could have said: “I have no plans. If you're free too, do you want to get together?” Did you ask him if he had plans this weekend? That would have shown him that you are interested in knowing his availability to date. It sounds like he may like you, but he wants more of a sign that you would be open to being asked out. We are at a time where the #MeToo movement is changing the way people interact with each other. Do NOT expect him to chase you! Do NOT make him have to jump through hoops to pursue you! If you do that, you will only attract the jerks who want the challenge of the "conquest", and you will be pushing away the good men who avoid women who play games. After years of coaching so many men, it is very clear that most men will NOT ask out a woman unless she gives a clear sign that she is interested AND will say yes. For the women who wish to take charge of their dating life and embrace change. Right now you can purchase the workbook for women. "I'M A WOMAN, IT'S MY TIME" -Frank, because I have to be Dear Readers, Sometimes Frank answers questions randomly online as they appear. In those cases he occasionally posts the question (with some editing) and his Frank Advice answer here on this blog. Names have been changed to protect privacy (as much privacy as one can expect posting a question online using their real names). Question: Dear Frank, Why do I get stomach pain after I make out with a girl after a couple of minutes? -Pain In The Belly Frank Advice Answer: Dear Belly Pain, it depends. If this is an isolated incident, it could just be you getting sick at a bad time (got the flu bug and it only manifested when you were making out). If this is the first time you ever made out AND had the pain, but did not get sick with a bug, it could be nerves. Anxiety and nervousness can manifest itself into physical symptoms. More exposure to the new act of intimacy might be all it takes to calm your stomach and enjoy the intimacy. You may want to consider signing up for my Adult Male Virgin System if this was one of your first times. If this is part of a repeating behavior pattern where it happens and keeps happening, this COULD be because your actions are challenging your self identity. If you have a self identity as someone that does not have intimacy (and this allowed you to survive say childhood in a very strict religious household), then your body might be reacting to doing something that is not yet "you". If this is the case, check out some Frank Coaching, and pick up the Coaching Workbook for Men entitled I'm A Man, That's My Job as it has an entire chapter on creating a Persona to help you transition from your current identity to one that is comfortable with women, kissing, dating and sex. -Frank, Because I Have To Be |
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