During this program, you’ll discover: 12-Week Group Class Twelve 90-Minute Sessions Some of the material covered includes: What is Conscious Dating? Life Purpose and Life Vision Limiting Beliefs Taming your Inner Critic My Requirements, Needs and Wants My Relationship History and Patterns My Relationship plan Lifetime Partner Profile Dating Strategies Attracting the right Partner AND MUCH MORE RECEIVE a 147-Page PDF to print. It's the Program Book and it includes 18 Exercises in English or French. Classes are in English but participants can ask questions in English or French. Remember to ask about our bonuses! Don’t waste another second getting bullied by the voices in your head. Your life and your mission are far too important for that. Register Now. You’ll be glad you did. Please reply to 1-855-383-2323 to register or ask questions and my staff at Absolute Bachelor Club will take care of you. To your Success, Sincerely, Natacha Noël Founder, Certified Matchmaker and Dating Coach Updated February 28, 2018
Game Of Thrones Fans are REELING from the aftermath of episode 6! by Lory La Selva Paduano *Spoiler Alert* I can't, I can't even deal this morning! I feel like I've lost one of mine. Good bye Vyserion, R.I.P. I won't write about any plot twists of my own in this blog or the next, seeing the show is about to end, and many of my theories were written about this season, but mostly the next, season 8. This and next week's blog, will be longer than usual. I have included one at the near ending of this blog. Just for giggles! Last night's episode has fans all over the world in tears, and angry at the story line in interlude 6, of season 7, "Death is the enemy" or "Beyond The Wall" whatever you want to call it. It literally brought me and so many others to our knees. Thousands took to social media right after, where many spoiled it's contents, and reactions were unfavorable to say the least. With all good stories, it's not uncommon to reach the pivotal moments of the books or series, for crowds and readers reactions, when the end is almost near. Plot twists, are what keeps us hanging of course, until the next instalment. "Crowd pleasing?'' Nah! Not in Game Of Thrones! The books are very different than the series, this is well known by now, and I can't wait to indulge, when the season is over. I am making it a point now, to savour those last, since we MAY not see G.O.T Game Of Thrones until 2019! Yes... I always, but always cry this way! Many people will be upset if this takes place! I can picture the HBO studios being flooded at an all time high with fan mail, death threats, fans begging for it to air sooner. I'm in NO WAY promoting this, and it has happened before, its nothing new. However, I do think it'll cause chaos in the Game Of Thrones ''fans world'', it would be a stinking idea, I am on your side guys!! Many want the story to be over with as well, personally, I don't, and for those who don't, there are prequels coming!! DON'T FRET! What are they made up of, you may ask? Well, rumors circulating the net say, they will delve into the past story lines, example; Reaghar & Lyanna's back story. That's all I got for now. My good people of the world of Game Of Thrones... stay close to the fan pages for updates and more information of what's to come in the future, and read my blogs! As September approaches, I will begin the new phase of my blog... "Game Of Thrones - VS - WONDERLAND SERIES" as my book characters will go one-on-one, with Game Of Thrones characters, to create a whole new set of story lines that will fill the void in the absence of the HBO series. I have every intention of keeping you all entertained until that day comes!! Recapping the episode - Alright my sweet summer children! I want to get right into the shining moments of the interlude. The season finale is winding down. With one episode left to season 7, everyone is feeling a little lost, anxious, especially sad. I know, I'm feeling the affects as I write this blog for you all, I guess I'm saying my good bye's to the show in advance, sort of like writing a premature obituary! It is the final countdown... Tyrion Lannister suggests a "suicide squad" to capture a wight to bring to Kingslanding, for the parlay that will take place before Cercei! I loved this idea! Except, it didn't go as planned, well, for the most part anyway. We lost three members on this episode alone. Uncle Benjen, who hasn't been spotted for seasons now, Thoros of Myr, and Vyserion, Dany's cream and gold dragon, reanimated by the Night King! Wasn't that just a slap in the face...?!!! My knees went weak there for a second, I felt betrayed in every way imaginable. I'm still in shock! I mean, after all this time, and everything this show has put us through, that was hard to swallow! Here's what everyone wants to know! Where did the Night King and his army of the dead get those massive nautical chains to remove Vyserion from the water? I mean c'mon! I know it's Game Of Thrones and anything goes, but it seemed so preconceived, that I have to wonder... was this all planned? Did the Night King have any clue as to Dany possibly making an entrance with her dragons? Jon Snow was steadfast when he told Gendry, the fastest runner, to head back to the night's watch, to send a raven to Dany for help, when they were surrounded on a lake of frail ice, as they fought off the army of the dead for hours. I can't help but mention a silly theory out there. Some have even stated it would have taken 78 hours for Dany to reach the far north beyond the wall!! *Eye roll* followed by laughter... Let's not read too much into this! The season was rushed, we all felt that, simply because fewer episodes with longer air times, were decided on, earlier last season. The show is intense on all levels, but it remains a work of fiction none the less. I know what you're all thinking! Dany's got two dragons left! The books are one thing, and what the producers have given us thus far is as always, different. But what if... and I'm going out on a limb by agreeing this might be real here, there are more dragon eggs out there...? Here's what I've found... Okay people, don't get too excited! This may never see fruition on the present show, but what if... they feature this in the prequels?! That would be... AMAZING!!! Some are saying the crypts of Winterfell (hot springs below the crypts) also Dragonstone (mentioned above) are the keepers of these remaining eggs! Might very well be the reason Jon Snow keeps having nightmares of the Crypts in Winterfell. He's drawn to it, as his "Targ" blood intoxicates his mind. This may happen somewhere, seeing that George's books are beyond what the show delivers. Another memorable scene that stood out because of it's dialogue rather, was Dany and Jon on the boat! HOLY OH LA LA! After Jon resurfaced from the icy waters, uncle Benjen showed up to save the day! He gave Jon his horse so he could ride off to safety. Jon watched the army of the dead engulf his uncle in death, and it saddened me immensely! It was a gruesome scene, and I yelled at the TV, when he refused to join Jon... The "Straks!" Such noble men, like uncle Benjen's brother, Jon's adoptive father... Ned Stark! Speaking of... People are spreading rumors, that Ned will be back?! Okay... we shall see! (wink, wink ). Dany and Jon's encounter was epic! Romantic at best, they swore an allegiance to one another in the name of... Marriage!! YAS, YAS, YAS! She also proceeded to tell Jon she is barren, and Jon had no f*cks to give as he called her "My queen" casually "Dany", breaking off all formalities. So what has the prophecy stated in the past, do you all remember? If not, let me jog your memory once more... Mirri Maz Duur never said that Daenerys wouldn't/couldn't have children. [This is from the books] "When will he [Drogo] be as he was?" Dany demanded. "When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east," said Mirri Maz Duur, "When the seas go dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before." I know it's from the books, but she has said this on the show! I don't care about "incest" this is fake after all, and again historical, but a great ending for these two. What comes next? Speculation as always, is surrounding this couple and how it will come down to tragedy! Prophecies have been wrong before, as you all recall Melisandre's visions, who for the most part, were off. Burning a child at the stake? Yeah...WAY OFF! I'm still trying to recover from that one! *Rolls Eyes* If you enjoyed this blog, please share with friends! Wanna chat? You can easily reach me here, www.facebook.com/KingCamden Or by email @ [email protected] Cheers - Lory. Author Biography Lory La Selva Paduano has always held a profound love for historical fiction. As an avid reader herself, she has always been inspired to tell stories in captivating settings surrounded by intriguing characters. She is the first to say she adores the genre she vividly brings to life. A mother, wife and published writer, blogger, her life's experiences inspire her to be the best she can be, whether it be in her novels, or in real life. For more information on Lory's books and upcoming work, please visit her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KingCamden She wrote five books to date. One is similar to Game Of Thrones (G.O.T.) to which she blogs about every week. She loves traveling, and is currently working on more books, so look out for her. When you need a Game of Thrones (G.O.T) fix out of season! She's your gal! Check out her Books Here: - Wonderland Series - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B074DWPKXK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_bf1Gzb6WPWSHD - Khafa The High Priestess - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01MQJZVUZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_kh1Gzb6THZYNM - The Legacy of a Legend - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B073VN91NV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_8h1Gzb9P4H57S Why I Will Be Single For the Rest of my Life Even Though it is Not my Choice by Jackie Blue It has become politically incorrect now to admit loving being single at any age. Admitting that you are looking for a relationship or that you are lonely or hate being single for whatever reason can easily turn someone into a social pariah. I’ve experienced this myself. People who are supposedly my friends are not listening to me. Instead, they lecture about that whole self-love thing. Well, that’s been debunked by recent studies. I think it’s particularly rich when it is coming from friends with partners. Not just being lectured. I am being chastised for even admitting loneliness and my need for human contact and companionship that can only come about in a relationship. So what have I done in the past year since I became single? I suffered in silence. I discovered this was not working for me. If I must be single for the rest of my life, I might as well speak out and tell the whole truth and nothing but. As Janis Joplin would say, Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. It’s time to ask hard questions to society at large. I’ve already started speaking out on social media, much to the chagrin of many. Before I go on, let me give you some background of my situation. Ever since I was very young, I always had my vision of who my dream mate would be; what I was looking for in a man. Now, as I approach 50, that vision has never changed. However, all my life, I could never find that man up until last year some time. So, I settled for whoever was interested in me, regardless of how much I had to sacrifice. Looking back now, it wasn’t all bad. The relationships were mediocre, but much better than being single. My last relationship lasted 9 years with a man named "Sam". He was close enough to what I had always looked for. A little older than I would’ve liked, but then, I was never able to attract men my own age. Our lives were fine for the first 6 years. Then he lost his job and got sick and that set off a chain of events on both our ends. It was destabilizing. To be clear, I was not angry at Sam for losing his job. This was beyond his control and he was trying very hard to find another, but with ageism alive and well in the job market, finding work was problematic. He was never the same after that job loss. Who could blame him? The problems that manifested were the by products of this destabilization. Illness with both of us, financial issues, and bad things happening took their toll finally 3 years later. We ended our relationship. Should I have fought harder to maintain it? Well, at that time, I had no fight left in me. I was burned out; physically and emotionally. But yeah, I should’ve found something left to fight for it. Life was as good as it was going to get with him. Far better than being single in middle-age. Also, at that time last year, I met Scott through a social media site. A few years back, I was a political blogger. Little had I known that Scott had followed my blog. One day, he approached me finally on messenger and we chatted every night. He became night friend. He started confiding his secrets to me and I to him. We had so much in common, it was almost scary. We listened to each other without judgement. It turned out that Scott was exactly the type of man that I had dreamt of but had eluded me all my life. We started visiting each other every month and a half / 2 months. I used to think that Scott coming into my life when he did was a sign —that I was finally going to have the relationship I wanted for once. He was also behaving as if he was interested in a relationship with me. My mother and some friends had told me they noticed the way he looked at me and interacted with me. Even my ex, Sam noticed it. Scott and I made a great team whether it was cooking dinner or helping each other with some of our projects. I had never experienced that in any of my previous relationships. He introduced me to his parents as well as his oldest friends from university days. Then I stupidly told him I had feelings for him. He said he was only interested in me as a friend though his behavior proved otherwise at times. I now understand that Scott entering my life was nothing more than a cruel joke. For people like me, hope is a cruel thing. The man who possessed everything I always wanted in a man walks into my life only to walk out without a truthful explanation. I had spent lots of money on dating sites only to have no results. I know I am going to have to settle for less once again if I expect to be in a relationship, but no one was interested. The smallest of bites were very short lived. None of them were my type, but again, would’ve settled. I was given the schpiel by most of them: They were looking for someone more: *athletic, *younger, *someone with money who could afford to travel the world and partake in expensive sports and hobbies with him. I was told I had the “wrong look” for them. Also, the absence of a career turned them off. I am on disability benefits thanks to a group insurance from my last job. I can no longer work due to my health. Nonetheless, I was treated as if I was a welfare recipient which is frowned upon in the dating world. Particularly if you are looking for someone with beyond a high school education. I did not renew my subscriptions to those sites. I had purchased ebooks which confirmed what I knew—finding a suitable mate while being an older woman is problematic. Someone suggested meet-up groups for singles, but there were a few issues finding a group with people my age. And the ones that existed all took cruises and trips to Mexico together. They frequent very expensive restaurants and bars. On a fixed income, this is not possible for me. Besides, I do not function well in groups. I tend to feel lost and/ or like I am suffocating and I either end up zoning out or having crippling panic attacks. I am only able to function on a one to one situation. I am not even going to try to pretend anymore. Again, why would I twist myself into knots simply to get 2nd or 3rd choice to even look at me? Why would I go through the insults from men, who are not my 1st choice, telling me I don’t have the right look or style? I also remember talking to men in my age group and a bit older about that whole dating scene. Mainly, I wanted to know why they were searching for women much younger than themselves? More often, why women young enough to be their daughters? They basically told me that older women carry too much baggage and it was not fun for them. Too many chips and cracks, some had told me. I had joined a Facebook group where people commiserated over bad experiences with dating sites and our frustration with them. Many of the women in this group were in my age bracket and many of whom, single for over 20 years. That was and still is very frightening to me. There really isn’t someone for everyone. But then, I should’ve known that was a mathematical impossibility. Women outnumber men. As time goes on, the loneliness gets more painful. In that Facebook group, I had initiated a conversation thinking I must move out of the city I live in in order to find a partner. As much as I love living in the city, I knew that only rural men showed interest in me. Never city men. I was chastised for that saying I should learn to be a strong woman. That is cold comfort to me. A painful realization came. I will never ever find another Scott. I would have to settle for whatever I can get yet again. However, I can’t seem to find anyone who would even be remotely interested. Dating is worse than a job interview. Come to think of it, I’ve had more fun at job interviews—with very bad interviewers. So much effort just to settle. Looking for a relationship has become synonymous with applying for a bank loan or looking for a job. You only get a loan when you prove to the loan officer you don’t really need it. You only get a job when you don’t really need one. I’ve stopped looking as a result and have resigned myself to the fact that I will be single forever just like those women on my facebook group. I had also come to the realization, why must I work so hard on my image just for a man I know I am simply settling for? It is exhausting trying to impress one who would be a second or even third choice. I won’t even find anyone who measures up to Sam. There will never be another Scott. Why bother? I have also come to the realization that sometimes we must pay for a mistake we made for the rest of our lives. Separating from Sam is one such mistake I made. Sometimes there is no second chance. What I will not do, however, is pretend that this is fun. Not anymore. Frankly, I am tired of being penalized for things beyond my control. Things like finances, poor health, not the ideal appearance as dictated by society as a whole. Not having a career. Being over 30. Exactly the opposite of what men are looking for today in any age bracket. One only has to look to profiles on dating sites to know this. Scott and I still talk on and off, but we have not visited each other in the last four months. Oh one can say long distance relationships don’t work but he knew I was willing to relocate. My mother and other friends just live an hour away from him. As for him saying he wasn’t ready for a relationship, that theory is blown out of the water. He is looking to date others now. It’s only matter of time he will find somebody to live happily ever after with, especially now that he has lost a significant amount of weight. Given he’s been single for a year and a half now, and he’s lost all that weight, it will likely be sooner rather than later before he finds somebody. The lesson here is, especially late in life, if you’re in a relationship or married, even if the relationship is mediocre, if there are no issues of addiction and/ or violence, do all to hold it together anyway. Even if he/she cheats on you, stick around. If someone drops into your life with uncanny timing, even if he/she appears to be your ideal mate, run as fast and as far as possible away from him/her. It’s just a test of your resolve to keep a long term relationship and/or marriage together. Please learn from my mistake. -Jackie Blue
Dracarys! Mother of "Dragons" almost...Game Of Thrones Blog #4 by Lory La Selva Paduano and now I want to recap episode 4, and predict what's to come on episode 5. Season 7, episode 4... I HAVE NO WORDS! WOW! That's not entirely true, I have plenty to say, but sometimes, a picture says a thousand words! (Image provided by Game of Thrones G.O.T fan page) Holy Mackerel! Drogon did some real damage control on the Lannister army, and my new found sympathy, respect and loyalty, is placed back in the arms of my "mother of dragons!'' Yep! I hate to admit it, but I was wrong in blog #2, where I stated "She does nothing!" She finally moved her butt, but my heart was palpitating at 300 mph, when Jamie was trying to close in on her from behind! What a damn coward Jamie was for even attempting that! * EYE ROLL*- I officially have no more love for him, and I'm sure many of you don't either! Does anyone else think Bronn is a lucky son of a gun? Wow! He escapes fire a few times, manages to hit Drogon after three tries, and dives into the waters to save Jamie from the fire, oozing out of Drogon's mouth? They're not dead, and here's my predictions, for Dany, Jamie and Bronn. I can't believe what am I about to say... Are you all sitting, relaxed and totally chill? Well, you'll have to be, it breaks my heart, but after she and Jon do the "deed" Dany dies at the wall! If you think "ugly cry" for Oleanna Tyrell was bad, I'm going to have a coronary in my chair when this happens!!!!!! It'll be equivalent to having eaten an entire chocolate cake, because after that scene... I'm gonna need it! I'm sorry, everything Jon Snow touches, turns to dust. Knowing Drogon was hit with that huge spear to the wing... Dany will commission her men to build some pretty "bad ass" armor for all three dragons, before the big battle arrives. Problem is, Rheagal dies and becomes an ice dragon where the "Knight King" rides him. I can sit here forever and just recap all of seven wondrous years with Dany, where I had nothing but love for her cause, and it kind of feels like writing an obituary, prematurely, but I just can't help it, after all... WINTER HAS COME! Jamie Lannister, Grew a heart, grew a brain, but couldn't grow back a hand! Well! Why the chuckle? It's true, he's a wimp, a darn lion, and lions, like cats, cannot swim! Not on Game Of Thrones G.O.T anyway. What's my prediction for Jamie...? Not entirely sure, but I can say things are looking bleak! Euron and Jamie are gonna have brawl real soon, maybe an open combat of some sort. I fear the worst for Jamie, his days are numbered, especially after the buggy filled with gold, never made it to the red keep, it was set ablaze people! Time to start selling off your prized possessions... Cercei! Bronn, one of a few characters on Game Of Thrones G.O.T, without an official last name... he's something else folks! He's a cocky character, confident and cunning! His quick reaction to all, is quite remarkable he's Jamie's hand, literally! He wasted a dragon spear on a dothraki fighter when he opened the tent where Bronn was positioned, and I found this hilarious! And, it's these little comedic moments on Game Of Thrones G.O.T, that makes us love the show whole lot more. What's my prediction for Mr. "Overconfident"...? It won't end well for Bronn, Drogon is coming for you! He will burn you to a cinder, after he emerges from the water with Jamie. May not be right away, but yet another, who makes the list of eventual "deaths". And finally, my best gal of all time... Arya Stark! My take on Arya's future...? I know she's going to kill little finger for Sansa. I'm sure she'll catch them both in a compromising position, and Sansa will order his death! I'd love it if Arya took the Iron throne, I truly believe she has all the attributes to reign firmly and confidently, but, and this is a little far fetched even for me to say, she won't make it. Bran will kill her because he sees a ''fabricated'' vision set up by the witch! Yes! Remember when Melisandre said to Arya ''We will meet again?!'' Melisandre has pit stops to make, and Winterfell is one of them! Loved how she fought Brienne of Tarth! Even my husband, who is a total "in the closet" and sometimes a "turn coat" fan, found Arya irresistible tonight! However, Some are rapidly spreading rumors that Brienne is a "Targ?" Could it be? I have a book quotation that says something entirely different, or is it more of the same? Born among salt and smoke; Brienne of Tarth aka Rhaeys Targaryen the daughter of Rhaegar whom Varys smuggled out just like Aegon. He separated them so he could have multiple insurance policies/chips. Brienne wasn't raised as a warrior simply because she desired it, she was raised as one because it was her birth right. Duncan's shield is the red star, and as for waking dragons, had she gone through life like Dany, she would have been a sleeping dragon. So are they suggesting she's of a "mind and sound- dragon? And what am I even suggesting? Not sure what to make of this, but we'll have to figure it out soon, I won't rest if I don't! Please share this blog if you've enjoyed it! Enter your comments below, I'd love to hear your views! Cheers - Lory. Author Biography Lory La Selva Paduano has always held a profound love for historical fiction. As an avid reader herself, she has always been inspired to tell stories in captivating settings surrounded by intriguing characters. She is the first to say she adores the genre she vividly brings to life. A mother, wife and published writer, blogger, her life's experiences inspire her to be the best she can be, whether it be in her novels, or in real life. For more information on Lory's books and upcoming work, please visit her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KingCamden She wrote five books to date. One is similar to Game Of Thrones (G.O.T.) to which she blogs about every week. She loves traveling, and is currently working on more books, so look out for her. When you need a Game of Thrones (G.O.T) fix out of season! She's your gal! Check out her Books Here: - Wonderland Series - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B074DWPKXK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_bf1Gzb6WPWSHD - Khafa The High Priestess - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01MQJZVUZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_kh1Gzb6THZYNM - The Legacy of a Legend - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B073VN91NV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_8h1Gzb9P4H57S DISCLAIMER: GAME OF THRONES Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin's series of fantasy novels, the first of which is A Game of Thrones. All rights, titles and interests remain with the original authors. This article falls under Fair Use and Fair Copying, Copyright Laws and is for Review purposes only. '10 Questions people ask authors' By: Author Lory La Selva Paduano The mind is a mysterious place for many. I've found comfort and sheer enjoyment in the great accolades that were given to me by my readers, friends and family. On some levels, we're all a tiny bit curious of what goes on in an artists life, a writer, novelist, author, poet, is one who creates and implements words and worlds into a book, they may never publish, but here's what happens to many that do, and I'm pretty sure most of you can relate, and my answers are strictly from experience and speaking for most of us. 1) Do you make money writing books? Normally this isn't something you ask in the open, but it has happened to me on several occasions, and it baffled my mind a little, till I gave it some thought. My instant reaction was, ''Oh my! They did -NOT- just ask me that!" and I wouldn't dare ask them how much money they made, never! The answers are simple, all you do in the publishing industry is totally up to the author, I felt like I was being judged and sized up to what real value I held in life and in this industry! Of course I shrugged it off and wore the biggest smile ever and answered correctly. ''I do well, but there's always room for improvement''. 2) Is that a real Job? When natural instincts kick in, it's quite normal to have a chuckle at such a comment, it isn't to belittle anyone, it just reminds the author of all the sleepless nights we incur, the stopping by the road incidents to jot down words before we forget them, and the back pains, wrist and forearm pains we get from excessive writing, well, you get the picture... right? Many of us put our life on hold to entertain the world, I know it's happened to me when I wrote my first series in 11 months, consisting of 15 hour days or more, some take more time with their work, but they still go through many obstacles to get the job done, and it is a real job! 3) Why aren't you ''New York's best seller''? The million dollar question! This question doesn't baffle me at all, it's actually a great question, and I'll tell you why! Not every author wants to be a ''New York's best seller'' there are a million avenues to take if an author wants to go that route, it's a costly procedure and believe me, not everything in life is free. Some like to remain low key and serve only their audience, and there are those who will dedicate their entire life to making that happen in short - It could literally take years before one gets there, and it doesn't mean the work isn't worthy, what makes our work invaluable is our reviews on major retailers sites. 4) Why aren't your books on the shelves? If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me this question, well, you all know... A valid question indeed! It's normal for all to inquire, and the most popular reason for this question was because many readers hang out in book stores and prefer to purchase off the shelf. Again, it doesn't mean the book isn't shelf ''Worthy'' it sometimes has to do with book store policies, consignment agreements and all the documentation that goes with it etc. My books are on shelves already, at Chapters Indigo, Canada. The internet is a vast paradise for shoppers, a major retailer site like Amazon, is so dependable and safe, I mean, who doesn't want items shipped to their door! 5) I want to write a book about my life! Should I? A cool question for sure. I encounter this statement and question 9 times out of 10, really everyone wants to write a book about their life! F.Y.I - Not all books worth reading are bio's. It's not a lucrative investment unless you were some sort of celebrity before, with all due respect to all. Writing a bio can be stressful, many emotional trauma's resurface while writing, it takes a toll on many, and the question you need to ask here is - ''Can I make them care enough to purchase''? - If you can devote all your time on marketing yourself and are sure it's worth a shot, then by all means go for it! It won't be an easy task, so make sure you got a great marketing campaign and loads of money to make it happen. 6) Why don't you write in another genre? Another super question here. Usually a seasoned writer will want to go that route somewhere down the line, right after they've written what their hearts desired to write in the first place. Cross genre is dangerous to those who want to be noticed in the industry. It isn't recommended especially if you've become established in your previous works. It turns off the readers and followers and you're expected to deliver in the same category time and time again, readers get comfortable with you and dislike any changes an author makes. 7) I want to become a writer, where do I start? All tools are readily available on line. What does this mean? It means you don't need me to tell you what your needs are best suited for, only you can decide where you want to take your skills, passion or curiosity. I can only say, if you're serious and committed you'll find a way, I'm open to answering questions of course, and as always, I do recommend searching the internet and speaking to other authors. 8) I'd like to see an extended version of your series, can you add other books to it? I love this question, it makes my heart skip two beats! I've been asked this several times, and it's really sweet. An author is usually consumed after writing a series, I know I was, physically and mentally. If the author can't give more at the time he or she is being asked, there are probably valid reasons for it, some are open to discussing it, and some are more reserved. It isn't without careful consideration though, many books have made huge come backs example; Harry Potter. Don't fret, the author is sometimes having trouble getting back to that place, or is usually really busy with other stories that are taking over their present mind. Anything is possible though! 9) Where can I buy your books? (See Links in the Author Bio below) Most Indie and self published authors are pretty much everywhere on the web! Like I said previously, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Chapters Indigo. For some, it may even be on Walmart on line, e-bay, and all other local and small online book stores you can think of. Always punch in the authors name for the best result and narrow down your search! 10) How do I stay updated on your future works? Most Indie and self published authors are on social media. Many of you know me here personally and professionally. You are also our fan page followers on facebook, and so many other places like Twitter also. If you aren't, now is a good time to accept invites to our pages and keep up the pace. Hope you had a great time reading, I only wish to educate and shed some light on all we do and what it all means. If you liked this blog, please share with friends! Cheers - Lory. Author Biography Lory La Selva Paduano has always held a profound love for historical fiction. As an avid reader herself, she has always been inspired to tell stories in captivating settings surrounded by intriguing characters. She is the first to say she adores the genre she vividly brings to life. A mother, wife and published writer, blogger, her life's experiences inspire her to be the best she can be, whether it be in her novels, or in real life. For more information on Lory's books and upcoming work, please visit her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KingCamden She wrote five books to date. One is similar to Game Of Thrones (G.O.T.) to which she blogs about every week. She loves traveling, and is currently working on more books, so look out for her. When you need a Game of Thrones (G.O.T) fix out of season! She's your gal! Check out her Books Here: - Wonderland Series - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B074DWPKXK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_bf1Gzb6WPWSHD - Khafa The High Priestess - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01MQJZVUZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_kh1Gzb6THZYNM - The Legacy of a Legend - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B073VN91NV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_8h1Gzb9P4H57S Actors Script Major Leak - Game Of Thrones by Lory La Selva Paduano aka Blog # 3 Last night's interlude on Game of Thrones G.O.T. - "The Queen's Justice" - Season seven, episode 3, was once again... outstanding! My favorite scene was with Jamie and Euron. This character is going places. Might not live long enough to tell a great tale, but he certainly has my vote, we will definitely see more of him, in full throttle. Like many evil characters in books or shows, Euron is a well rounded villain, and writing about a complex odious character, is hard work, I would know, just read my 'Wonderland Series' when G.O.T is off the air to get a fix, in the same genre. Link & Re-release...coming soon! Please look out for it here on my future blogs. Let's face it, a scoundrel has an affect on us because we love to hate these personalities, in short, they're fun! What's my prediction for Euron...? For those who don't believe Jon is a Targaryen... The proof is in the comments! And no, I'm not sorry! If you can't open the link, here's a break down of what google says about Fictional character Jon Snow So I cut to the chase a little, and why not? Most of us want to know, even though the HBO series, will always deliver their own version. When Jon met Dany on last night's episode, it was captivating. I felt like they were testing each others strengths and weaknesses, by not bending to their desires of reinforcing their titles on one another. Every indication that the "Targ" blood in Jon, is manifested and heightened in Dany's presence. Not the mention Jon, who had a brush with "Drogon" along the path to the castle!? I know you saw that, I thought that Drogon was teasing and being playful as he recognized a family member. More like... ''We're related, so I can permit myself to scare you!" or "Where have you been all this time?" A territorial mark maybe? My view is that they'll get together, and somehow, through the magic of their blood, they'll produce heirs, no matter what the witch has proclaimed in the past, stating Dany would be barren. I know, I know, I wasn't very creative there, was I? But, I sometimes like a happy ending too!
So the "Old hag" Got hers... Gosh I loved Oleanna Tyrell!! She was the "baddest" woman on the block, and she'll be terribly missed! I did cry, a very "UGLY CRY" at that....R.I.P. Oleanna Tyrell I thought Jamie Lannister gave her a peaceful death with "dignity", considering her age. I knew she had planned Joeffry's death all along, from day one! In the books, it is said that she gave Sansa a hair piece on her wedding day, and in one particular stone, attached to the head piece, the poison was held and tucked away for later that day. But here's the thing, my instincts tell me Margery was in on it too. That's another reason why Cercie blew up the Sept! It was all calculated on Cercie's part, she wanted the Tyrell's to fall one by one, regardless of how long it would take. So bye, my feisty old lady... I promised you something! Didn't I? Yes! Yes! Yes! READY...? OK, GO! ---> I really do hope you're sitting down for this final portion of the blog! SANSA & ARYA'S SCRIPT!!!! I leave it to you, to make your own interpretation! Please leave comments below on your take, and if you liked this blog, please share! Author Biography Lory La Selva Paduano has always held a profound love for historical fiction. As an avid reader herself, she has always been inspired to tell stories in captivating settings surrounded by intriguing characters. She is the first to say she adores the genre she vividly brings to life. A mother, wife and published writer, blogger, her life's experiences inspire her to be the best she can be, whether it be in her novels, or in real life. For more information on Lory's books and upcoming work, please visit her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KingCamden She wrote five books to date. One is similar to Game Of Thrones (G.O.T.) to which she blogs about every week. She loves traveling, and is currently working on more books, so look out for her. When you need a Game of Thrones (G.O.T) fix out of season! She's your gal! Check out her Books Here: - Wonderland Series - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B074DWPKXK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_bf1Gzb6WPWSHD - Khafa The High Priestess - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01MQJZVUZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_kh1Gzb6THZYNM - The Legacy of a Legend - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B073VN91NV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_8h1Gzb9P4H57S DISCLAIMER: GAME OF THRONES Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin's series of fantasy novels, the first of which is A Game of Thrones. All rights, titles and interests remain with the original authors. This article falls under Fair Use and Fair Copying, Copyright Laws and is for Review purposes only. Remembering Fred Ward 1937- 2017 by Frank Kermit Dear Friends, I just found out this week that one of the most memorable Dawson College professors I ever had, Fred Ward passed away this week. I was trying to track down a photo of him on the Internet, to make an entry on my blog but to no avail yet. Fortunately, someone found my blog article on Fred Ward, and sent me a photo of him. I am also going to ask anyone that would like to write something in memory of Fred Ward to please forward it to me, so I can post it here on the blog. Thank You, -Frank Kermit One of the kindest souls. Listened to you attentively and always gave the best advice. Mr. Fred Ward was a Mentor, and a friend he will be greatly missed by his family and from all that had the privilege to know him. As for myself he has left an enormous mark on me and will forever be remembered as the professor that opened my mind and love for acting and for that I will forever be thankful. Godspeed kind sir. -Paul Renis I published Fred Ward's first book of poems, POEMS, 1966, Duende Press, Placitas, NM. I have copies to share if you have some ideas. I recorded Fred reading many of his poems and I have made it available here: https://duende.bandcamp.com/album/fred-ward-reads-his-poems-to-ann-quin-and-larry-1966 Thank you for this appreciation and compilation concerning Fred. -Larry Goodell larrygoodell.com If you're very lucky, once in your life you'll meet someone who truly inspires you and who fuels your natural talents. And if you're smart, when you've met that person you'll realize it and appreciate it. For many of us, that inspiration was Fred Ward. Our teacher and our friend. A man larger than life and humble at the same time. Like most people, Fred's impact came when I was young and full of myself. His patience and subtle manner guided me to influence many decisions that led to being the person I am today. Every word I write, every frame I shoot has breath from Fred's kind soul. He taught us how to be honest in our art and how that honesty will only make our work stronger. He was right. There are so many things I want to say, but I'm not sure words could capture the man we loved dearly. So, true to Fred form, I'll stop trying to write and simply write. I'm not sad by his loss, of course I wish for one more conversation with him--especially now that I'm a little smarter than before. But, I do consider myself very, very lucky to have met such a man and to have felt his love. Anyone who has had the privilege of spending even the briefest moment with the man feels the same. By no means is any artist ever fully confident in his work, but Fred's impact was that he made us all comfortable enough in ourselves and our work that we persevere and continue expressing our passions. Fred taught us all to move beyond our fears, beyond our insecurities, he taught us to perform or to write with our hearts. And no matter where we all are in our lives, we all are better from having learned from him. Let's cherish his memory and allow his legacy to be the best of ourselves. -M.J. Di Rocco http://www.imdb.com/title/tt7054344/ https://m.facebook.com/kitaqstories/ Author of The Tale of Bunny The Frog An extraordinary soul has passed and the world is poorer for his passing. Fred was not my schoolteacher, although he taught me more than many people. He was not my mentor, although his approval, encouragement, support and insight into my work meant the world to me. Fred's brilliance, uniqueness, originality, kindness, modesty and attention to the human heart was unparalleled. He saw the world in a completely original way. Even his criticism of the world's craziness was tinged with deep, authentic humour and profound respect for human life. His spirituality was a light and a guide and shone on everything he did and everyone he loved. He touched and changed countless lives and inspired generations of young people to become the best they could be. He helped people discover the talent and power that already lay within themselves, and put them in touch with it. The world will benefit from Fred's genius for generations to come. Fred was a giant. I will miss him deeply. -Matthew I’m saddened to read about the passing of Mr. Ward (that’s how I insisted to addressed him) even though he constantly insisted “please, its Fred” I felt that there was a real special importance to his presence which he truly deserved. I had the pleasure of meeting him through his art work that he produced in his later years (around 1997). Each piece was as unique as he was, all the artwork that Mr. Ward produced came with a unique story about where each piece of handmade paper came from, explaining how it was formed and what it was made of (never forgetting to mention that it was purchased at the Japanese paper store right near Wilensky on Fairmount) his type written signature was always accompanied with a cite of one of his writings, the inspirations to his paper collages. That was the beginning of our collaborative artistic bond, I was delighted to have the opportunity to frame many of his fine pieces. At that time, I was a small custom framing shop on Laurier Ave. one street south of Fairmount, we just clicked and saw eye to eye as to what type of message we could convey through each framing choice. I was flattered when invited to attend one of his readings, now that was truly a captivating and mesmerizing experience (unforgettable)! Mr. Ward came by to gift me one of his amazing pieces, I framed it just like “we” knew it should be, it hangs on my wall in my formal living room in a place of honor to this day. When I closed down the custom framing business, (2006) we fell out of touch. Many days I read the type written quote and depending on the circumstances, I could interpret it in many different ways ...today I understand its true meaning... “Somewhere the same thing was the same thing stays That’s what remembering is.” From the series: In An Elevator Crowd Mr. Frederick Ward, you will forever “stay” as one of my heartfelt memories. -Kathleen Dimitriu *****Editors Note: If anyone reading this also has a sample of Fred Ward's art work, would you please send me a photo of it, and the story of how you acquired it from Fred (if you have one). Thanks!! Fred Ward Biography as mentioned on: http://blackcanadianpoetry.com/poet-bios/frederick-ward Frederick Ward Born: Kansas City, Missouri June 1937 Attended: Booker T. Washington grade school Lincoln High School University of Missouri, Kansas City Conservatory of Music Advanced School of Contemporary Music (Toronto) Taught at: Dalhousie University (Halifax) Dawson College (Montréal, Qc.) Published by Tundra Books: Riverlisp (1974) Nobody Called Me Mine (1977) A Room Full of Balloons (1981) Frederick Ward has been described as “the most undeservedly unsung poet in all of English-Canadian literature” (Arc Poetry Magazine). Born in 1937 in Kansas City, Missouri, the Black-American Ward came to Canada in 1970 – just passing through Halifax – and ended up staying. There he me met Black Nova Scotians recently turfed out of their old community – Africville – which was bulldozed by the city to make way for a dumpsite. Their stories became the basis of his 1974 novel, Riverlisp: Black Memories. Ward now lives in Montreal where he is a theatre teacher at Dawson College. A review of Frederick Ward's Blind Man’s Blues From: http://arcpoetry.ca/2009/08/07/frederick-wards-blistering-blues-excerpt/ Aug 7, 2009 Moira FarrThe most undeservedly unsung poet in all of English-Canadian literature is Frederick Ward. Born in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1937, he is African-American in heritage, and an expert partisan of many arts. Ward studied art at the University of Kansas and music at the University of Missouri. He learned jazz piano under the tutelage of Oscar Peterson. After slinging words as a Hollywood songwriter, Ward removed to New Mexico where he published, in 1964, his first book, a collection of poems, and then, in Detroit, in 1966, his edited anthology of nine Baha’i poets, including himself—and his great influence and inspiration, the masterful African- American, Afro-modernist Robert Hayden (1913-80). In 1970, en route to Sweden by ship, Ward was waylaid in Halifax, Nova Scotia, by a dock worker’s strike. Abandoning the vessel, Ward soon met dispossessed exiles from the recently assassinated-by-bulldozer community of Africville. His close listening to their stories helped to fuel his first novel, Riverlisp (1974), a Joycean and Jean Toomereque jazz-feast of Black English and psychedelic surrealism. Two more novels followed in 1977 and 1981, but then, save for occasional anthologizations of his scattered bits of new work, along with his arresting script for the National Film Board feature, Train of Dreams (1987), silence. Silence. A crisis of silence. read more at the link above... Comments about Fred Ward from students on the site: http://ca.ratemyteachers.com/frederick-ward/135649-t Easily the best professor for the dramatic arts I ever had. Phenomenally a brilliant man & exceptional character! He is the best teacher I've ever had. :) Fantastic teacher and man. Inspiring to say the least, he will care about you from the first minute to the last. HIGHLY recommended. He inspired me in many ways. The best teacher in Professional Theatre by very far. A truly beautiful human being and an interesting teacher to say the least :) Very worldly and knowledgeable! Doesn't give too much work, is a fair marker and is very smart! Extremely recommended! He is such a sweetheart. He tells so many interesting stories, that you hardly feel like you're in class, and he's unbelievably nice. Amazing teacher, very inspiring, loved him!! easy going ... recommend 100%!!!!! I got a 95 in his class! he makes it extremely fun and easy Very inspiring and motivational. Intellectual but very interesting. Definitely should take him... Made drama SO much fun! Amazing man...I love him! LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!! he knows so much about what he's doing. he knows exactly what he wants and class is amazingly fun....most inspiring teacher I've ever had! Fred was the best teacher I've ever had. I love him. Great, great man and wonderful, inspiring teacher. Take him! One of the most incredible teachers I've ever had! Very good teacher! Makes you realize a lot of things we tend to neglect about life. A really good teacher & all around nice guy. Motivating, interesting and honest. The BEST teacher! Awesome, awesome guy!! Very fun class. You'll love him! Updated on February 28, 2018 Taking A Break - Needing Space when Dating Dating Dilemmas #83 Frank Kermit makes his 124 appearance on the radio show Passion, hosted by Dr Laurie Betito and Fritz-Gerald of Elite Speed Dating. Topic of discussion is: Taking A Break and Needing Space When Dating |
January 2025
NDG Encore Singing Chorus **** Every Friday Night Dr. Laurie Betito Quotes