Making meaningful connections in today's modern world can be challenging. With so many of us immersed in digital devices like computers and phones, it can be easy to feel isolated and disconnected from those around us. That doesn't have to be the case, though; there are still plenty of opportunities for meeting people online and offline if you put yourself out there! In this blog post, we'll share five ideas that will make meeting new people simpler than ever! Join A Local Meetup Group Joining a local meetup group can be an ideal way to meet people with similar interests and expand your social circle. By signing up for one, you can find events tailored towards hobbies or career goals or even simple activities like board gaming. Not to mention being immersed in an environment full of people who share similar values, beliefs and interests. Conversations can easily happen between like-minded people while making valuable connections and learning new skills; ultimately, joining one could provide the perfect way to build relationships and discover passions! Register For A Local Sports League Or Recreational Activity Are you searching for an exciting and healthy way to stay active this season? Look no further than your local sports league or recreational activity centre! No matter your skill or ability level, there is sure to be something perfect for you in recreational sports - from organized team sports like soccer and basketball, yoga and dance classes and individual pursuits like salsa dancing available, plus signing up is a great way to meet new people while becoming more involved with the community! Don't wait; start exploring this fantastic world of recreational sports! Examine Online Forums And Social Media Websites Today's digital world makes finding people who share similar interests easy, and online forums and social media sites provide excellent ways to meet like-minded individuals. From discussing favourite TV shows to finding workout buddies, online forums provide ample opportunities for finding people with shared passions; it might just make some lifelong friendships along the way! So put yourself out there and start connecting with individuals who share your interests; who knows, maybe there will even be someone for whom it all starts now. If you're looking to meet a romantic partner, then consider using the best dating app online. Join A Local Community College Deciding to further your education is both admirable and exciting. Although the prospect of furthering it may be daunting, taking classes at your local community college or university may provide the ideal solution. Not only are community colleges typically more affordable than larger institutions, they often feature smaller class sizes allowing for improved interaction with others in your class. Striking up a conversation before or after classes is a great old-school way of meeting people. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone Breaking out of routine can be challenging, but it is worth your while. One way to begin is by attending public events like art shows or concerts. These experiences can be exhilarating and provide fresh perspectives on life and opportunities to meet others who show similar interests. Stepping outside your comfort zone means accepting something unfamiliar, which can be both scary and exhilarating all at the same time. Finding new connections doesn't need to follow the traditional path; with the right approach, you can make finding and developing relationships easier than ever. With so many choices at your disposal, it should be easy to locate one or several that suit your individual needs. There are endless possibilities awaiting those willing to break free from conventional expectations and embrace modern ways of connecting with one another.
Take advantage of the sun this summer and live your life to the fullest. Continue reading to learn about some fun types of parties that you could host. If anything, the last year has taught us to live in the moment and enjoy life as much as we can. We are all looking forward to getting back to partying and seeing all our friends and family. This summer will be celebrated bigger and better than ever before, and we will celebrate everything we can, in the most creative and fabulous ways. There is so much to celebrate with weddings, birthdays, and holidays coming up, so you definitely won't want to miss out. It's time to take advantage of the sun and live life to the fullest. Go With The Classic Garden Party One thing we will certainly enjoy is having garden parties again. With barbecues, friends, and cocktails alongside kids playing around happily laughing and creating new memories to last a lifetime. Garden parties are great, especially if you're nervous about mixing in large groups again after the pandemic. You can limit yourself to a number of people. Have over as much as you feel comfortable, and all enjoy the comfort of your own home. So if things get too much, you can take a quick break indoors and then go back to the festivities once you feel better. To throw a fabulous garden party, it is best to include barbecues of delicious food, some mood lighting like fairy lights hanging outside, and making sure you have enough seating for everyone attending. If you have kids coming along to the party, make sure there are some things for them to do like play equipment, for example, swings and slides. You can even set up a little craft table and give them something creative to make that they can take home with them. You can also make your party stand out by having a signature cocktail that you made yourself. Or you can go one step further and just have a cocktail-making kit available, so people can experiment and mix their own drinks. Themed Nights Are Always A Hit You can't go wrong with a theme night. Everyone loves getting dressed up and getting involved in the occasion. With a themed party, there is so much that you can do, like the 80s, fancy dress, neon, black and white party and even something like a film night where you come dressed as your favorite character from a popular film within your friend group or family. Theme nights are really easy to throw, as when you have a theme, there's so much that you can research and find online. You are able to find certain recipes for appetizers that go with certain themes as well as decor, balloons, and anything else that you need to throw together. These types of parties can be great for bachelor parties, birthdays, and anything else you want to celebrate. You Can't Go Wrong With A Boat Party Boat parties are timeless and luxurious as everyone will look forward to them as it is something different and not a lot of people have attended boar parties. Show off your hosting skills by throwing a party on a boat this summer to come back with a bang. With the warm weather, the smell of the sea air, and the option to jump in the sea for a quick swim, if you fancy and have your bikini prepared, then you can't go wrong. It will give such a luxurious feel to your party, and everyone will want to come. They will also be talking about it for a long time after. These types of parties are great for things like bachelorette parties, birthday parties, or wedding anniversaries. By having a boat party, you can drink under the stars as well as take advantage of beautiful beaches nearby. It doesn't have to be the only thing that you do that night. You can pair it with something like an escape room or even an evening show to make a night of it. Then it's onto a party under the stars until the sun comes up. Try something like Lagerhead Cycleboats to book your party. Brave A Beach Party By having a party on the beach, your options are endless. You can do something fun like volleyball and watersports. Pair that with mixing with your friends and family and then going into the evening with drinks. Or you can even do something more classic like a bonfire, roasting marshmallows, catching up, and enjoying each other's company again with some lovely cocktails and beers on hand. IIf you have a beach party, you don't have to worry about numbers as you won't be in a crowded space. You've got a whole beach to enjoy and set up how you want the party to be. You can take a dip in the ocean at any point if it's hot. There will also be food vendors nearby and ice cream parlors nearby, so if you run out of food, there's going to be plenty around. You will also not have to worry about outfits too much as most people be in swimwear and sundresses. Make Your Own Pizza Party If you aren't sure about crowds and don't really want to be in big groups with everything that has gone on, you can do something simple like make your own pizza party. This is where you get the supplies to make pizza, dough, marinara sauce, and cheese and then have lots of different options for toppings available. It's a really creative and engaging night as everyone will be getting involved. They will roll out the dough, but what they want on the pizza, and then all you need to do is cook it. It's also great for kids to get involved in, so if you have friends with kids, you can have it as a play date party to help them mix and create social bonds. All while you are having fun. Then to make it more interesting for the adults, add in some cocktails and wine, and you're good to go. Would you like to find your high school or college friends? Continue reading to learn ways you can connect again and maybe restart your friendship. Every now and then, it’s fairly normal to feel a little nostalgic about your high school or college days. You might remember the days you spent with your friends, the holidays that you enjoyed together, and also the bittersweet memories of having to say goodbye to them. Perhaps you moved away to another city and lost contact, or perhaps there were other circumstances that led you to drift apart. Whatever the circumstances were, there’s no reason why you can’t try to reconnect with them. So instead of trying to avoid Facebook, how about we make use of its features to find our high school friends and college buddies? In this post, we’re going to talk about how you can find and reconnect with your old friends and maybe even family members that you’ve lost contact with. In most cases, a quick Facebook search will help you find them Most of the time, you can get away with just using a quick Facebook search to find the person you’re looking for. This is obviously much easier if you know their full name and some of their history. Many people on Facebook will list the places they’ve worked or studied at, and they’ll also include some pictures. You can start these kinds of searches by just typing in the name. For example, you can search for Katherine Marraccini if that’s the name of your friend or family member, then you’ll be given a bunch of different results. Of course, there are likely multiple people with the same name, so you’ll need to look at the different results and try to compare them to see which one could be your friend. However, these days, not everyone is using Facebook. In fact, a lot of millennials and younger people might not actually use Facebook. In some cases, they might have an account or be listed on Facebook, but they might not actually use their account. So in this case, what can you do? What’s another option to help you find your friends and family members? Consider checking LinkedIn instead of Facebook Another social media platform to check instead of Facebook is LinkedIn. This is very similar to Facebook, but the difference is that it’s geared towards industry professionals. There are plenty of people that don’t use Facebook but will have a LinkedIn account because it can help them find a job and creates a professional portfolio. On LinkedIn, you’ll typically find a history of where they’ve worked and studied. However, if it’s been a while since you’ve met, then you might not recognise them from the information alone. LinkedIn usually doesn’t have many photographs of people, but you can usually work out if they’re the right person from their description and location. You can also check other social media platforms if you can’t find them, but LinkedIn and Facebook are the most common platforms to help you reconnect with old friends and family members. If you can’t find the people you’re looking for, then it may help to search for someone that could know their whereabouts, such as old colleagues and classmates. Read 4 tips on how to have the best possible backyard tailgate party in 2020 If this was any normal Fall, families everywhere are going to gather around for football season. 2020 is a little different, but that doesn't mean that you can’t have all your usual traditions with Fall fun for friends and families! There may not be as intense a football season this year, but you can still enjoy the change of the leaves and the cooling temperatures! Parties in the Fall are part of the season, and one of the most important traditions is a backyard tailgate party! You could go for generic frozen pizzas and beer, but it really depends what you want for your event. So, with that in mind, we’ve got four tips for the best possible backyard tailgate party you could have this year!
No matter what you do with your backyard tailgate party, make it as fun as possible for your guests. Always observe the current rules regarding the pandemic in your neighborhood, and you will ensure that everyone is safe and healthy. Provide your guests with masks and hand sanitizer to go one better and make sure that everyone is comfortable and happy. Your backyard tailgate party is going to be one of the best things that you plan this year, and it won’t take too long to get sorted if you start now! Read more to discover where you can find support when you need it. |
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Dear Friends,
I got a reminder on social media that today is the anniversary that I self published my 10th book: From Friends To Lovers: Stop Being Her Emotional Cookie Man. On July 12, 2009 I self published it.
In celebration, of this 8th anniversary of this book, I present the introduction of the this book written by Will Hicks.
-Frank Kermit, Author
Introduction to From Friends To Lovers
by Will Hicks
My Mother told me that it was an extreme honor when someone asks you to write an introduction or forward to their book as she was asked by one of her colleagues at work.
When Frank asked me I took it as an extreme honor because of our friendship and the caliber of person that he is.
Once Frank becomes your friend he’s there for you through thick and thin, rain or shine.
He also makes sure he stays in communication with all his friends as well as open doors for you through friends he has that may be able to help you in any way.
I remember when I first met Frank Kermit when we were speakers at the same event held in Canada. Frank, the gracious person that he is, reached out to me first and introduced himself and with that gesture started what would be a unique life long friendship. | The Cliffs List Convention in Canada where Will Hicks and Frank Kermit Met |
Will Hicks first appearance on Frank's show | He always kept me in the loop with everything he was doing including his radio shows, which I had the pleasure of being a part of on more than 1 occasion. |
The most memorable show for me was the New Years Eve show we did together. This was one of the funniest hours of my life.
We talked about everything from where to go, where not to go, the mindset that you need to have...etc. The show was professionally done, as is everything the man does.
We found over the course of that hour that we had many things in common, even though we each had our own unique methodologies and delivery systems with which we conveyed our messages. In other words that show helped cement our friendship. | How To Pick Up On New Years Eve |

We’ve shared many private moments off the air also, friends talking shop, giving advice, and trying to help out guys that need it the most. There are a lot of pretenders out and I can say not just with my own experiences but also out of the mouths of countless others that Frank Kermit is No Pretender. His body of work speaks for itself and I’m honored to be a part of that great body of work.
When Frank speaks it’s always from the heart and he’s speaking from experience. He genuinely doesn’t want you to make the same mistakes as he did or take some of the roads that he’s traveled. I’d say he generous to a fault with an infectious smile and as cool as the other side of the pillow.
Once you enter his world, Frank becomes your mentor, coach, confidant, counselor and most importantly Friend. So enjoy what’s about to happen next. There will probably be things along the way that you disagree with or don’t like but you’ll always appreciate where they’re coming from, that I can assure you. Also know that Frank Kermit wouldn’t have you do something that he wouldn’t do himself.
Will Hicks, Dating Coach
Adult Male Virgins
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Date Night Recipes
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Every Friday Night