Read 5 ways that can help you move forward after a breakup.Going through a break up will never be easy, especially if this is your first. It is completely normal to feel isolated and lonely when your relationship ends, but it will soon pass. You might have done everything in your control to improve your relationship from a marriage counselor to a different living situation; sometimes you have to accept that things have come to an end. If you’re struggling to see past your break up right now, here are a few ways in which you can combat loneliness and feel like yourself again. Keep Yourself Busy The best thing to do after a break up is keep your mind off the situation. Obviously, you shouldn’t ignore all of the negative emotions you’re feeling; allow yourself to be upset for a short while if it helps. However, you should never wallow in your own self pity for too long, otherwise it will escalate into something even worse. Keep yourself busy with a chatlines page, go out to lunch with a friend or find another fun activity that you know you will enjoy. Don’t Make Contact No matter how tempted you are, you should never make contact with the person you’ve broken up with. This can come across as pretty desperate and you don’t want to be in that position. Even if you really miss communicating with them, it will help you to cold turkey rather than teasing yourself with messages that will never benefit you. Dive into a New Hobby Now is the perfect time to dive into a brand new hobby and find something you truly enjoy doing. You don’t have to choose anything outrageous, but think carefully about what you’ve always wanted to do. Whether you want to take an art class or go salsa dancing, use all of your free time to pursue something fulfilling! Refocus Your Energy Steer your focus away from your ex and use your energy for something else. Start a new exercise regime or get outside in the fresh air once a day. Find a way to energize yourself and you will instantly feel better. Focus on the Positives Even when your whole life feels like it’s falling apart, there are still so many ways to be positive. Write down all of the amazing things you have going on in your life and you will start to feel a whole lot happier. Don’t take for granted your friends, family, job and the roof over your head. It can feel like everything is going wrong right now, but there are a lot of things that are amazing. As soon as you start making these active changes in your life you will start to feel so much better about yourself. You need to know that the break up wasn’t necessarily a reflection on you as a person; it just wasn’t meant to be. Find your inner strength and you will soon find your own coping mechanism to recover. Feeling lonely is tough, if you use these methods from now on, you will come out stronger in the end.
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