Why Are Good Looking People Still Single? by Frank Kermit Dating Dilemmas 81, this is Frank Kermit's 122nd appearance on Passion radio program. Airs on Montreal CJAD 800 's and Toronto Newstalk 1010 CFRB. Frank Kermit joins producer and host Dr Laurie Betito and sponsor Fritz-Gerald of Elite Speed Dating to talk about the Dating Dilemmas people face.
Dangerous Memes by Frank Kermit "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best" This meme has been floating around the Internet for some time. It is usually attributed to the late Marilyn Monroe 1926-1962 (muse for the song "Candle in the Wind" by Elton John). Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson) was an American actress and model. Famous for playing comic "dumb blonde" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s, emblematic of the era's attitudes towards sexuality. I do not know for sure if it was Marilyn Monroe who actually made the statement. What the Meme was Intending to Say Essentially, the meme tries to communicate that there is a price to everything. If you want someone for all the great things that person offers then you have to accept that each person is a human being. A human being is imperfect. A human being has faults. There will be things you LOVE about a person and there will be things that you will not be able to stand about that SAME person. Do you want someone that has many of the qualities you are looking for? You will also have to accept all of the attributes that likely went along to helping that person develop those qualities. Do you want someone who has a very prestigious profession? You will also have to handle that such a person is likely not going to be around much for birthdays, holidays and the off time most other people get. Do you want someone who is very health, fit and attractive? You will also have to handle that such a person is likely not going to tolerate your unhealthy habits, and is going to sacrifice time to maintain that level of status; time that could have been spent with you. Do you want someone who is sweet, considerate and puts your needs first? Then you are going to have to handle that such a person might not be the most assertive person, and that you may have to step up to protect that person from others who use people pleasers. You cannot just want the good in a person without accepting the whole person, and that includes all the things about the person that you do not like. Why this Meme is Dangerous What makes this meme dangerous is that for some people, it has gone from a reminder to take the good with the bad, to become an excuse, practically a rallying cry, for people to excuse their own bad behavior. When I am coaching someone that I have this quote/meme thrown at me, it isn't from someone that is trying to present a balanced perspective, nor is it from someone that is even trying to be a better partner. It is being used by people that KNOW they are being abusive and justifying their abusive behaviors by saying they do other things to compensate. The woman that admits in couples coaching that she spits on her husband when they argue and then uses that meme to justify it because she is a good mother to their kids never apologizing for the bad behavior and not even trying to be a better person. The man that admits to putting his girlfriend at risk with unsafe adulterous sex and then uses that meme to justify it because he financially supports her lifestyle. never apologizing for the bad behavior and not even trying to be a better person. That is what makes this meme so dangerous. As A Coach The work that I do is a privilege. I see the best and worst of humanity. I see the best and worst of individual people. What would l like to see more of? People who give more of their best instead of justifying their worst. Here is a final bit of frank advice for you, from the coach: If your worst is pushing people away then maybe your best really isn't all that good enough. -Frank Kermit P.S. Do you Agree With This Article? Disagree? Have something to Add? Write your thoughts in the comments below and share this article to see how many of your friends think like you. Having a wingman (or woman) can be helpful while scouting for dates; other times, you’re better off flying solo. We take a closer look at why your best friend can be your worst enemy when you’re single. By Christine Champ for Match.com Happen Magazine ![]() When Anna, a single gal from Seattle, WA set out to find a boyfriend, her friend Kim offered to act as her “wing woman” during her search for an entire year. At first, it sounded like a fabulous idea — but just one month later, Anna “fired” Kim. You see, whenever the two met a single man somewhere, Kim turned into a flirting machine: tossing her hair, giving seductive sideways glances…she stole the spotlight every time away from Anna, even going so far as to physically block her friend out of some conversations by standing in front of her! Whenever Anna asked Kim if she was interested in these men herself, she’d deny it. Instead of a boyfriend, all Anna acquired during her short-term experiment was self-doubt, frustration and confusion. As Anna describes it, all her experience managed to do “was clip my own wings.” Mark Fitzgerald, 36, from Sacramento, CA recalls the time he asked his longtime friend to size up the cute retail clerk he’d been mustering up the courage to ask out. Instead of returning from the recon mission with his stamp of approval, Mark’s friend came back with the retail clerk’s phone number — and plans to date her himself. So — (frenemies aside, obviously) — why would a friend, sister, brother or other close comrade get in your way when you’re looking for love? We’ve come up with a few reasons that take malice out of the equation entirely. Five reasons why good friends can sometimes make bad “wingers”... ![]() 1. They feel obligated to make chivalrous chit-chat on your behalf and end up shifting the target’s attention in the wrong direction. Fitzgerald has been on both sides of the wingman block himself; once, when a friend’s flirting turned into floundering, he felt responsible for keeping the conversation going so the woman his friend was interested in wouldn’t leave. Fitzgerald now realizes that commandeering the conversation might actually intimidate a tongue-tied buddy, so he makes an effort to tread carefully when helping cultivate initial small talk before excusing himself from the conversation entirely. ![]() 2. Their own insecurity drives them to try and “win” every perceived competition… even if they lose your friendship in the process. For some people — single or not — the subconscious urge to compete with their peers trumps everything else. It’s about proving they can win the guy or girl’s attention, even if they’re not looking for a relationship themselves. Dr. Diana Kirschner, Ph.D., author of Love in 90 Days, observes that often, insecurity is what’s really behind these competitors’ outward show of confidence and flirting — along with the drive to demonstrate they’re desirable, regardless of the cost to their friendships. Sometimes, adds Dr. Kirschner, “scarcity consciousness” can also make people worry “there’s not enough to go around” when it comes to finding potential dates. ![]() 3. They’re addicted to being in the social spotlight. Ron Geraci, author of The Bachelor Chronicles, notes that some people simply “cannot stand the fact that someone else is getting attention.” But, adds Geraci, don’t condemn these attention hogs too harshly; basking in the romantic limelight gives a “shot of adrenaline to their ego” that boosts their own low self-confidence. ![]() 4. Some people have trouble choosing their own romantic partners, so they aren’t helpful in scoping prospects for you, either. A recent University of Indiana study suggests that people note the preferences of others — regardless of whether they’re friends or strangers — to make their own search for a mate more efficient. This stems from the idea that “who others like might be a good choice for ourselves,” according to Skyler Place, a researcher in UI’s Department of Psychological and Brain Studies who coauthored the study, along with Peter M. Todd, a professor in the university’s Cognitive Science Program. Frank Kermit, relationship coach and author of From Loser to Seducer, cites another reason: sometimes people don’t trust their own judgment when it comes to finding someone else attractive. ![]() 5. You’re hunting for a date, but your friend’s a natural-born poacher. University of Texas psychology professor David Buss coined the term “mate poaching” to refer to people’s tendencies to try to steal romantic partners away from others. Geraci believes the principle applies equally to singles on the prowl, saying that “it’s a convenient way to find a mate because someone else is doing a lot of the work.” Singles should use caution when choosing wingmen or wing women; watch out for those friends who exhibit potential poaching tendencies and avoid going out with them when you’re looking for dates. After all, when you’ve engaged a prospect that piques your pals’ interest, “it’s like bringing your kill into a pack of hyenas,” warns Geraci. ![]() Mending a “broken wing” relationship Before you try to mend your relationship with a failed wingman or wing woman, make sure you’re not misreading any signals — like the silent cues that your tall, dark and handsome (or blonde and beautiful) target sends that indicate your attraction isn’t mutual after all. According to matchmaker and etiquette coach Joy Nordenstrom, the three biggest clues that your flirting is indeed being reciprocated include: direct eye contact, mirroring (i.e., your crush copies your body movements) and leaning in to get physically closer to you. If it’s still obvious your friend’s crossed a boundary, here’s one solution: exclude him or her from social situations where you might connect with someone romantically. Advises Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D., author of The Unofficial Guide to Dating Again: “that’s how you teach people that they’re socially unacceptable,” though she considers an intervention to be worthwhile if you believe your friend’s bad behavior is unintentional. If you do decide to stage an impromptu bathroom meeting to interrupt the offender’s advances, Kirschner recommends keeping it positive — like asking your cousin to tell the ladies about your smooth salsa moves, then adding that you’ll be ready to take the lead on the dance floor right after the next song begins. ![]() Establishing the rules of engagement If you really want your wingman or wing woman to “rise to the occasion,” says Nordenstrom, establish some rules of engagement first so that it’s clear “you’re playing on the same team.” Start by clarifying your goals for the outing, and have your friend do the same. Agree to put each other in the best light possible throughout the evening — from subtly pointing out the broccoli in your friend’s teeth to bragging about his or her tennis skills. Think of flattering stories to share about your friend or make a mental note of his or her most attractive features before you go out together. Mutually agree on a code word (like “yesterday”) to indicate you’re interested in someone so both of you don’t end up inadvertently flirting with the same person. If you end up eyeing the same hottie without realizing it, take a beat by yourselves to discuss and compare your desire levels on a scale of 1 to 10. A good wingman or wing woman knows when “to step back,” but as Tessina also cautions, “every person you meet isn’t Mr. [or Ms.] right” — so choose your showdowns wisely! ![]() Flying solo: is it an option? The insights we’ve shared here should help you choose a wingman or wing woman that brings out the absolute best in you — because, according to Nordenstrom, when your romantic radar reacts, you often “have a very short window to make a strong impression.” Or, try flying solo — Kirschner believes you may unleash your “inner charisma” when you’re forced to conquer your shyness and/or social anxiety. If you attempt a solo recon mission for scouting dating prospects and spend all night cowering next to the bathroom instead, finding a friendly co-pilot you can rely on is definitely the better way to fly! ***Disclaimer: DEAR READERS: This was an article written by Christine Champ for Match.com that Frank Kermit was quoted in. All rights, titles and interests in the article remain with the author and Match.com Author Bio: Christine Champ is a freelance writer based in the Northwest. Her writing has appeared on MSN.com, MSNBC.com, Film.com and in The Seattle Times. Rice was introduced to Italy during Middle Ages from Arab traders. Risotto was born from that introduced grain, and was used to create this creamy dish which originated in the Northern Italian region.
Asparagus Risotto Recipe Ingredients 2 Tbsp unsalted butter 1/2 cup chopped shallots 1 cup arborio rice 1/4 cup dry white wine About 4 cups of chicken stock 1/2 pound asparagus, trimmed, tips cut off, tough skins of the spears peeled 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese Salt and pepper Method 1 In a 3 or 4 quart saucepan, heat 1 tablespoon butter on medium heat. Add the shallots and cook for a minute or two, until translucent. Add the rice and cook for 2 minutes more, stirring until nicely coated. 2 While the shallots are cooking, bring the stock to a simmer in a saucepan. 3 Add the wine. Slowly stir, allowing the rice to absorb the wine. Once the wine is almost completely absorbed, add 1/2 cup of hot stock to the rice. Continue to stir until the liquid is almost completely absorbed, adding more stock in 1/2 cup increments. Stir often to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Continue cooking and stirring rice, adding a little bit of broth at a time, cooking and stirring until it is absorbed, until the rice is tender, but still firm to the bite, about 20-25 minutes. With the last ladle of stock, add the asparagus. Turn off the heat. Note the stock amount given is approximate. You may need a little more or less. If you end up needing more stock and you find yourself without, just use water. 4 Gently stir in the Parmesan cheese and the remaining 1 tablespoon butter. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately. Recipe Courtesy Of: Cristina Mucciardi CookandDate events aren’t set up to be cheesy, intimidating or plain awkward. Every event is attended by successful singles wanting to experience something new and exciting. Bars, restaurants, clubs can be fun but variety is the spice of life and our events were conceived to be fun, stress-free environment where laughs, cocktails, networking, and a little cooking take center stage. In short, all you need to do is show up and enjoy the best of what this city is known to offer: great people, great food, great wine, and a true joie de vivre. This is the recipe that has made CookandDate a true success story for the past 8 years, week after week. **Additional Information was added by Franktalks.com** 5 Financial Tips for Starting a Family By: Daniel Enayatzadeh Are you thinking of starting a family? If you and your partner are exploring the possibility of having children, it’s important to prepare for the financial impact your new little one will bring! The following are a few key points to keep in mind: 1. Maternal and parental benefits: In my experience, the very first decision couples tackle with is how they're going to adjust their lives and schedules to accommodate the new addition to their family. In some cases, the income they’ve been accustomed to may decrease, please see my points #2 and #3 for more. Gaining a solid understanding of the Quebec maternal and parental insurance plan is the first step in a plan for the future. Please see the following link which includes a benefits calculator. It can provide a good idea as to how much money you can expect to receive. http://www.rqap.gouv.qc.ca/ 2. Understanding your budget: Whether or not you’ve been following a detailed budget, you can pretty much throw it out the window! Just joking! Hold onto it because you will likely need to adjust it. Have a sit down with your partner and determine what your pre and post baby costs are. This is an important step in creating a game plan, as well as knowing what you can expect, especially when your incomes may experience a temporary adjustment. 3. Emergency fund: Children come with all kinds of unexpected expenses. Setting aside some cash, that’s not invested anywhere and available at a moment’s notice will provide you with the peace of mind to tackle the unexpected. 4. Tackle your credit card debt: You can also consider speaking to your bank or a mortgage broker about consolidating your loans. 5. Talk to a friend: Before you go on a shopping spree for all those baby accessories and items, talk to a friend who’s been through it and ideally bring them with you shopping. It can help narrow down the necessities. Last but certainly not least, book a meeting with your financial advisor! -Daniel Author Bio: Daniel Enayatzadeh is a Financial Security Advisor servicing the province of Quebec and Ontario; representing more than 20 financial institutions. He works in two main areas:
He listens to each of your financial objectives and ask the right questions to accurately determine your individual needs. He truly loves what he does. He enjoys meeting with people and helping them navigate the intricate worlds of insurance and investments. He takes the trust and confidence that his clients' have given him very seriously and he always strive to maintain an open flow of communication. Daniel's clients have come to appreciate an exceptionally high level of service. His reputation is based on the long term relationships he has established and maintained. Daniel hopes to have the opportunity to build one with you! He can be reached at Telephone: 514 966 9400 Email: [email protected] His website is http://www.thefinancialadvisor.ca/ ![]() While Apricots have been around since 3000BC, the delicate souffle can trace it's origins back to the founder of Haute Cuisine, French chef Marie Antoine (Antonin)( 8 June 1784 – 12 January 1833) Since Apricots symbolize female beauty and sexuality, it's appropriate that this recipe was used at a CookandDate event! The creation of a souffle requires a delicate touch and attention to detail. The addition of vanilla adds a familiar taste which is loved by so many. Did you know that vanilla symbolizes happiness, lust and love? It's one of the most popular fragrances in the world. Ingredients for hot apricot souffles 11/2 teaspoons ground almonds or caster sugar 1 can apricot halves in natural juice, about 400 g, well drained 2 eggs, separated 2 tablespoons thick cream 1 tablespoon caster sugar 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar To finish icing sugar cocoa powder (optional) Preparation for hot apricot souffles 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C and place a baking tray inside to heat. Lightly butter four 175 ml ramekins and dust the sides with the ground almonds or caster sugar, shaking out the excess. 2 Put the apricot halves, egg yolks, cream, sugar, vanilla extract and lemon juice in a food processor or blender and process until smooth. 3 Place the eggwhites in a clean bowl and whisk until soft peaks form. Sift over the cream of tartar and continue whisking until stiff peaks form. Spoon the apricot mixture over the eggwhites and use a large metal spoon to fold together, taking care not to overmix and deflate the eggwhites. 4 Divide the apricot mixture among the prepared ramekins. Use a round-bladed knife to mark a circle in the centre of each soufflé; this helps the tops to rise evenly. 5 Place the ramekins on the heated baking tray and bake in the centre of the oven for 15 minutes, or until the soufflés are well risen and golden brown on top. Immediately dust with icing sugar, or a mixture of icing sugar and cocoa powder, sifted through a sieve, and serve at once before they deflate. Recipe Courtesy Of:Cristina Mucciardi **Additional Information was added by Franktalks.com** ![]() How to Find the Right Toy for a Couple By Dr. Stacy Friedman Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced in using adult toys, knowing what toy to bring into your relationship may be confusing. Some people may feel that they are less of a lover or not capable enough to please their partner if they need or want to use toys, but that can’t be further from the truth! Toys are great if you want to spice things up! They can enhance any relationship and can even help with difficulty in having orgasms. Here are some tips so you know what toys may be best for what you need.
Believe it or not 75% of women can’t have an orgasm through intercourse so this helps take some of the pressure off! Just make sure lube is used when putting the ring on or it may not slide on very comfortably…ouch!
The plug is a great prostate stimulator so anyone can enjoy anal play. Give some oral or have intercourse and then feel the intensity of your orgasm! Don’t knock it until you try it! The most important thing is deciding together, as a couple, what is best and just be open to trying something new. If it doesn’t work, then try something else but be open to variety, as it is the spice of life! Written by: Dr. Stacy Friedman About The Author Dr. Stacy Friedman, DHS, CSC Dr. Stacy is the founder of Creating Intimacy Coach, Inc. She got involved in the field of Clinical Sexology because of her passion for helping people learn to experience the best sexual intimacy with themselves and with their partner(s). She holds a Doctorate degree in Human Sexuality, a Masters in Clinical Sexology and is a Certified Sex Coach. Dr. Stacy is a member of WASC (World Association of Sex Coaches), and of the ACS (American College of Sexologists), which shows she has earned top credentials in her field. She also has a BA in Psychology and a Registered Diagnostic Medical and Vascular Sonographer. Sex Coaching is designed to help women, men, and people of any sexual orientation or gender address their concerns about sexuality, sexual function and sexual expression. Additionally, since 2006, Dr. Stacy has been a consultant selling adult novelties and has coached and educated many people in a fun, positive approach to love, romance and in all aspects of sexuality. Her education and personal, spiritual and sexual journey, including life experience uniquely enables her to help people to face the challenges that may lie ahead and to achieve their goals. If you would like to discuss a concern in greater detail, you may contact Dr. Stacy at 561-899-7669 or by email at [email protected] for a complimentary consultation. Dr. Stacy works with all aspects of sexuality and specializes in women’s issues, low libido, couples with mismatched sex drives and LGBTQ concerns. Coaching sessions are available by phone, Skype (international coaching is offered) and in office sessions located in South Florida, US. www.DrStacy.org Your Creating Intimacy Coach www.facebook.com/DrStacySexCoach Twitter- DrStacySexCoach LinkedIn- DrStacy “My passion is to help you create yours” - Dr. Stacy xo ************************************************* P.S. Do you Agree With This Article? Disagree? Have something to Add? Write your thoughts in the comments below and share this article to see how many of your friends think like you. Published on Apr 25, 2017 What Makes someone undateable? and are YOU undateable! Frank makes his 11th appearance on the programThe Stuph File with Peter Anthony Holder. This is episode #0401 of The Stuph File Ways to make your wedding unique are highlighted in this contributed post. One of the things that makes a wedding day the perfect wedding is how unique it is, how personalized and heartfelt. This is your wedding day, it is the day your wife has been planning since she was six and a half years old and first learned what the word wedding meant. It is that day you will have everlasting memories of, no matter how much champagne. It is a day that will define you and your love, it is a day that will be forever spoken of and etched into the memories of your nearest and dearest. Luckily, there are hundred of little ways in which you can get creative and make your wedding that much more special and personal, and you can do so without breaking the bank too (whatever breaking the bank actually means?). Here’s how: The Save The Date Invite That Oozes You The first thing that is going to get excitement buzzing around the air like a swarm of honey bees is your engagement, the day when she said, “yes”. But the thing that ups the ante is your 'save the date' invite because this is when the anticipation gets to manifest into a countdown. What makes it extra important, though, is that your invite is what tells your guests what sort of wedding it is you are having. The look, the style, the vibe; it all comes from this invite, so put your stamp on it. Make it something that is true to you. Have an invite that, when it is opened, a knot gets tied tighter. Put old school 3D goggles inside to help the decode the message. Send them a balloon they have to blow up in order to find out the details. The choice is yours. The One Ring To Bind Them All There can be nothing more personal than exchanging rings that you designed, or rings that are bespoke to you. It doesn’t have to be a crazy design or anything like that. It could just be that you get your Tacori engagement rings engraved with something special, like the chat-up line you used to land your first date. The date of your first date. That romantic film line your soul mate absolutely adores. The name of your first song. There are so many endless ways to make your rings personalized without leaking money, and what makes this extra special is the fact that your rings stay with you forever. Crazy, Quirky Transport
The thing that often gets overlooked is the transport. People often go for practical over personal and so they just speak to a minibus company about handling that side of the ceremony. Some people go a bit out there by hiring a London double decker bus or a limo or something, but that has all been done. What we are thinking is way more personal than that. We’re thinking about hiring a bunch of scooters or bicycles and everyone riding to the next destination together. Maybe you could convince a local store to lend you a bunch of hoverboards or Segways. Maybe there is a hire company that has four or five classic VW campervans that people can squeeze - and we mean - squeeze into. It is these teeny-tiny personal things that are going to last forever in people’s minds and will make you smile when you look back through your photo album. Realities of Mental Health by Jenn and Sam, Mental Health Caseworkers Let’s talk about mental health. What really is mental health and who is it affecting? The reality is that it affects everyone. It is the thoughts, feelings, behaviors and emotions that we feel every day. Some days are better than others, and this is true regardless of whether you suffer from a diagnosed mental illness or not. Sometimes, however, the low days become low months or you can’t get the thoughts out of your head. In some instances, your behavior becomes wildly different from how you normally are. Thought patterns or behaviors begin to disrupt your daily activities and functioning. This is when mental health becomes problematic. Most of society believes that they will never be affected by mental health problems. However, approximately 20% of Canadians experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime. This means that 1 in 5 people living in Canada are facing mental health struggles. With the wide reach of social media and social networks alone, you are guaranteed to know someone who is having a difficult time maintaining their mental health. This statistic doesn’t even include those who have a mental illness and do not seek help or agree to participate in statistical surveys. Most mental health disorders emerge in late adolescence to early adulthood. Some will develop later on, at age 40-50 years. We are seeing a trend in recent years, however, of people being diagnosed earlier than average, and we’ve even seen major disorders being diagnosed in children. This sounds scary, but the most important thing to remember is that the earlier a person is diagnosed and treated, the better their outcome. Recognizing the symptoms and seeking treatment early on creates a better prognosis, and a better chance of recovery. Obvious, right? But the reality is that most people have no clue what the signs of a mental health problem are, or are unwilling to seek treatment because of the stigma surrounding mental illness. Our main goal in writing these articles is to desensitize people to the topic of mental illness, inform, and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. We want people to be able to open a line of communication to those suffering from mental illness; to seek help, talk to someone, and get on the road to recovery. Your mental health, although a part of you, does not define you. Within that same discussion, we hope to provide support and guidance to family members, friends and loved ones of those facing mental health struggles. One of the greatest factors in recovery is having a solid support system, which is why we encourage family and friends to educate themselves with accurate information concerning mental illness, so that they may understand what their loved one is experiencing and support them in seeking the appropriate help. -Jenn and Sam Author Bios Let us introduce ourselves. We are mental health case workers, and although that sounds like a big scary title, it is actually just clinical terms for saying that we help people help themselves. Our job is to empower people with the knowledge and tools to help manage any mental health issues they may be facing. This can range from small bouts of depression and anxiety, to suicidal ideation and chronic illnesses such as Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder. Whatever the concern, we are here to provide support, guidance and direction in riding the wave to recovery. On a daily basis you can find us meeting with clients and creating Action Plans to accomplish short and long terms goals. We help locate and direct clients and families to community services and organizations. We create and facilitate sport therapy groups, workshops, educational seminars and group activities, all with goal of normalizing mental health issues and empowering clients with the tools and skills to move forward not only in their recovery, but with their life goals. If you are lucky enough, you can even spend time with our onsite therapy pup named Norbert, who is always available and more than willing to give some love and cuddles. Norbert plays his own role as a worker, going out into the community to spread awareness and help with prevention. Our approach is far from traditional and we strive to work outside the clinical “box”. We focus on the individual’s strengths, using their passions and goals to facilitate stability and recovery. Jenn and Sam Mental Health Caseworkers |
January 2025
NDG Encore Singing Chorus **** Every Friday Night Dr. Laurie Betito Quotes