Change your perspective after a breakup. Continue reading to learn 3 tips which can help you think towards your future. In the immediate aftermath it's pretty hard to consider bouncing back. Add this to the fact that all breakups are different and that people process them in different ways, and it can be pretty tough to find the right bounce back tips. The key is to try and apply advice around your breakup to yourself in a way you know they’ll work. Be thoughtful and try to reimagine them. No one knows you like yourself. These tips can give you something to think about and can at least help change your perspective into one of a recovery mindset. Better to be considering new tips than worrying. Think Ahead One of the issues with breakups is that the brain starts thinking about the past and not the future. It dwells on happy times from before while the future remains clouded and unclear. To some, there may not even be a future. Imagine your next partner. The perfect person. It might be Courtney Tailor, or maybe a dream partner you’ve long had in your head. What’s next for you? What could happen if you put the effort into moving and feeling better. They do say that time is the biggest healer, but you can beat that. Get ahead of it by thinking ahead. What are you going to do next and how can you make it happen for you? It’s one of the best ways to push away the past. Tire Yourself Out At least for the first week or two after the breakup. Humans tend to do a lot of their overthinking at night, before they get to sleep. It can stop people sleeping and the tiredness may seep into your dayjob. You can stop this by tiring yourself out in the day so that you feel properly tired by the time you go to sleep. There are different ways to approach this. One is by exercising vigorously. This isn’t always easy, especially if you have to fit it around a schedule that’s already quite involved. You can also try to do this by exhausting your mind. Reading is great. If you find yourself unable to sleep, grab a book and get stuck in. Doing so will occupy your mind with whatever you’re reading instead of dwelling on the past. It will tire your eyes out and help you sleep. Always better than worrying for an age before finally falling asleep at first light. Focus On A Project For some, focusing on the breakup and trying to get over it doesn’t always work. Instead, you need to think about something else entirely. It’s why it might be good to push into a project. This isn’t something in work, but something you enjoy doing. Maybe you’re looking at marketing your side hustle. Or perhaps you want to spend time writing. What do you enjoy? What can you put your time to that really requires brain power so that you’re not thinking about anything else? Again, only you will know what works here. If you find something which really occupies your mind everything will be a bit easier.
Having trouble meeting the right person for you? Read 6 ways you can improve your chances of meeting that special person who could be your lifelong partner. Unlucky in love? Still not met the right person for you? It can be frustrating, we know, especially when you despise being single. The last thing you should do, of course, is resign yourself to the notion that you might be single forever. Instead, you should do what you can to improve your chances of meeting that special person who could be a lifelong partner. So, what can you do? Well, here are some suggestions that we hope you find useful. #1: Trust your friends to help you Your friends probably know you better than you think, so they might have ideas about who you could match up with. So, if they ever try to arrange a date between you and somebody they know, don't be too quick saying 'no.' It might be that they have somebody in mind who shares your interests and quirks, so let your friends play Cupid because true love could be right around the corner. #2: Improve your online dating profile Thanks to the internet and the wealth of dating sites and apps that are available, you have more chances than ever of meeting the right person. But if you're not getting many swipes or messages, it might be because of your online dating profile. The photos you have used may not be the most flattering, and it might be that you sound desperate within the 'about me' section. Ask a trusted friend to give your online profile a once-over and if they suggest improvements, consider their suggestions. Click the following link for more info about online dating and use the advice given. #3: Be less judgemental It might be that you have been on dates with people in the past, or you may have considered asking somebody out on a date. But if things didn't progress in either scenario, it might be because of your judgemental attitude. You may have decided that you didn't like something about the other person, be it an aspect of their personality, looks, or lifestyle. We all do this, but our first impressions are sometimes wrong. Sometimes, we need to give people a chance, so if you know you have been too judgemental, try to be less reactive. When you're too fussy, you might rule out your chances of romance, and you might miss out on the person who could be the one for you. #4: Find ways to meet new people The only way you're going to meet somebody is by putting yourself out there. Admittedly, this is difficult at the moment with the pandemic restrictions, but you can still sign up to more dating sites and apps. When life returns to normal, you can also make the effort to be more social. Go out to parties when you're invited. Sign up to community classes and attend local events. Check out these ideas for meeting new people. And when you are in the company of others, talk to them. Put your phone down, introduce yourself to others, and have a good old-fashioned conversation. It might be that you meet somebody who will be the perfect match for you! #5: Be a better date Sorry to say it but you may have been unlucky in love because of mistakes you have made on your date. You may have made little effort with your appearance, and you may have talked about yourself a little too much. You may have forgotten to compliment the other person, and you may have been overly pushy with them about your need to find true love. These are all classic first date mistakes and should be avoided. So, be mindful when you are on a date with another. Take time getting yourself ready beforehand. Make every effort to compliment them. Ask your date questions about themselves, but don't get too personal on the first date. And be yourself, without coming across as desperate and needy. If your date goes well you might stand a better chance at another, and if things progress well, romance could soon follow. Finally It can take a while before we finally meet the right person, so don't lose hope or patience. Follow our suggestions and continue to browse our website for more advice. Get in touch for the coaching services that we can offer too, as you can improve your true love chances with our experienced advice. There will be a day when you do meet 'the one,' so even if that isn't today, don't give up hope on your chances for tomorrow. Going through a divorce? Taking care of your mental health is so important right now. Here are 5 apps that can help support you through a divorce. Going through a divorce can be an incredibly tough time, you’ll likely be feeling a rollercoaster of emotions right now, and needing some support. It’s important to have a good support network of friends and family during this time, besides this, it can be helpful to have a few support tools. The following self-care apps are all perfect to improve mental health. 1 . MoodKit This self-care application uses CBT therapy techniques, to support users with their mental health. The app provides hundreds of different activities, all especially designed to boost your mood. The app was created by psychologists, it’s useful to improve mental health, and rewrite negative thought patterns. The app also has a journal, which you can use to reflect on your goals. When you take the time to improve your self-care routine, you’ll experience many positive changes, and start to feel better. 2. Grateful Grateful is an app that was created to help users express gratitude and reflect. Studies suggest that expressing more gratitude is linked to reducing depression and making people feel happier. The app offers a prompt to help you express gratitude and reflect on the positive things in your life. Using the journal you can add photographs, or write longer entries if you wish. Experiencing a divorce can be an incredibly tough time, but it’s important to focus on the good things you have in your life, to get you through this difficult time. 3. Pocket Coach The Pocket Coach app uses a type of therapy called ‘Acceptance and Commitment Therapy’, along with CBT and mindfulness exercises. The application was created to be a digital coach, for people experiencing stressful times. The app offers various lessons, and exercises, to help people through difficult moments. Pocket Coach provides plenty of content, including mindfulness techniques, psychology knowledge, and more. 4. Ten Percent Happier This application won an award for best app, back in 2018, it was designed to help people focus on the positives, and increase their levels of happiness. With the ten percent happier app, there are over 500 meditations, themed on all different topics. As well as the meditations, there’s a sleep themed section, which supports people who experience insomnia. Ten Percent Happier also provides plenty of advice on mindfulness and inspirational stories. 5. Meditopia Meditopia offers an extensive library, with plenty of unique mediations. One of the best things about the app is that Meditopia offers many different themes, whether it’s sexuality, loneliness, anxiety, and relationships. The application was created to help those who are looking to build mental resilience, reach their goals, and heal. There are plenty of advantages to a meditation practice, including improved mental health, and a deeper connection between the body and mind. Meditation is a great way to cope after a breakup. When you’re going through a divorce, it’s important to choose the right Divorce Law Firm, to ensure that the process runs smoothly. There’s plenty to think about, from custody arrangements (if you have kids) to separating your financial assets. |
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