Game Of Thrones Fans are REELING from the aftermath of episode 6! by Lory La Selva Paduano *Spoiler Alert* I can't, I can't even deal this morning! I feel like I've lost one of mine. Good bye Vyserion, R.I.P. I won't write about any plot twists of my own in this blog or the next, seeing the show is about to end, and many of my theories were written about this season, but mostly the next, season 8. This and next week's blog, will be longer than usual. I have included one at the near ending of this blog. Just for giggles! Last night's episode has fans all over the world in tears, and angry at the story line in interlude 6, of season 7, "Death is the enemy" or "Beyond The Wall" whatever you want to call it. It literally brought me and so many others to our knees. Thousands took to social media right after, where many spoiled it's contents, and reactions were unfavorable to say the least. With all good stories, it's not uncommon to reach the pivotal moments of the books or series, for crowds and readers reactions, when the end is almost near. Plot twists, are what keeps us hanging of course, until the next instalment. "Crowd pleasing?'' Nah! Not in Game Of Thrones! The books are very different than the series, this is well known by now, and I can't wait to indulge, when the season is over. I am making it a point now, to savour those last, since we MAY not see G.O.T Game Of Thrones until 2019! Yes... I always, but always cry this way! Many people will be upset if this takes place! I can picture the HBO studios being flooded at an all time high with fan mail, death threats, fans begging for it to air sooner. I'm in NO WAY promoting this, and it has happened before, its nothing new. However, I do think it'll cause chaos in the Game Of Thrones ''fans world'', it would be a stinking idea, I am on your side guys!! Many want the story to be over with as well, personally, I don't, and for those who don't, there are prequels coming!! DON'T FRET! What are they made up of, you may ask? Well, rumors circulating the net say, they will delve into the past story lines, example; Reaghar & Lyanna's back story. That's all I got for now. My good people of the world of Game Of Thrones... stay close to the fan pages for updates and more information of what's to come in the future, and read my blogs! As September approaches, I will begin the new phase of my blog... "Game Of Thrones - VS - WONDERLAND SERIES" as my book characters will go one-on-one, with Game Of Thrones characters, to create a whole new set of story lines that will fill the void in the absence of the HBO series. I have every intention of keeping you all entertained until that day comes!! Recapping the episode - Alright my sweet summer children! I want to get right into the shining moments of the interlude. The season finale is winding down. With one episode left to season 7, everyone is feeling a little lost, anxious, especially sad. I know, I'm feeling the affects as I write this blog for you all, I guess I'm saying my good bye's to the show in advance, sort of like writing a premature obituary! It is the final countdown... Tyrion Lannister suggests a "suicide squad" to capture a wight to bring to Kingslanding, for the parlay that will take place before Cercei! I loved this idea! Except, it didn't go as planned, well, for the most part anyway. We lost three members on this episode alone. Uncle Benjen, who hasn't been spotted for seasons now, Thoros of Myr, and Vyserion, Dany's cream and gold dragon, reanimated by the Night King! Wasn't that just a slap in the face...?!!! My knees went weak there for a second, I felt betrayed in every way imaginable. I'm still in shock! I mean, after all this time, and everything this show has put us through, that was hard to swallow! Here's what everyone wants to know! Where did the Night King and his army of the dead get those massive nautical chains to remove Vyserion from the water? I mean c'mon! I know it's Game Of Thrones and anything goes, but it seemed so preconceived, that I have to wonder... was this all planned? Did the Night King have any clue as to Dany possibly making an entrance with her dragons? Jon Snow was steadfast when he told Gendry, the fastest runner, to head back to the night's watch, to send a raven to Dany for help, when they were surrounded on a lake of frail ice, as they fought off the army of the dead for hours. I can't help but mention a silly theory out there. Some have even stated it would have taken 78 hours for Dany to reach the far north beyond the wall!! *Eye roll* followed by laughter... Let's not read too much into this! The season was rushed, we all felt that, simply because fewer episodes with longer air times, were decided on, earlier last season. The show is intense on all levels, but it remains a work of fiction none the less. I know what you're all thinking! Dany's got two dragons left! The books are one thing, and what the producers have given us thus far is as always, different. But what if... and I'm going out on a limb by agreeing this might be real here, there are more dragon eggs out there...? Here's what I've found... Okay people, don't get too excited! This may never see fruition on the present show, but what if... they feature this in the prequels?! That would be... AMAZING!!! Some are saying the crypts of Winterfell (hot springs below the crypts) also Dragonstone (mentioned above) are the keepers of these remaining eggs! Might very well be the reason Jon Snow keeps having nightmares of the Crypts in Winterfell. He's drawn to it, as his "Targ" blood intoxicates his mind. This may happen somewhere, seeing that George's books are beyond what the show delivers. Another memorable scene that stood out because of it's dialogue rather, was Dany and Jon on the boat! HOLY OH LA LA! After Jon resurfaced from the icy waters, uncle Benjen showed up to save the day! He gave Jon his horse so he could ride off to safety. Jon watched the army of the dead engulf his uncle in death, and it saddened me immensely! It was a gruesome scene, and I yelled at the TV, when he refused to join Jon... The "Straks!" Such noble men, like uncle Benjen's brother, Jon's adoptive father... Ned Stark! Speaking of... People are spreading rumors, that Ned will be back?! Okay... we shall see! (wink, wink ). Dany and Jon's encounter was epic! Romantic at best, they swore an allegiance to one another in the name of... Marriage!! YAS, YAS, YAS! She also proceeded to tell Jon she is barren, and Jon had no f*cks to give as he called her "My queen" casually "Dany", breaking off all formalities. So what has the prophecy stated in the past, do you all remember? If not, let me jog your memory once more... Mirri Maz Duur never said that Daenerys wouldn't/couldn't have children. [This is from the books] "When will he [Drogo] be as he was?" Dany demanded. "When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east," said Mirri Maz Duur, "When the seas go dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before." I know it's from the books, but she has said this on the show! I don't care about "incest" this is fake after all, and again historical, but a great ending for these two. What comes next? Speculation as always, is surrounding this couple and how it will come down to tragedy! Prophecies have been wrong before, as you all recall Melisandre's visions, who for the most part, were off. Burning a child at the stake? Yeah...WAY OFF! I'm still trying to recover from that one! *Rolls Eyes* If you enjoyed this blog, please share with friends! Wanna chat? You can easily reach me here, Or by email @ [email protected] Cheers - Lory. Author Biography Lory La Selva Paduano has always held a profound love for historical fiction. As an avid reader herself, she has always been inspired to tell stories in captivating settings surrounded by intriguing characters. She is the first to say she adores the genre she vividly brings to life. A mother, wife and published writer, blogger, her life's experiences inspire her to be the best she can be, whether it be in her novels, or in real life. For more information on Lory's books and upcoming work, please visit her Facebook page: She wrote five books to date. One is similar to Game Of Thrones (G.O.T.) to which she blogs about every week. She loves traveling, and is currently working on more books, so look out for her. When you need a Game of Thrones (G.O.T) fix out of season! She's your gal! Check out her Books Here: - Wonderland Series - - Khafa The High Priestess - - The Legacy of a Legend -
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