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Are you also thinking about getting coaching with Frank and want to read a sample of the kind of coaching advice he would offer you?
Then this ebook is one of your BEST OPTIONS!
What’s This Book About?
This book is a collection of various articles Frank wrote for different publications, newsletters, websites and his own blog.
This book is a collection of 50 of Frank Kermit's articles. What makes this book special is that a number of these articles are from newsletters Frank ran that are now defunct (Emotional Needs, Weddings, and a Relationship newsletter). Those projects had some great information in them, so Frank decided to include those entries here to ensure that those articles can help you.
In professional Coaching circles Frank Kermit is known as 'The Coaches Coach' as they have come to rely on Frank for his expert advice* put forth in his consistent, no nonsense style.
Read these articles and you will see why Frank's advice is so well respected around the world.
- You'll get ALL of the following information in this 233 page digital Ebook:8 articles on Relationships that include The Scariest Questions To Ask a Couple, Your Spouse or Your Friends, Asking So Where Is This Going?, There Will Be Bad Times, Sharing Passwords, Credibility Creates Commitment, You Do Not Have Time For Toxic People, and The Biggest Regret
- 19 articles on Dating that include Dating In Secret, Hosting A Singles Party, Single Or Not, Here Comes Valentine, Speed Dating Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts, Why is Dating So Complicated?, Dating Expectations, Dating Your Ex, What is a Poly Date?, Valentine’s Day Do and Don’t List , Single and Celebrating Valentine’s, Cursed or Bad Choices?, Go To Where The Singles Are, Dating and Mental Illness, From Lovers To Friends, All About Attention, and Beware Your Ex During Cuffing Season
- 3 articles on Online Dating that include Profile Secrets, What You Want vs What They Want and Online Dating Tips
- 2 articles on Sex including Sex Drive, Depression, and Blame, and Pay Attention To Sex
- 4 articles on Marriage and Family Matters that include a Graduation Speech: Tips For a Young Adult, Compatible Financial Values, What if it were your kids?, and Tributes at Weddings for Loved Ones,
- 14 articles on Personal Development that include Holiday Office Party Etiquette, Life is No Fairy-tale, Limits of Non-Verbal Communication, Don’t Force Your Worldview, Sabotage Between Friends, The Ten Year Rule, The Life Plan, Remember Those Dates, No One is a Mind Reader, Higher Power Brought You Together, Little White Lies, There is More Than Getting Lucky, Are you willing to pay the price for love?, “The Real Costs” Writing Exercise
- 3 Emotional Needs Quiz articles
- 2 articles on Reasons You Got Ghosted or Dumped After a Great First Date
Explore What Frank Can Do For You RIGHT NOW – Buy FRANKTALKS ARTICLES VOLUME 4 ebook. We are offering this eBook for only $10! What are you waiting for?
*P.S. Many coaches use the term "For Entertainment Purposes Only" to write and say whatever they want without any legal repercussions. Even reviews of their own products and services! Frank Kermit does not hide behind entertainment purposes. The advice in this book is 100% AUTHENTIC.
P.S.S. There's going to be a lot of spelling mistakes in this book. You might be wondering "Why?" Because Frank writes his own books and does not hire any "ghostwriters" to do his work, unlike other coaches out there. Frank is no marketer by any stretch of the imagination! But this also means his writing is 100% honest material.
(Note: Read the reviews below of those who have found positive change reading this book)
Interview about Frank ArticlesCheck Out this interview from
Passion w/Dr Laurie Betito about Frank Articles in the Newspaper |
All testimonials and product reviews on Franktalks.com are authentic.
No persons have ever been paid for any testimonials or reviews.
Some have been edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity of message.
I first came to know of Frank Kermit and his work after reaching out to the love/dating/relationship coaching community for advice. As an intimacy coach, I’d taken on a new client with special needs beyond the scope of my practice. This client’s particular issues were a type with which I had limited experience—no more than the average dating and relationship coach. I soon discovered, however, there is nothing “average” about Frank, who directed me to a page on his website expounding on the very (uncommon) issue in question. I continued reading his site, impressed by his insights and theories. To say Frank knows his stuff is an understatement. This point was driven home the second time I reached out to the same coaching community, with yet another uncommon dilemma, that was yet again well within the scope of Frank’s knowledge and experience.
Some coaches have a knack for this type of work. They’re natural leaders and effective communicators, with a passion for facilitating healthy romantic connections. To some degree, however, that could describe many people, including well-meaning friends, siblings, coworkers, and generations of Italian grandmothers. The best coaches, in my opinion, have overcome their own personal struggles with dating, intimacy, and relationships. For them, this work is a calling.
I am one of those coaches and I happen to know Frank is too, better able to lead our clients out of the jungle because we were there once ourselves. We blazed the trails, forged the paths, dug, climbed, crawled, machete, tunneled, swam, tried every which way, and created some new ones. We didn’t just draw the map—it’s etched permanently in our brains.
Much of this work is instinctual. It helps to understand, on the deepest levels, subtle aspects of human nature and self-defeating patterns displayed in the dance toward intimacy. My passion and affinity is for working with middle-aged men to overcome performance anxiety, sexual dysfunction, and emotional detachment. Early in my career I dabbled in dating coaching, and in the future I may decide to work with couples. For now, I leave that to the experts, consulting with them on rare occasions I have a client who might benefit. Frank is my go-to guy, in that vein, and his new book illustrates why.
It began that day I perused his blog, e-books and digital programs. Listening to an audio preview of his ‘Emotional Needs Analysis of Men’ propelled me to purchase the workbook and I’ve been a fan since. That Frank explains the heart of men's Emotional Needs in clear, concise, illuminating terms is invaluable in itself. What’s more, the value of his system helping women identify men’s needs in REAL TIME cannot be understated. As for his Mother-Lover theory, I find it to be so spot-on I’ve been sharing it with my clients since first reading it. Even my therapist (in practice 40 years) was impressed. I suspect she’s shared it with her clients too.
I’ve worked in the field of physical and emotional intimacy for 20+ years. The ideas and concepts Frank writes about overlap significantly with my life’s work. It’s refreshing and exciting to stumble upon a like-minded professional I can both recommend to others and learn from myself.
I believe intimate relationships make life worth living, and I do not say that lightly. Coupling is natural—yet that doesn’t mean it happens naturally. For too many people it doesn't happen at all, or not without undue pain and conflict. Frank's advice can change that.
In reading these essays, I had three basic reactions. One was a slow, silent nod, as in “Yes, I completely agree; this is something I teach in my practice, too.” The second was an “aha” moment at gleaning a new or deeper insight into a known issue. The third reaction happened whenever I read an exquisitely phrased passage that made me slap my forehead in frustration, as in, “Why didn’t I think of that!?”
Frank gets it. This isn’t fluff, this is change your life stuff—specific effective strategies and some previously esoteric information laid out in simple relatable terms that’s icing on the cake. Gravy on the meat, if you will. And there's a lot of meat here. Everything you need to know about love, sex, dating, and relationships to avoid a lifetime of slapping your own forehead.
Consider this: Frank opens the book with a pulls-no-punches "What if?" question sure to send the faint of heart reeling. You want meat? You got it, in the very first pages you’ll find rarely heard truths about expectation, consent, communication skills, alternative choices, oppressive cultures, casual hookups and dishonest lawsuits. Further on, are more weighty topics, including depression, ego, denial, boundaries, self-respect, discernment, and the best Valentine's Day strategy I've read in years, maybe ever (though I’ll leave it to the reader to deduce which V-Day post I’m referring to. Hint: all of them.)
Lastly, I’d like to say that as an intimacy coach who works primarily with male clients, I'm frequently frustrated by tired societal tropes that men are sex-starved, shallow, and insensitive. I'm not alone in my belief that men are long past due being granted permission to express vulnerability, and be released from archaic standards of "masculinity." It's heartening to see Frank take these on too (see chapters about nonverbal communication and fairy-tales), without taking sides or placing blame unfairly. Frank holds everyone’s feet to the fire, highlighting core principles of ethics, integrity, and accountability.
Nothing is watered down. I've seen less information in $100 e-books and $1,000 seminars than in the first half of this book. Many coaches sidestep controversial topics, or gloss over them without taking a position. Frank addresses them head-on with candor and … well, frankness.
Frank Talks isn't just a play on words. It's the approach all clients deserve, and one Frank has a gift for. It's this clarity of purpose and ability to see both sides of the male/female coin, that is so very rare in our business.
I'm honored to have written the Introduction to Frank Kermit's stellar collection of articles. His insights are invaluable to the field of relationship coaching, and have informed and enriched my work as an intimacy coach quite a bit.
I've printed out & passed on more than one of his articles to my own clients, and have his Mother-Lover Theory etched in gold on my office door. (That's a lie, there's nothing etched into my office door, but if there WERE, it just might be one of Frank's articles). |