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Do you lack of confidence in social situations that can lead to sex?
Do you have idealized notions of dating and relationships that do not seem to be working to get you sex or a girlfriend?
Are you feeling left behind as your friends hook up and pair up and you are the only one left still a virgin and without a girlfriend?
Are you trapped by your own deep HURT and want to feel inner peace that comes with good sex?
Do you want to have sex or even a girlfriend that loves and adores you?
Do you want to rid yourself of the deep hurt your feel?
Would you like to learn how to handle the topic of sex when it comes up?
Have you ever been mistaken for a closet homosexual or abuse victim?
Being an adult male virgin when you don't want to be hurts, and no one wants to talk about or acknowledge that except Frank. With Frank Kermit's Adult Male Virgin Handbook you can move forward in your life! You will learn what you need to know to stop being an adult male virgin!
Take a step by step journey with Frank Kermit as your guide and learn such things as: the first kiss, dealing with nerves, foreplay, and much more. You will also learn to eliminate the "he's a virgin' red flags that you are presenting to women.
You'll get ALL of the following information in this 228 page digital Ebook:
Fix your virginity problem RIGHT NOW – Buy The Adult Male Virgin Handbook ebook. We are offering this eBook for only $10! What are you waiting for?
 *P.S. Many coaches use the term "For Entertainment Purposes Only" to write and say whatever they want without any legal repercussions. Even reviews of their own products and services! Frank Kermit does not hide behind entertainment purposes. The advice in this book is 100% AUTHENTIC.
P.S.S. There's going to be a lot of spelling mistakes in this book. You might be wondering "Why?" Because Frank writes his own books and does not hire any "ghostwriters" to do his work, unlike other coaches out there. Frank is no marketer by any stretch of the imagination! But this also means his writing is 100% honest material.
(Note: Read the reviews below of those who have found positive change reading this book:)
Do you have idealized notions of dating and relationships that do not seem to be working to get you sex or a girlfriend?
Are you feeling left behind as your friends hook up and pair up and you are the only one left still a virgin and without a girlfriend?
Are you trapped by your own deep HURT and want to feel inner peace that comes with good sex?
Do you want to have sex or even a girlfriend that loves and adores you?
Do you want to rid yourself of the deep hurt your feel?
Would you like to learn how to handle the topic of sex when it comes up?
Have you ever been mistaken for a closet homosexual or abuse victim?
Being an adult male virgin when you don't want to be hurts, and no one wants to talk about or acknowledge that except Frank. With Frank Kermit's Adult Male Virgin Handbook you can move forward in your life! You will learn what you need to know to stop being an adult male virgin!
Take a step by step journey with Frank Kermit as your guide and learn such things as: the first kiss, dealing with nerves, foreplay, and much more. You will also learn to eliminate the "he's a virgin' red flags that you are presenting to women.
You'll get ALL of the following information in this 228 page digital Ebook:
- An introduction written by one of Frank's best students about how he finally lost his virginity to a girl on their 3rd date (after only 3 months of studying with Frank)
- A personal and humiliating story of Frank when Frank was outed in his public social circle as a virgin, and was forced to face his own Virginity Demon and how he battled it
- The Virginity A-Ha Moment that all male virgins need to hear to motivate them and get them to move forward
- Explaining The Unfair Stigma of the Male Virgin so that you understand why you are treated the way you are treated because male virgins does not fit the Male Stereotype
- What adult male virgins are not classified as just average regular guys and what makes them different, and the double standard adult male virgins face for not just paying for sex
- How to filter out all the dating and sex advice information out there when you are a virgin, and how to avoid information overload that keeps you a virgin
- An explanation of the Educational Benefits of Sex and why virgins are at a disadvantage because they never had sex yet
- How You CHOSE to be an Adult Male Virgin even if you don't see it how that is possible and quick changes you can make to help you finally lose your virginity
- Explaining the value of Dating Girls That Already Like You even if you are only slightly interested in her, and how to manage that relationship so that you get sex, but do not lie to her and do not break her heart.
- How to beware bad advice that people give you because you are a virgin, and how you have to be mindful of her friends and their influence on her taking your virginity
- A beginner understanding of your internal Attraction Mechanism that keeps you a virgin and how to change it
- The Mindset of a Date that you need to have in order to help you bring the date to an opportunity for sex without getting too attached first
- Explaining the difference of First Time Sex For Guys vs. First Time Sex For Girls and how mixed messages keeps you a virgin
- How The Sexual Reality of Women means a woman remaining a virgin is primarily a choice, whereas for a man, it is a sentence of involuntary celibacy
- How your virginity has kept you safe until now, but it has also limited your opportunities
- Explaining the concept of how Sex is Anti-Climatic and why people that lost their virginity already just do not understand your pain
- Why it is not enough to just hope to "Get Lucky" and what else you need to focus on to make sure that losing your virginity is a positive experience and that you do not lose the girl afterwards
- How virgins who consider paying for sex are wasting their money because of the social skills and emotional toll of sex they may not be ready for
- The story of a coaching client that only ever went to sex workers and paid for sex, and how he lost his dream girl
- The importance that sex plays in keeping a woman interested in you
- How to go Beyond your current Virgin Mindset using some easy new ways to think about love, sex and dating
- What is The Three Year Rule, and how it will help you feel more comfortable with pursuing women for sex
- How having sex is the The Best Way To Stay Friends with Women afterwards
- The Power Of Sex and how virgins reveal their virginity in public in the way they talk, showing they do not understand the power of sex, and why you should never give dating advice when you are a virgin (people will spot you out)
- How to use the Assumption of Sexual Desire to your advantage to help you lose your virginity
- Checking to see if you have a sexual vibe and if that is why women are rejecting you, and what to do about it
- Knowing if and when To Tell, Or Not To Tell, Her You’re a Virgin
- Know that you can Go Back and Get Her if she rejected you before, and how to do it
- Learn to Listen To What She "Does", not says, to help you understand women
- Do not make the mistake of being a Virgin Know-It-All who talks about the way relationships SHOULD BE. Learn how to avoid telling the world you are a virgin
- How to combat the Frustrations of Being a Virgin who learns about sex, but has not had any sex yet
- How to accept the fact that things will not just “Work Out" and how you have to make it happen
- How To Get Initial Relationship Experience so that you can more quickly lose your virginity
- Conversations your friends and family are having behind your back and how to change that
- A Personal Story from Frank about his Grief due to how his family treated him during his period of involuntary celibacy
- The historical connect of Virgins and Romance and how certain notions of romance will keep you a virgin
- What is The Right Age to lose your Virginity
- Things you can do right now to take the lead and make yourself ready to have sex and lose your virginity
- What is a "Practice" Girl and how to introduce the topic of conversation in a cool way.
- Helping you decide if you should lose your virginity in a serious relationship, or a more casual encounter
- How to use your enthusiasm to help you compensate for a lack of sexual experience
- An analysis of what it is like to be a male virgin during the ages of 18-21 , 22, 23, 24, 25 and 25+ and what to expect as the years increase and you are still a virgin
- 11 Signs To Spot An Adult Male Virgin and how you can AVOID doing them to keep your secret
- How to react if someone wants to set you up on a Blind Date
- Why you should never be the one single guy hanging out with a lot of couples
- Why Male Virgins Are Mistaken For Gay Men
- 5 Reasons that Male Virgins are mistaken for Abused Males
- How to tell the difference between a woman showing you Gratitude and a woman showing you Love, and how to avoid being manipulated
- Â 6 Ways to be Discreet About Being An AMV
- Learn what is/is not Appropriate Sexual Humor for Virgins
- When a sense of humor works against you
- How male virgins may have the emotional needs of a woman, and how to get rid of them
- How to handle rejection in a way that can still help you get sex with her in the future
- Frank shares the detailed story of how he lost his virginity to a woman that admitted she was in love with someone else and failed at his first attempts, and how he got past it
- Something You Can Do Right Now to make your a better lover even if you never had sex before
- A Condom Trick for Your First Time if you worry that your nervousness will kill your erection
- What to expect in First Time, and Second Time, SexÂ
- 3 Things Virgins Need To Focus On for first time sex
- 2 Things For Speed De-Flowering so that you lose your virginity even FASTER
- What Counts As Sex and why does it have such a psychological effect
- How To Set Up a Friends-With-Benefits
- Some basics about birth control
- How to combat your Virgin STI Fears
- How to Sexually Escalate and be assertive on dates even when you are a virgin, and still give her what she wants
- Tips For The First Time Sex based on a detailed account of how to go from talking to lightly touching to sex
- Tips for The First Full Kiss
- How to go from regular kissing to French kissing
- A list of the different kinds of encounters and relationships that you can lose your virgin in, and the pros and cons of each (from one night stand all the way to serious relationships)
- How you can use sex to get over Bad Memories of past broken hearts
- 10 Things You Can Do Right Now to lose your virginity in 90 days or less
- Writing Exercises for HOMEWORK to help you get started
Fix your virginity problem RIGHT NOW – Buy The Adult Male Virgin Handbook ebook. We are offering this eBook for only $10! What are you waiting for?
 *P.S. Many coaches use the term "For Entertainment Purposes Only" to write and say whatever they want without any legal repercussions. Even reviews of their own products and services! Frank Kermit does not hide behind entertainment purposes. The advice in this book is 100% AUTHENTIC.
P.S.S. There's going to be a lot of spelling mistakes in this book. You might be wondering "Why?" Because Frank writes his own books and does not hire any "ghostwriters" to do his work, unlike other coaches out there. Frank is no marketer by any stretch of the imagination! But this also means his writing is 100% honest material.
(Note: Read the reviews below of those who have found positive change reading this book:)
***Legal: if you are purchasing a non-tangible, digital product from this sales page at the website http://www.franktalks.com, the purchaser by acceptance of these terms agrees that all sales are final and non-refundable. This is a legally binding condition of the purchase on the buyer. If there is a problem with any digital product please contact [email protected]
Listen to this interview with
FORMER Adult Male Virgin clients of Frank as they discuss their success using Frank's System |
Adult Male Virgins Are Not Average Guys
The average guy out there gets himself a girlfriend, because he takes what he can get, and he takes the opportunities that are available to him. That is why he gets sex, he gets married, and he has kids. So the adult male virgin becomes the exception to even the average guy rules.
In a society that vilifies the entire profession of prostitution, it’s still expected that, if you’re a guy, and you haven’t had a girlfriend, but you’re still expected to be a quote-unquote “normal guy”, thus you may resort to doing something that people will vilify and act like it’s despicable.
Respect The Trick, Not The Virgin
When I was in Montreal, I had a circle of friends and there was one guy in the group that people just assumed was an adult-age virgin because of the way he was behaving. One of my friends took me aside (and this was a guy who wasn’t a lover but he was an average guy, he went for it, he got sex a few times, he had a few girlfriends), and he turned to me and pointed out that friend.
He said, “Y’know, I’ve always figured that at some point, even though it wouldn’t be the best thing, that the guy would go off and be with a hooker or something just to get over it, just to do it.”
And it turns out that that guy never did.
We had another mutual acquaintance, and we had found out that the mutual acquaintance, although he had never had a girlfriend, BUT went to a prostitute every couple of months. So the friend who told me this said, “Well at least that guy, I can respect that. He’s going off to a prostitute every two months. At least I know he wants it; at least I know he’s going for it.”
I just found that so odd! He actually respected the guy who was going to the prostitute every couple of months instead of the guy who refused to pay for it. I realized that the stigma against adult male virgins is unfair. But it exists.
Overcoming Information Overload (OIO)
One of the challenges of being an adult male virgin is that you will be receiving so much theory on relationships. Every newspaper has a relationship advice columnist. (At the time of this publication, I also happen to be a relationship columnist in a couple of magazines for swingers and BDSM fetish.)
Every single one of those columnists is giving advice on relationships and sometimes the advice that they give isn’t necessarily the advice that works. They (mostly) focus on the way things should be and not on the way things actually are.
In the world of self improvement, I’ve met a lot of adult male virgins who are studying all kinds of “attraction material” and “advanced social techniques material”, and they’re getting confused with all this theory.
They’re saying, “This one bit of advice says to do this, and this other school of thought says to do something completely different. How do you know which one to follow? The answer is:
You would know if you were having sex.
Copyright Franktalks.com 2009-2017
All testimonials and product reviews on Franktalks.com are authentic.
No persons have ever been paid for any testimonials or reviews.
Some have been edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity of message.
I always thought of myself as a smart guy, but never understood women. I had a small share of dates here and there, but nothing consistent. The only true consistency was heartbreak and emotional torture.
Two weeks before I turned 30, I reached out to Frank because I never had a girlfriend in my life.
Frank finally spoke a language I could understand.
My friends, despite their good intentions, could not help me.
Frank broke it down to a SCIENCE.
When a girl rejected me, I now viewed it as ME not doing my homework rather than her simply being picky. Addressing women's emotional needs because my homework, but it was finally something concrete for me to understand.
Within 15 days of coaching, I slept with the girl on the first date, a milestone I never would have imagined.
- Hoose
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Mr. Kermit,
Thank you very, very much for writing the Adult Male Virgin Handbook.
You must be a social genius. The way you explain everything so simply (yet effectively) rocks!!!
Even someone with no sexual or dating experience (like me) can easily understand your book.
I wish I had your book when I was younger. Your guide could’ve saved me many, many years of confusion, anger, and self-hatred!!
The topics you cover are the things most adults know and take for granted... but they’re the basic things most virgins don’t know!
I never even knew I was unaware of some of these facts. Thank you very much for explaining them.
To those of you thinking about buying the handbook:
I Can’t Recommend The Adult Male Virgin Handbook Highly Enough!!!
You’ll Learn Everything You Need to Know to End the Pain, Suffering, and Confusion of Being an Adult Male Virgin.
And Mr. Kermit really, really knows his stuff. He breaks everything down in super-simple language.
He explains all the things you need to know to get caught up to your peers (at any age).
You won’t find a better person to help you overcome your virginity anywhere!
The Benefits You’ll Get From Reading This Book Include:
You’ll understand the basic facts most people take for granted. Very basic facts about sex and relationships. The things you should have learned earlier
You’ll learn how to separate the good sex advice from the bad. After all, women and guys who already have sex just don’t understand your situation as a virgin.
You’ll understand why the male virgin suffers from such a nasty stigma. As if it doesn’t suck enough being a male virgin... everyone thinks less of you! And you don’t even know what you’re doing wrong!!!
Speaking of which...
You’ll get rid of a few dead giveaways in your behavior.... giveaways that let everyone know you’re a virgin (and cause them to think less of you)!
You’ll get a solid plan for losing your virginity.
Most Importantly...
You’ll have hope!!!!
After years of struggling to understand sex and relationships... I’m no longer confused about what’s happening around me. It’s easy to understand what I need to do to move forward.
I must admit:
I felt somewhat skeptical about buying your book (at first).
The promises you made in your ad sounded too good to be true.
Sure, I expected to learn a thing or two... but I didn’t expect to learn so much!!!
Your handbook really lives up to the hype!!!
To anyone reading this review:
Are you an adult male virgin?
You’ll learn all the things you should have learned earlier in your life.
The basic things most adults know and take for granted.
After all... that’s why no one tells you these things...
Because they think you already know them!!
It never even occurs to them you might not!!!
This book opened my eyes to several things I’ve never even noticed before. And it’ll open yours’ too. Seriously.
Take my advice and get The Adult Male Virgin Handbook. You won’t regret buying it... you’ll only wish you learned most of this stuff when you were younger (like everybody else does!).
- Matt G.
Pittsburgh, Pa (USA)
Hi Frank, |
After about an hour of talking, I learned that at her age, she doesn't want to enter serious relationships with guys who aren't serious with her because she wants to settle down, etc... Okay. No problem.
I later told her that if she isn't currently seeing anybody, I would be interested in pursuing something further with her, and I wanted to form a friends-with-benefits (FWB) pact. I was honest with her. Our life plans are very different, and I cannot be her monogamous boyfriend due to our differing lives and how far away we live from each other (EN6).
If she did not want to pursue something of the sort, I let her know that I was perfectly okay with it (EN7). We both mutually agreed upon the pact, and she DID consent to the pact. I deliberately asked. She thought it was funny that I asked... I said: "I'm very dedicated to my career. I have to protect my liability." I gave her the "you are free to see other people" speech you've recited in the past (addressed EN5).
Anyway... How did I get so fortunate to have sex with a pretty woman like her? I addressed ALL TEN emotional needs. What made me stick out to her was addressing ENs 1, 4, 6, and 9. She put a great emphasis on protecting MY reputation, when I told her that I will protect hers no matter what. Nobody knows what her and I do together except for the two of us.
I finally felt free from a burden that's haunted me for over 10 years (since I discovered girls). That means my love demon was gravely injured, and is on the path to dying.
Your style of dating sets you apart because it addresses elements of dating often unknown or undiscussed from other coaches in the industry.
To conclude... This never would've happened to me without Frankisms.
It's almost like my looks have changed since last night. I look and feel like a new man.
Better yet, I know this is just the beginning. Even though my Storytelling still needs work, I was still able to seduce a woman using the Emotional Needs theories.
So for all that... THANK YOU!
-Review by Paul,
Toronto Canada
Hey Frank, Just a quick update – Thanks to your work (especially the information about making it clear that I'm not looking for friendship) I am no longer a virgin. I am dating a woman who meets all of my criteria, and I am living the lifestyle that I have always wanted. All in all, thanks.
-Review by Alexander L.,
The ‘Adult Male Virgins Handbook’, really helped me understand what it meant to be an adult male virgin (AMV). Because of this book, I was able to lose my virginity.
Although our experiences were very different, Frank’s feelings and thoughts about being a virgin were very familiar to me. There was sense of comfort in knowing that I am not a alone in how I felt as a AMV.
I had many personal revelations reading the ‘Adult Male Virgins Handbook.’ I realized that I was getting in my own way, as I became aware of my own AMV behaviours. They were obvious to others even thought I thought I could hide it. I was so mistaken.
By understanding these behaviors in myself, I started to replace some of them with more attractive behaviors. This also allowed me to pick out AMV from my friends and people who were giving me advice. Knowing this helped me figure out whom not to take advice from, since they did not have the experiences to back up their advice! I also learned what people to avoid hanging out with since they would not be able to help me meet women.
Without Frank Kermit pointing out what could go wrong, or the things to look out for, it may have taken me many months to figure it out on my own!
For all the adult male virgins who don’t wish to be virgins, I strongly recommend you to pick up this book! With the wisdom found here you will no longer get confused by so many sources of advice, as this book addresses the issues head on. It answers the deep issues and thinking patterns you may have that no other material I have found really addresses. I lost my virginity because of this book, may be it will for you too.
- Review by Anonymous,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I believe that Frank Kermit has the right information for adult male virgins with his “Adult Male Virgins Seminar’ and ‘Adult Male Virgins Handbook.’ I have not seen any Therapists on television or radio who are like Frank.
(**Editor’s note: Frank Kermit is not a Therapist, nor does he claim to be one**)
I believe that Frank is the voice for adult male virgins, and I feel the need to pass the word of Frank Kermit to the rest of the world so adult male virgins can be heard! I tried calling a talk show here in the USA, and I tried also looking online for other sources of information about adult male virginity and there was no information other than Frank’s. THERE IS NO OTHER HELP FOR US!
What I learned from Frank Kermit is that we are strong, but as adult male virgins, we have to take control of our lives! Yes some of us are without jobs and living at home. We also may be in school, but that shouldn't stop us from achieving our goal of losing our virginity.
I learned that while there may be quick and simple answers to our problems being AMVs, those quick and simple solutions will still leave you emotionless and needing to know what real love and emotions feel like.
(Editor's note: Tracy lost his virginity and got married to the love of his life within two years of studying this material)
-Review by Tracy B.,
I arranged for ‘Pay As You Go Coaching’ with Frank Kermit, but I had never done phone coaching before, so I didn't know what to expect. Being an adult aged virgin, it is quite difficult finding someone you can easily talk to, and who will give you sound advice as well. As I'm in a very strange situation for someone my age, and still being a virgin (I am over 50).
The phone coaching session with Frank Kermit was very enlightening. It began with Frank trying to pinpoint why I've been a virgin for so long. He then began to work with me to challenge the many ideas and concepts I believed about dating and relationships. I learned that there are factors involved in dating and relationships that I had not considered.
1 1/2 hours goes by very quickly when Frank Kermit is your coach! I got an excellent perspective on certain things, and I realize now what I have to do to better myself if I want to improve this part of my life.
Frank gives very direct, concise, advice which I feel many people can benefit from. He is also very articulate, and I strongly suggest that any adult should get in touch with him if they are having difficulties of any kind in their romantic life.
Once again Frank, thank you. I have learned something which I never would have learned from anyone else. It would have taken me years to learn this on my own.
-Review by Anonymous,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I was very reluctant to use Frank Kermit's ‘Pay As You Go Coaching’ services. I knew about his practice for over two years but I was convinced that I could work things out on my own. I was a forty-year old virgin prior to working with Frank. My love life was in shambles and I was pretty much scared of my own shadow when it came to meeting women.
In just two short months working with Frank, I went from missing out on life and feeling inferior to other men to becoming much more self-confident about myself and having a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.
I used to have this checklist of attributes that a woman needed to possess in order for me to date them. It turned out that I would create this impossible list as a defense mechanism. In my mind there was always something wrong with women, when all I was doing was setting myself up for the fall.
Friends and family said that I was too picky and awkward when talking about relationships; I subsequently found out that I had many behaviors of an Adult Male Virgin. There was nothing wrong with me physically. In fact, many people have mentioned in the past that I was a good-looking man. I just sat on my fanny waiting for somebody to lead the way.
No more! Frank's approach is what is called tough love. Look elsewhere if you are seeking a coach leaving you with a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. His sessions are meant to provide you with the right tools when faced with a situation where you are in direct contact with a woman on a romantic/sexual level.
I admit to finishing a few sessions exhausted, or wanting to throw a brick at Frank!
By investing myself fully in the sessions, I was greatly rewarded by getting the results I was seeking. It's not only relationships that we tackled; we also discussed many different factors that would lead me to a fulfilled life.
Frank also did a fantastic job of following up with me outside of the sessions. I am still a work in progress but aren't we all? I still need to grow more as a person, but I now see it as a challenge rather than an obstacle.
That being said, the proof is in the pudding: My lover said that she has never been more passionate for a man, and that I knew how to please her. Quite the accomplishment for this inexperienced fellow and former adult male virgin!
-Review by Tony,
Burlington, Ontario
I met Frank Kermit when I first started my journey working out some of the issues I had regarding women. The time that I spent with Frank changed me for the better.
I used to try to talk with women, but our conversation would be completely asexual. I didn’t know what to say when a woman complimented me. I was also scared of confrontation and intimate touch with a woman. I was an expert at self-sabotage.
Accepting, and putting into action Frank’s initial advice allowed me to gradually face the challenges I gave myself. Frank turned me into a man!
Frank challenged my views on reality, and made me face the truth about relationships. He broke my safe bubble and asked me questions that most men would never take the time to ask themselves. He was honest and to the point.
My identity became stronger and my assertiveness as a sexual being was slowly becoming prominent. Almost nine months into my development, I have finally lost my virginity. At that crucial time I had no stress whatsoever, and I have Kermit to thank for that.
His ‘Adult Male Virgins Seminar’ helped me to resolve some of my old anchors regarding sex. I no longer feel guilty for being a sexual man.
Frank Kermit is a master in challenging a woman's tests. I have learned so much, and it has helped me to interact with women with ease. I have learned to reframe my mindset regarding relationships, and this has helped me enormously in my current relationship.
I am now able to form solid connections quickly with women especially in the areas of storytelling and finding similarities with each other. My learned skills now set me apart from all the other men.
Thank you Frank for your guidance! You have made me become the man I am today. I am very close to the person that I always envisioned myself being.
-Review by A.M.,
I have worked with Frank for 3 months and lost my virginity last night!!! I was a 40 year old virgin, who has a great career, good friends, and I am close with my family.
The reason I was an Adult Male Virgin was that I did not have a strong male role model to follow, and at the same time, I grew up with a very strict religious upbringing which kept me unconsciously self-sabotaging myself.
Dating women had always been my weakness until I met Frank.
I am not the same person I was before, to the point that my friends have all said that I have changed a lot. Frank taught me Emotional Needs Analysis which was a game changer!
Currently I am able to attract a variety of women even thought I am not a tall man and I am overweight.
To all the Adult Male Virgins out there: Don’t let yourself make excuses that a woman is too attractive, too intelligent, too tall, or anything else. Stop procrastinating! You will feel much worse the longer you wait to have sex.
This is still a learning process and I have a lot of room to grow, but a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I no longer feel less than other men, or inadequate.
Frank told me that we all knew at least one woman that wanted to date us when we were younger and most of us turned them down. If we had taken that chance, we never would have been Adult Male Virgins, we would have been Naturals!
I now look forward to having relationships with women, and ultimately looking for that one special woman to share my life with. The woman I am seeing now said that I was one of the best men that she had met in her life and that means a lot to me. I am learning a lot about how to treat and react around women that treat me well.
Tell your wife that I appreciate her patience with you spending time with me during those last minute emergency calls, and that it was a great help in changing my life for the better.
Again your help and work has been invaluable to me finally starting to realize a satisfying life. My love life was the biggest thing that was out of balance.
Off and on I thought about killing myself because I was a 40 year old virgin. Your help, and the moment of beauty with my lover (MY LOVER?) changed all that in a short time. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulder and I feel so relaxed that it surprises me.
-Review by Ethan,
*After taking a break from dating, this client arranged for 'Pay As You Go Coaching' with Frank and then began dating again. This review is based on his new dating experiences.*
Frank, listening to your audio programs, as well as reading your books have taught me to be more direct with women, and when I do, I get great responses!
Keep up the great work! Your work is definitely unique and vital for men like me who are trying to build lasting relationships and not just use women.
I was impressed that my date yesterday cost me almost no money, and she treated me well. She was very relaxed with a bubbly personality. She has a nice energy to be around.
I tried to use what I have learned, including ‘Emotional Needs Analysis’, changing locations, testing her response etc. It was just a coffee, a walk, and then talking at my house. I would have never thought that was possible before I found your work!
Today I am reading your eBooks ‘101 Great First Dates- What To Say’ and ‘25 Rules For Everyone- How To Act On A First Date.’
-Review by Ethan,
Alaska, USA
When I first came across Frank's materials, I was an adult male virgin in my late 20s. I had a very religious background that emphasized "purity" and preached hellfire for even thinking about sex. My family was in ministry, so I was indoctrinated from a young age, and I really believed it.
I read books which promoted not dating and I believed it. I repented every time I had a lustful thought or masturbated. All through High School and College I would "flee temptation" and never had sex or allowed any "sexual impurity" to enter the "relationships" I had with women during those years.
In my mid 20s I left my family's church. Once I didn't have a theological issue with sex, I realized how wrong everything I had been taught about love, sex and women really was! It simply did not work in the real world. I realized how poorly calibrated I was to the dating scene and it led to a lot of depression. I had no game, and I was still plagued by guilt whenever I talked to women. Also the social skills I had developed up to that point in life seemed to only attract women who treated me like one of their girlfriends!
There are no shortage of books out there with formulas on how to pick up women with the right moves and tricks. The difference with Frank Kermit’s materials is that he focuses on authentic personal development instead of games and gimmicks.
Working with Frank I learned to accept my own sexual and emotional needs as man, and I was able to look at sex and relationships in a much more authentic way. The emotional pain and scars that came from believing deeply in a religion that demonizes sexuality were real and very painful to face. I learned that denial and avoidance are natural responses that have to be overcome in order to recover from the kind of sexual trauma that people with backgrounds like mine have been through.
Frank's approach to coaching was helpful during my process of recovery. In addition, his books; especially the ‘Adult Male Virgins Seminar’ and “I’m A Man That’s My Job’ were excellent.
Frank was incredibly compassionate and respectful, and never belittled me or trivialized my difficulties. That being said, he also didn't pull punches and motivated me to face my fears through action.
After several months of learning from my mistakes, facing my fears, and understanding sex in a whole different way, I was able to say that I was no longer a virgin! I can't tell you what a difference that has made in my life! My virginity is now a thing of the past, no longer some secret I have to keep, no longer haunting me every time I see a woman, and every night as I fall asleep.
If you are an adult male virgin and don't want to be anymore, especially if you have baggage from a religious background, I highly recommend Frank's books and coaching. Trust me, it will be the best thing you have done for yourself.
-Review by Jason,
Chicago, IL, USA
This review is from a former adult male virgin who purchased the '100 Hours Coaching Package’ with Frank as well as purchasing and studying the ‘Adult Male Virgins Seminar’, ‘From Friends To Lovers: Stop Being Her Emotional Cookie Man’ eBook, and the ‘How To Build A Social Circle Network’ program.
Frank, it’s working!!
In the past few weeks my social circles have reached critical mass! I am suddenly meeting more quality women than ever before without a lot of effort other than showing up!
Last night I was able to be with a woman who had been a close platonic friend for almost a year. I had previously been very uncomfortable pushing the relationship into that region for some reason. Your coaching provided me with the ability to find the motivation to take the necessary actions when it was time, as in the past I didn't make a move when it was time.
This was exactly the kind of non-drunken sex I had always wanted but did not get until now, and it felt great!
I am really happy with the direction my life is going in now.
-Review by Samuel P.,
St. Paul., Minnesota, USA
This is an update from the same client.
Hi Frank,
I don't know where it's going to go, but it has been incredible to spend the evening together, fall asleep together, and be so relaxed, close and comfortable with a woman. The sex has been great - very natural and instinctive. She's a sweet and gentle girl who likes it rough, and likes to be dominated. It has been healing for me to be able to let that part of myself out and realize that I'm not hurting, damaging or violating someone else. The sex feels second nature, and I don't feel like I need to juggle my thoughts and manage my stress in order to become or stay aroused.
Before I constantly needed "space" to lick my wounds and manage my stress. Now, I'm much more comfortable with people. I don't feel like there's some part of myself that I need to hide. I have had a few moments of redemption when my lover and I have been at my place and wind up having sex in the front room. While I would prefer to have more privacy, there has been something very affirming and redeeming about being able to be with a woman while the guys I live with walk in and out.
Frank because of you I no longer feel like I am an imitator trying to pose as a man - I am a man, doing my job, and doing it very well vs being overwhelmed in my pain and dysfunction.
-Samuel P.,
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Hi Frank, I hope all is doing well.
Recently, I have been quite busy working on the career aspect of my life. I have became what you called "freed" in the relationship aspect of my life. I am no longer a starving as a virgin as I was in the past.
I must give most of my development credit to you Frank. You are the one who actually got me results and it just went like wild fire ever since. You even allowed me to date multiple women simultaneously. Your original works that I have purchased had became a major and necessary component in my life.
As my military days are winding down to its final month, my career into the working world is starting to emerge. After a year of deciding what I should be doing during the military, I have decided to work as a real estate agent. I have chosen this job due to a mixture of interest and wealth. (Hey, I can't be a free-loader in my family anymore now). It's time for me to finally make something of myself.
I still have interest in furthering my studies with you. However, it won't be a biological drive for me anymore. Getting more sex doesn't seem to motivate me to chase anymore (as it did in the past when I was more inexperienced). If I am ever going to delve myself into this as deeply as I did in the past, it is going to be because of the art form itself and finding a greater purpose in it.
You had done a great job.
-Review by M. M.,
Ontario, Canada
I would like to talk about my first sexual experience yesterday that made me lose the V card (virginity).
Yesterday, I had a girl over. She was someone that was older than me, but was not in a relationship and was someone I find attractive, and I wanted to be with. All I can say is, I am no longer holding the V card, It was because of Frank's book, the adult male virgin handbook and your valuable advice to seek out therapy for my social anxiety.
You don't know the feeling I got after I've done it, and you are right, it's not that big of a deal!
I would like to thank you Frank, for all what you have done to me. I would recommend your products for any man who wants to empower his dating life and learn about what women want, and surely for any adult male virgin who truly wants to lose his virginity. It is very possible, it can be done; easy!
To any AMV who is reading this, everything in that book is true. Frank is harsh sometimes but you have to be a man and take it like one. I think the most important thing I have learned is learning to deal with my anxious thoughts, and loving myself. You have to love yourself.
It is OK if you are an AMV, it's not your fault. You didn't know better, but now you do. You are a man, go out and enjoy sex! It is OK to be masculine. If one girl doesn't want to be with you, another will. Period.
-Review by Barak,
Alberta, Canada
In my desperation I was looking for quick fixes that I know do not exist (that is sometimes very tempting). However, the search word that lead me to your homepage was "adult male virgin pain".
I've had time to read the book by now, and I'm pleased to see how honest you are about reality (as opposed to the naivety you meet elsewhere) and baffled by how apparent so many of the characteristics you write about, are.
Really appreciate your work, and I'll be sure to give a more elaborate feedback when I put this into action (you actually convinced me to put my "normal" life on hold for the next six months and go out there to get my act together).
-Review by Lanny