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Do you want to set up a life where your goals help you get the sex and love life you only ever dreamed off?
Do you feel like a social misfit and want to get away from the loneliness that it brings with it?
Do you want to learn how to set boundaries so that women cannot take advantage of your good nature and attraction to them?
Do you want to learn how to spot a trustworthy mentor and pick out the malicious manipulator mentors out there?
Do you want to take control of your life so that you never feel this hurt and alone ever again?
This eBook will give you the tools so that you can judge for yourself, without anyone else having to tell you, how to conduct yourself in public so that you can get the things you want from life.Â
Frank Kermit challenges you to find yourself, by actively taking part in self- study writing exercises designed for men to discover their own masculinity. Follow the steps to define your beliefs and boundaries, while removing your own double standards.
You'll get ALL of the following information in this 585 page digital Ebook:
 *P.S. Many coaches use the term "For Entertainment Purposes Only" to write and say whatever they want without any legal repercussions. Even reviews of their own products and services! Frank Kermit does not hide behind entertainment purposes. The advice in this book is 100% AUTHENTIC.
P.S.S. There's going to be a lot of spelling mistakes in this book. You might be wondering "Why?" Because Frank writes his own books and does not hire any "ghostwriters" to do his work, unlike other coaches out there. Frank is no marketer by any stretch of the imagination! But this also means his writing is 100% honest material.
(Note: Read the reviews below of those who have found positive change reading this book:)
Do you feel like a social misfit and want to get away from the loneliness that it brings with it?
Do you want to learn how to set boundaries so that women cannot take advantage of your good nature and attraction to them?
Do you want to learn how to spot a trustworthy mentor and pick out the malicious manipulator mentors out there?
Do you want to take control of your life so that you never feel this hurt and alone ever again?
This eBook will give you the tools so that you can judge for yourself, without anyone else having to tell you, how to conduct yourself in public so that you can get the things you want from life.Â
Frank Kermit challenges you to find yourself, by actively taking part in self- study writing exercises designed for men to discover their own masculinity. Follow the steps to define your beliefs and boundaries, while removing your own double standards.
- Learn how to create a Persona to enforce your new positive behavior patterns.
- Discover how to master your behavior patterns for you to obtain relationship success!
- Take on the Hierarchy of commitment in sexual relationships and learn how to make a woman earn your commitment
- Find out how the system is rigged against you, and how to use it to your advantage.
You'll get ALL of the following information in this 585 page digital Ebook:
- 10 philosophies that are geared towards helping men understanding their role in life, and how to have principles to guide them for when life gets complicated
- A basic introduction to the Emotional Needs Analysis theories
- Identifying Creative Avoidance, and how to combat it
- 10 Rules of Relationships that men should follow to make sure they are never emotionally manipulated into a situation they do not want to be in
- Shifting on the focus from how hot she is, to how she treats you
- The important role Respect plays in the emotional and mental well being of men and how to get respect
- How to spot a bad mentor and a good mentor
- An depth understanding of the Sexual Attention Paradigm which explains why and how double standards between men and women exists, and how to protect yourself
- An entire chapter on figuring out the Meaning of Your Life that includes 13 writing exercises to help you find your life calling, clear your mind, and discover your mission
- An entire chapter on making a Life Plan that will take into account your goals for health, wealth an love to help you identify inner conflicts that are blocking your success
- An entire chapter on The Hierarchy of Commitment for Dating and Relationships. Once mastered you will be able to assess the kind of sex, dating or commitment that you can have with someone within your first conversation. It will prevent you from ever committing to the wrong person and will also teach you how to date more than one person at a time in an ethical and honest way
- The Hierarchy of Commitment for Dating and Relationships Chart for easy reference
- How to identify toxic people that you need to stay away from and how to separate yourself from them
- How to initiate a Friends-With-Benefits relationship of casual sex, and how to maintain it or escalate it to a more serious relationship at your discretion
- An understanding of monogamous and non-monogamous relationships and how to transition from one to the other
- An entire chapter of inner game self actualization writing exercises designed to find your path, break negative repeating behavior patterns (addiction to drama and personal hypocrisies and punishing yourself habits)
- A mind blowing exercise to help you figure out the difference between happiness, fun and escapism to remove blocks that are holding you back from getting your goals
- An intense Confidence Building Exercise that will make you stop taking yourself for granted
- An entire chapter exploring your boundaries, goals, your desires of life and the personal beliefs behind them. These include letters to yourself to address your past traumas and core hurt
- An entire chapter on the creation of a Persona (the embodiment of everything you want to develop into and become) so that you can chart your personal development
- An entire chapter on Deconstructing Dating and what human beings go through during the process of feeling attraction and falling in love
- A detailed timeline related to age to demonstrate why both men and women suffer from the expectations of society and how to step away from those expectations and focus on the reality of getting your particular needs met
- Some writing exercises design to test a potential partner to see if they are worthy of any commitment you would offer (material is used in Frank's coaching program for Couples who are engaged or looking to get more serious)
 *P.S. Many coaches use the term "For Entertainment Purposes Only" to write and say whatever they want without any legal repercussions. Even reviews of their own products and services! Frank Kermit does not hide behind entertainment purposes. The advice in this book is 100% AUTHENTIC.
P.S.S. There's going to be a lot of spelling mistakes in this book. You might be wondering "Why?" Because Frank writes his own books and does not hire any "ghostwriters" to do his work, unlike other coaches out there. Frank is no marketer by any stretch of the imagination! But this also means his writing is 100% honest material.
(Note: Read the reviews below of those who have found positive change reading this book:)
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An Interview on Inner GameWatch this interview from
The Men's Room w/ Mark Sparks about I'm a Man, That's My Job The Coaching Workbook for Men |
All testimonials and product reviews on Franktalks.com are authentic.
No persons have ever been paid for any testimonials or reviews.
Some have been edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity of message.
All testimonials and product reviews on Franktalks.com are authentic.
No persons have ever been paid for any testimonials or reviews.
Some have been edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity of message.
Book Introduction by Marvi Arlik
I met Frank Kermit through a friend of mine a few years ago. Little did I know at the time that he would change my life. Going back a few years, I was going through a tough time. I had not reached the success I wanted for myself in my personal life. I had mentors who I had learned a lot from and had read a lot of self-help material. Still, I was searching for answers.
My friend suggested I come with him to talk to Frank at his home one Saturday afternoon. Within a half an hour or so of chatting he could see I was stuck in my own thoughts, could not express myself emotionally and had no clue how to make a women feel. He said something to me that would come to change my life:
“If you continue on your current path, a woman will choose you to marry for financial security, cheat on you and eventually leave you.”
It did not sink in at the time but I came to realize he was right, and I became more determined than ever to change.
I would later learn Frank is rarely wrong about relationships between men and women. Every piece of advice he has given me has produced results, whereas anytime I didn’t listen to him, I always ended up regretting it.
He then took the time over the following few months to help me on my path of self-improvement. By studying material he suggested and some he had developed himself, and him encouraging me to apply them to real life situations, I learned how to make a woman feel and what it meant to act like a man.
Through his help I started to change both internally and externally, though I am still learning.
Fortunately, Frank is still teaching.
If you are familiar with Frank and his material then you know the depth of his knowledge and his ability to personally relate it to his students through his seminars or books. This book will naturally expand on what you have already learned.
If you have not read his books and are learning from Frank for the first time, be prepared to have your views on relationships shattered. While this book can be a great starting point for Frank’s philosophies, you’ll want to check out his previous books as well, as they nicely compliment the knowledge in this book.
I remember when Frank first discussed the idea of writing a book. We were sitting around with another friend having a drink. Frank mentioned he had so much to say that his book was going to be 500 Pages! That’s where he decided to break it up into a series of books. That way he would be able to go into different topics in more detail.
First would be his own story called From Loser to Seducer. Next would be his concepts on relationships between men and women called Everything Out of Her Mouth is a Test.
"I'm A Man, That's My job" is FrankTalks' coaching workbook for men. However, this is definitely so much more than a workbook. It contains an incredible amount of information, advice, and insight into what is it to be a man and in relation to the seduction of women and relationships.
Regardless of which relationship structure you choose to setup, these are rules that Frank has found common and that has worked well for him. Going through these rules, I realized how many of these I had compromised in past relationships and interactions with women. Those times where I sacrificed these things to be with a women, I did not like how things were like in the relationship. The rules are really easy to understand, but do you have the courage to carry them out and enforce these rules upon yourself and the relationship. I can tell you that when you do, you always win out because you either get a really great relationship the way you feel respected and the way you wanted or you avoid getting involved with women who are not good for you saving yourself from headache and heartache.
The Self-Awareness Lists are lists that forced me to think about myself and to get to know about myself. Frank challenges me to really pin point what is it that makes up who I am. This has made me more aware of the things that I have experience: I like, I hate, my opinions, my beliefs, and how I represent myself in ways that I didn't even realize. The exercises are there for you to write down these things so that they're concrete, permanent, forces you to make a decision about various topics instead of jumbled around in your head. These lists are by no means simple or easy. They take work to get the completed. When completed you feel a part of you has been discovered again.
Frank has an uncanny way to articulate and describe all of these things in a way that you already knew but reading it makes it real and allows one to accept it as you realize you are not the only one who feels and view things that way. So far for me it has helped to understand the way I feel, what I need to do for my development and what or who to watch out for that can slow down my development. It is a great guideline to follow and pointing out pitfalls that many people fall into. I realized I am not alone in this and what you may be experience is not uncommon. I get a sense of comfort knowing that it has happen to others and now have the information to know what to do.
For you guys out there reading this, this is a great book and workbook to study to work on yourself, to resolve your inner demons, and to present yourself as a confident and attractive man. Don't let yourself be the very thing that gets in your way to sex, women and relationships you want in your life. This is a highly recommended product.
-Review by Neal L.,
It is fundamental that a man knows himself very well. It has tons of exercises to be done, all of them self knowledge oriented. What do you want from life? What do you expect from the women in your life? You confront the fact that every life has an end and you can leave a legacy behind. What will it be?
All those exercises are work to be done, many hours if you really do them right and still, they never end because as we gain experience and we learn we have to go back and re-frame our preferences and vital goals.
About Frank’s principles, especially those concerning man-woman relationships what can be said? The better you know women and the more you apply his principles in your relationships with them, the more you realize how right he is. This book can mean major and positive changes in your life, but like any good things that happen, they don´t happen just like that, they require your effort and your time. No one can work for you to get your life better. Keep that in mind before beginning with this book.
I recommend this book to any man that is not getting what he expects from life, that he feels uncomfortable with his current life and is willing to work and fight to change it.
-Review by B.B.,
This has to be the best coaching workbook out there. For a long time, I was stuck in the idea of "it's all inner game" and I sought out many different products to find MY way. None of them were particularly effective. "I'm A Man, That's My Job" is VERY effective because it uses writing exercises that really make you think about who you are and what you want for your own life. Many of the writing exercises are not comfortable either... Part of learning and growing is going through pain. That is what makes this coaching workbook rise above the rest. It is also presented in Frank's very "frank" writing style. Direct, to the point, without jargon or superfluous material. You get the book, and it is 500+ pages. Lots of material. I believe every page of what Frank writes is there for a reason.
Here is what I learned in "I'm a Man, That's My Job":
-Life must be cherished, taken advantage of, and milked for all its worth (in a positive way) because death is inevitable, and in reality could happen at any second. High value men know what it means to be living.
-High value men know who they are, have their own ideas of how the world works, have their own ideas of how relationships work, and know exactly what they want from the women they interact with.
-The transition from "Loser to Seducer" or "low value to high value" or "boy to man" is one that will significantly change your life, the way you look at the world, the friends you have, and the relationships you experience. Many of the things that you found enjoyment in as a low value male lose their appeal. This is not a bad thing. If you want something (to be respected and valued as a person) you have to accept the changes that come with that.
Only read this book if you're ready to make the jump.
-Review by B. J.,
I have been meditating on your latest book. Especially on the part about being a man means sucking it up. Now when I feel like whining, I suck it up. I have noticed life changes because of this new mind set. For example, I have been waiting 3 weeks for a security clearance to come through. Then I can start my Ontario Government summer job. Even though I am stressed and bored, I keep repeating, "being a man means sucking it up". It goes along with your theory about changing one's mental harmonics results in real life changes. I was amazed how this works.
I see the value to understand how a man's mind creates energy women can feel. I believe this is so basic most people are not aware of its existence. My conclusion: changes to a man’s thoughts create a changed vibe. Women are receptive to this vibe. When changed vibes resonates confidence, trust, and safety, women are more responsive to being approached. Result: more chances of getting sex, a girlfriend, a partner or a wife. Thanks for the firm no BS talk. I appreciate your words and WILL go back to being a firm guy about what I want. Thanks for being the Frank guy we your students want to be like.
–Review by L.
I hate writing reviews... you never know if they are placed here by the authors friends or if they are REAL!
Well.. I'm real... and I think this book is awesome! Accepting responsibility and being a man is TRUE inner work... not sitting down and wishing things would get better. Getting up off your butt and making it better!
There are many items that you will work with... I learned so much about death and facing it like a man... my walk looking at tombstones slapped me out of a 10 year funk. Life is my job... so I bought an extra book for my 16 year old son! I'll be using this the rest of my days... what a great investment I made.
-Review by Will P.,
I'm a Man, That's My Job really got me to realize that I don't know what I want. I went through this book and only answered half the questions. I'll go though it again later and hopefully be able to answer the questions in better detail. But first I need to get out and get some experience.
What I liked most about the questions in the workbook was qualifying women. What you want for one night stand, casual lover, or wife. I never wrote this down before and it gets you thinking about what you want. When your in a relationship it's hard to see what you have. Probably because I loose control and assertiveness in the relationship and then it's over. I like that you tell us whats going to happen as you change, like it or not. You might loose some friends, and people will look at differently. Which is what I want if I'm going to change.
-Review by John
New Hampton IA
I would really like to tell you my story, the struggle I went through and finally coming across "I'm a Man, That's My Job." This book showed me where I want to be and how to get there. My life is radically changing after reading this book. It will be an honor for me really. I'll write it down and email you Frank.
-Review by Omar Jay,
This is the third of the series of books written by Frank Kermit. It focuses on what it means to be a man in relation to life and women. It is not another book that just tells you what is right and wrong for a man to think or do. Frank made sure that you first realize who YOU are, what you believe in at the moment, and then look at your beliefs, ways of thinking and then he will guide you to see the world in a new light.
The most unique feature of this book is that it is exercise-oriented. Reading this book you will be led to find out things about yourself, in forms of small essays or lists. From the big picture, like figuring out what are the things you want other people to remember you for when you're gone from this world, through your beliefs about what women, men, to finding people, movies, or symbols that you relate to. Some of these questions you'll be able to answer right away, some might take months to actually find out. These practical exercises are intertwined with carefully chosen guiding information that will help successfully reshape the ways of your thinking and understanding.
You will learn what are emotional needs, the rules of relationships, how to ensure from the beginning that a relationship will grow into a healthy one, why YOU (not men in general, but personally YOU) are the prize, and many others. Finally you'll be helped to create your persona that scrapes off your alter-ego and knowledge of who you truly are to create a well-defined image of who you want to be. All in all – a marvelous book that will practically and step by step help you find and improve the real man in you.
-Review by Maverick B.
I have bought all of Frank Kermit's books on pre-order and I have found them all useful. This book, while slightly different in scope and character to his previous two, did not disappoint. "I'm a Man, That's My Job: Coaching Workbook for Men" is structured as part workbook, part coming- of-age story, part textbook. Although a lot of the material is familiar to someone who is a student of dating and relationships, there are nuggets of gold which make this book more than worth the price of admission. In my reading, the book deals with two core areas: theories of relationships and the process of self-change.
Kermit's Rules of Relationships and his theories of assertiveness are spot-on with what I have observed as I myself have gone through the process he outlines in his book. In particular, reading his list of the Emotional Needs of Men was like removing the veil from the elusive obvious. I read the list and kept saying, "yes, that's true... yes, and that one too."
When he releases his book devoted solely to this topic of Men's Emotional Needs, I'll read it the moment it arrives.... and lend a second copy to the girl(s) that I'm with at the time. I could continue, but you'll just have to read the book for yourself.
The topic of self-change, gives important advice that I have not seen covered by anyone else. I always wondered why many men who started off on the journey stopped halfway through this path of ultimate riches. Now I know.
It was his section on "Beware Your Mentors", however, that gave me a truly great epiphany. I often found that advice from the various gurus would work, but then a sticking point that I never had before would arise. Kermit's theory explains what you must do and what you must avoid.
As I've continued to develop myself out of recognition from my pre-change persona, I have found Kermit's books to be of immense value. "I'm a Man, That's My Job: coaching workbook for men" is no exception. Keep up the good work, Frank... and keep writing!
-Review by B. Z.,
I'm not going into great detail but I bought Frank's books a year ago and have read all of them. I've been divorced for 2 years and was married for 18 years. I ordered/read his 3 books in my first year of divorce. This is a time when you're very fragile and emotional as I felt rejected and a total failure as a man. I did everything for a woman who basically, tossed me like a discarded toy like a child does on x-mas days as myriads of presents are thrown his/her way.
I was raised as most western husbands are these days to be nice and shower their wives with attention and get them the proverbial flowers/roses on valentines day, take her out to dinner, buy her presents, the list goes on and on, treat her like a queen - you get the picture. This is why I think the divorce level is high in the United States - men are not taught by their fathers how to act or treat women and be real men. We are raised by our mothers and hence, are supposed to be too nice to girls and all that other stuff I was indoctrinated with. (This is why I'm sticking like glue to my son when he gets married - I will coach him and be his mentor) and have him read Franks books. Thus, we have become - actually allowed ourselves to become wussified and beta-sized by these women by handing them our genitals on a silver platter. I didn't realize what had happened until the barn doors were already shut.
I have done a lot of soul searching and the insights you get from the struggles Frank went through ring true in all our relationships to some degree if not all. I tell men who are married or are getting married and even divorced men to read his books. It's all about meeting a woman's emotional needs, understanding that women are looking for men. I even hear this working in the IT industry with guys from other nationalities and they too, recognize that we've been whipped/dominated by our women and need to take the reins back. I would also, suggest reading his books 2/3 times just to make sure his concepts and ideas stick. I also, wanted to say that meeting a woman's needs is not just about doing nice things for her but it also, means expecting respect even if it means no sex that evening just to let your woman know that you have standards and that you won't stand for the mistreatment and the tantrums. Heaven only knows, I put up with her disrespectful behavior for 18 years and perpetuated it by looking the other way.
-Review by E.,
I've been doing tons of self-awareness stuff, and I bought Frank Kermit's "I'm a Man That's My Job".
It's funny, I went out this weekend for the first time in a month with the express intent to pick up and I collected 4 numbers. Bam! There was no 'out of practice' for me. There's no 'skill set lost.' When I deal with the inner stuff, the other stuff falls into place. It feels good to know that there is still more to come, and that the ability to connect with women will become much easier. I feel I am handling the difficulties that great lovers face already.
This isn't meant to put Franks' product over in any way. It simply gives me good perspective on how much better I can get, and what that should look or feel like.
-Review by S. T.,
This book is written for men by Frank. The reason I say by Frank is because he understands what men go through, as he went through it himself. A lot of these exercises are exercises that he did in order to go through his development from Loser to Seducer. All the material inside it will help you get through what you need to get through, as a man in this world.
He also helps explain what his definition of inner work is, which is not broad, but actually closer to the real truth than most stuff out there. He explains it's how a man views the world around him. It helps give you a clear picture of the real world, and helps you focus yourself to see how you are an important part of it.
This book helped me out so immensely, that it's almost unmentionable. One of the most important aspects of this book is the lists he makes you write out. He has come up with different lists of self-awareness, which help you to see who you really are. He forces you to ask yourself questions about your preferences and influences, that have probably shaped you without your realization. Another really important part of this book is Frank's base life philosophies. He helps explain what he believes are fundamental truths about the way the world works. These all help to give a man a good grasp of what to make of his surroundings, and what part he is to play in them.
Above all else, I believe this is his most impactful material. Although it isn't his most renowned work, it is definitely some of the most important.
-Review by Robert,
I’m a Man, That’s My Job (IAMTMJ) is my favorite book written by Frank. If I had to choose which product of Frank’s that helped me in my development the most, it would be this book.
IAMTMJ is an coaching workbook. He goes into detail what life is all about, how to handle procrastinating (i.e. creative avoidance), and how to strengthen your inner self. What was most useful to me in this book was the written exercises. These exercises ask you about yourself and they really define who you are. They are supposed to help you with your identity, but I also think they also help with your dating life as well (e.g. having a list of 10 peak life experiences help you with storytelling).
To me, it was what I was looking for; a book with lots of dating related WORK that help me get in touch of who I really am. It is not just a book full of blank lines to fill. Frank goes into detail about the purpose of every exercise and how it will benefit you, and he gives you a couple of examples to start off.
IAMTMJ is definitely worth the money. While many dating related products cost a fortune and offer little useful content, IAMTMJ is quite the opposite. For a book that is reasonably priced, you get information about the dating game and answers about yourself that will last a lifetime. Whether it’s figuring out specific problems with your behaviors or just wanting to know more about yourself, the exercises you do in IAMTMJ will help you answer those questions. I usually don’t say many things are a must buy when it comes to dating industry related products, but I have to say that IAMTMJ is a must buy. No matter what level of your life you are in as a man, you are going to find this book to be extremely helpful.
-Review by Rocco,
This is nothing like Kermit's others book. This is a journey, an experience that will completely alter who you are, remodel you to your best and allow the greatest part of your identity to emerge. Have you ever asked yourself what you really want in life? What you truly want with women? Or are you one of those average guys who'll settle for whatever comes his way? It's time to get to know yourself and create the your best possible identity. I'M a Man That's My Job teaches you how to be in total control of the reality around you. THAT, my friend, is attractive.
This is a personalized book, designed for me, and for you. A variety of lists will allow you to create such a solid identity and image of yourself that you will be able to persuade people, influence people, have people agree with you, and never become unnecessarily emotional again. Imagine being so sure of yourself you wouldn't have to hesitate ever again before making THE BEST decision. You know what is right because you know who you are.
If you know who you are, you know what you want. If you know what you want, you're a man. Because what do women complain most about? Men don't know what they want. Yes you do! That's the knowledge you will acquire thanks to Frank Kermit.
As a final thought, my belief is that in the world of dating and relationships, women have their diaries and their best friends. Personally, I think a man should have "I'M a Man, That's My Job".
-Review by Andy P,
This book has been valuable to me and still is for my development in this area. Kermit’s knowledge and experience have helped me in many difficult situations I faced in my relationships with women. His advice is invaluable.
“I’m A Man, That’s My Job” is truly a philosophy a man should follow. Many of us Frank students have taken a similar path... we want to live like real men, who know what they want and who have strong beliefs.
Most of Kermit’s beliefs are counter-intuitive at the beginning. We think that women are like us and that they function like men. He makes us realize how they are different in many ways, their reasoning is not like us. He makes you work on your beliefs about many things and shows you his own philosophies.
Being a man also means to have your OWN point of view; what Kermit writes in his books does not mean that it is the absolute truth, but the mindsets he presents have helped him tremendously to get the results he was looking for. He makes you realize that the important thing is to have YOUR OWN set of beliefs and philosophies, by completing all the writing exercises and real life drills.
This book will help you set a foundation of beliefs that will make your relationships with women stronger. It will help you develop a stronger identity that will get you what your looking for in this area of your life.
-Review by Ali,
No woman should ever find herself saying "there are no good men out there". But I hear it all the time. It's a grim reminder of what a sad state our culture is in. Of how movies, magazines, books and love songs have shown men the worst examples of how to behave with women. I want it to stop. That's where Frank Kermit comes in.
He's not only saying we need to rethink what it means to be a man, but what it means to be a seductive man. We've let it become a dirty word. But ask yourself this: what woman doesn't want to be seduced? I'm not talking about a quick pick up from a sharp dressed smooth talker. There's a time and place for that, too, but this is about more. Much more.
I'm talking about YOU becoming the kind of man who's capable of building and holding the deepest levels of attraction, rapport and passion she's ever experienced. A man who knows who he is and what he wants. A man who knows how to address her emotional needs. A man who knows how to lead. If you do that, she'll happily give you the best she has to offer.
Not just for one night. For as long as you want. Sounds great, right? All you have to do is read the book and *PRESTO* you're fixed. Let me be really clear about this. There aren't any short cuts. Frank's stuff will confront and challenge your core values. Dude's gonna shake your foundations. But he's going to make you work for it.
Change is not easy. But this book WILL put you on a clear path of self-discovery, transition, and growth. In my opinion, Frank's structured it to get you there as efficiently as possible. And he does it with straight, simple language. Now that I know I'm A Man, That's My Job, the world is opening up for me. The quality of all my relationships has improved dramatically. And the women in my life appreciate it more than I could ever have imagined.
-Review by D. K.,
This is a great investment for all those who are interested in improving their life. If I had gotten this as my first book, this would have set me down the right path from the very start of my journey, but getting at this point in my journey just highlights deficiencies. This is how a man creates inner game ideals for himself. Also, make sure to take advantage of the one-on-one coaching time with Frank because it is invaluable. Having worked with Frank on several occasions, I have found his interpretations insightful and shockingly accurate.
-Review by Ken Phillips,
I've had the great opportunity to sit down and read Frank's book, "I'm a Man and That's My Job". What I can say about it is that for those of you who want to build your inner self and become a better person, be prepared to sit down and hammer out other parts of your life. The writing exercises in Frank's book really focus on having a paradigm change in your way of thinking. Taking different aspects from things like looking at your own mortality to your beliefs (not necessarily religious), through defining yourself by thinking about these things, you build character. In an average day, I would do two to three of these writing exercises as to give each writing lesson time to sink in and truly ponder what would be meaningful. I've taken a lot out of the book so far in terms of defining my goals and collective thoughts. By doing more of the writing exercises and letting them incubate, you'll discover that a tremendous metamorphosis is happening. You may not see the secret of the matrix right away, but overall, life, as a man, makes more sense. I'd highly recommend this book to anyone in self-development as a means to do some introspection and improve your overall perspective.
-Review by Reeves,
Dear Frank, If I could first extend my warmest gratitude for the contributions your theories have made to my life. 'I'm a Man: That's My Job' and 'Everything Out of Her Mouth is a Test' turned my world upside down, though in the best possible way. I still have a considerable distance to go, but these books were highly (and I can't over-stress that term enough) illuminating, and made so many things about both genders make a great deal more sense. When married to an earnest study practice into evolutionary psychology, it's less a 'eureka' moment than a 'eureka' process.
Not to pour forth my life story, but I was really hit and miss with women for the first few years that followed my pretty much accidental loss of virginity at 17 (in that sense I was lucky I guess). What underpinned the patchy success I did have and what enabled other guys who appeared to have much less to offer (i.e. were jerks or other forms of jackass) seemed impenetrably erratic and mysterious.
Until happening ultimately upon your stuff, I really was the [less drunk] blind guy driving home in the dark being told the way by my [more drunk] friend (i.e. natural) when it came to women. Applying your principles as well as cannibalizing some other schools of thought though brought a sea-change to many areas of my life, including its romantic aspect: I have now been in the longest relationship I have ever had (18 months and counting) with a stunning Slovenian model (who was Miss Slovenia a couple of years back). I know I wouldn't have this part of my life sorted the way it is were it not for your writings, so once more, thank you and keep up the good work!
With best wishes,
-Review by Chris W.
London, United Kingdom
I would recommend a newbie read Frank Kermit's "Everything Out of Her Mouth is a Test" and "I'm a Man, It's My Job" Coaching Workbook for men. The first will give the guy an understanding of WHY all the techniques in the other guru books you mention work because it explains women’s emotional needs. The second is a classic on inner game - without which the effectiveness of the teachings in the books you mention will be very limited.
-Posted Review on Relax&Flow Blog