The Jackson 5 Were My Brothers by Nat King Pole So the Jackson 5 are my brothers and we just sing and dance all day. Well at least in my mind they were from age 6 to well... now at 55 lol. I was raised an only child in a small town of 200 on the border of Ontario. Everybody was very white and spoke English or French.
I was 6 years old and I was hooked. From that day on it was all about the Jacksons followed by Motown and Martin Luther king and African American history. I'm getting ahead of myself.
Now the Jacksons became my héros just because I loved the music and the dancing but as I got older I learned that they were also part of a group of people that were not loved and accepted just like me. When I learned he was shot I was devastated as I figured we were doomed to be hated forever. But black people understood oppression and therefore would understand who I was and accept me. I had found my people! Ok I'm about 8 yrs old at this point. I didn't quite get all the subtilités of prejudice.
I wanted an Afro I wanted everything they wore, I never missed them on TV and just bought everything I could get my hands on that I could with my 50 cent a week allowance.
Then I'd spend hours trying to copy what I'd seen. I knew every lyric and move by heart. Man, I was the 6th brother. Now all this put me in the loner weird nerd kid category until secondary five (Grade 11) when it happened. A talent contest. That weird nerdy kid is actually trying out. This should be hilarious they thought. Well no one knew what I'd been up to all these years.
Everyone was standing and going crazy! My parents and grandparents were crying and I won and my whole life changed dramatically that day. Since then I've seen the Jacksons a total of 3 times live and am going for four this June.
Today I'm still performing and it's what gives me the most joy in life. That's when I can be who I really am and it's just as magical as it was when I was in my parent's place just me and my imaginary brothers -Nat King Pole About the Author Nat king Pole is Montreal's busiest drag King and has been for 15 years. As well as performing regularly In his hometown he's been making ladies swoon in Toronto, Quebec city, Ottawa and in Philadelphia, Boston, Provincetown Etc. He sings Live, writes his own parodies, dances and is just plain sexy. They call him the panty whisperer. His website is: To read Nat's past post:
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January 2025
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