On the verge of a marriage meltdown? Newlywed, Nearly Dead? is coming to the rescue. Couples that drive each other crazy receive a big dose of tough love from marriage expert Gary Direnfeld. Also a variety of other Relationship Experts and Self Improvement types are invited in on a per episode basis and are matched up with their skill base, and the particular needs of the couple. Newlywed Nearly Dead? aims to lower North America's divorce rate one couple at a time. 50 Shades of Frank Kermit, Couples Coaching and Intro to BDSM Date: July 27, 2009, Title: Newlywed, Nearly Dead? A nationally broadcast television program on Slice TV. Episode# 3034 Lisa and Mark started off really great in their relationship, but a few personality quirks and some personal crisis have had their toll on their relationship. Newlywed, Nearly Dead? invites Frank Kermit a Relationship Expert and his teachings of Emotional Needs to give a little guidance to their love life. Frank Kermit joins Lisa and Mark for some private Couples Coaching. Reviews of the Couple Mark and Lisa Review by Lisa
MARK IS A MAN AGAIN. Mark has definitely stepped up a lot, and turned into the man he once was. Everything has definitely shifted, and it has become more of an adult relationship. The challenge was for Mark to learn to step up and be a man and learn to seduce me mentally again, which he has somehow lost down the lines of our relationship. It was very beneficial because Frank actually knew what I wanted before he met me and he was right on with what he needed from Mark. When we did the exercise I could really feel that that is what I need from Mark. I need him to be more of a man in control of himself. And he showed that. Throughout the exercise Frank was coaching Mark from a different area with a microphone in his ear. Just telling him things a woman would like. Mark was responding. Sort of doing a little bit of his own, but listening to instruction from Frank and it was very good. It was very beneficial. I was enjoying it. I was not uncomfortable at all because I knew that Frank was not going to make us go past any of our boundaries. I was quite comfortable with the scenario. It was very beneficial. It was exactly what I needed. It was more the kind of relationship I want to have in the bedroom with Mark. We used to have that kind of relationship, but somewhere down the road it stopped. I needed that boost in him. I needed that confidence in him, and know that he can not talk like a boy in the bedroom and he has to be like a man or else it turns me off. So it completely helped us because he has not acted like a boy at all, even in the bedroom, and I have been more turned on than anytime! I loved what happened in the bedroom! I loved what he was doing to me! I absolutely felt safe. I felt like he was going to do nothing bad to me...only what I wanted him to do. I definitely felt like he was a man. He was not a boy in there with me. He was a man, and thats what I wanted. It did not feel like authentic Mark, but the whole challenge was that Frank told us we have to develop our own technique and Mark has to be the kind of man he is going to be. Those were just ways he would seduce a woman. Mark has to come up with his own identity in the bedroom. It does not have to be exactly what Frank did. But Frank was teaching us how to tap into that again. I definitely feel it changed Mark. I know that he said it was very beneficial to him. I think that it got him out of the rut because it made him feel like he is a man again. He does not have to act like a little boy. And I think that is what he is been wanting but he just did not know how to go about and do it. As much as I tell him, it was not the way he needed to be told. He was not hearing what I was saying. He needed someone else to come along and tell him how to tap into my emotions rather than the things he used to do. Frank sort of taught me that if Mark is going sort of in the right direction of what I am looking for, then to not be critical of it. There are ways to actually show him what I want, or what I am not responding to rather than just come out and say it. I was not aware that that is what I was doing before. It did help me as much as it helped Mark. My favorite part of it was actually that I do not have to be in control anymore. I can actually allow Mark to have control in the bedroom. My favorite thing about the challenge was just letting go and letting Mark actually be the man that I have always wanted him to be. I know it is in there. It has been in there before, we have just lost that in the last little while. It was nice to know that he is learning how to tap into my emotions and I do not have to work. I can just let go and be free. I think the biggest thing before was that I was always turned off because he was a little boy. Frank actually taught him how to remain a man throughout the entire evening. So, it has been great. And No it was not hard for me at all. It is what I have been wanting. After Frank left it got hot and steamy. It was wonderful! I am definitely going to continue being a woman and not being his mother. Review by Mark I think the purpose of Frank Kermit's session was to just bring me back when we first met. He just lead me through and gave me some good pointers, and he really opened my eyes to what I was doing wrong, and how I was making her feel. Hey, it was great. It was amazing. In the beginning it was weird. Lisa and myself were in the bedroom. Just trying to bond in a sexual manner. I had an earpiece, and he was speaking to me from another room. And just basically going through some techniques that would work and some seduction techniques. In the beginning it was a little weird. It worked out great. And she really got into it and its made a difference already. I think it brought me back to the beginning in our relationship, and that's how our sex life was like. In the end we were both having fun. And I think that was the point. She was responding pretty well to the whole situation. I think that was what she needed. She was right into that. We have kind of lost touch with the whole, the way we used to be. I would say our sex life is back on track this week. We already had a couple times in the bedroom and it was pretty good. I would say we are on the right track anyway. Yah. I have taken a little of Frank lessons and applied it to my sex life. Its made a difference. I would say the seducer challenge was my favorite. I enjoyed it the most. I enjoyed it the most because it brought me back to where I was in the beginning. Somewhere down the line I missed. I just became a totally different person for our sex life and now it is enjoyable again. And now it is enjoyable again; experimenting and having fun in the bedroom, and exactly what we want. I did not ever think it was going to...our sex life would improve so quickly. Its definitely done a 180%. For sure. Talking to Frank and listening to him. He just amazing. Dead on every aspect. He really knows what he is talking about. And I believe him 100%. He is definitely a master at seduction. I trust him 100%. I definitely got my Mojo back!...Thanks to Frank.
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