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Frank Kermit is an expert Relationship Coach. He doesn’t want you as a client for years stuck in the same dysfunctional patterns!
He wants to help you so that you can move forward with your life.
Please note the current rates are for a limited time only. The discount rate applies to a one time purchase only. If you wish to take advantage of the special you may purchase multiple packages at the same time.
All Coaching is with Frank Kermit
It is paid by the hour and billed by the minute
There are 2 options for coaching packages:
- A scheduled 2 hour session once per week
- OR you can call when you need to, for as long as you need to, between the hours of 10am to 10pm EST, 7 days a week.
By purchasing the package you are agreeing to these terms.
If you are not able to do this, please purchase the Pay As You Go option instead.
Frank Kermit is an expert Relationship Coach. He doesn’t want you as a client for years stuck in the same dysfunctional patterns!
He wants to help you so that you can move forward with your life.
Please note the current rates are for a limited time only. The discount rate applies to a one time purchase only. If you wish to take advantage of the special you may purchase multiple packages at the same time.
All Coaching is with Frank Kermit
It is paid by the hour and billed by the minute
All testimonials and product reviews on Franktalks.com are authentic.
No persons have ever been paid for any testimonials or reviews.
Some have been edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity of message.
No persons have ever been paid for any testimonials or reviews.
Some have been edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity of message.
Frank is amazing. I first met Frank years ago at an event. We hit if off, and dated briefly. We stayed friendly and on good terms after that. Eventually I found myself seeking out his coaching services. I can’t trust anyone else as much as I can trust Frank.
He taught me that I have to take chances as long as I am safe, if I want to find real love in my life. I often find myself asking “What would Frank Do?” when I face a new situation. I love hearing him and his advice and look forward to his articles and radio appearances. Thank you Frank, for being you.
-Review by Bianca M
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Topic: Review of Frank’s coaching and it helped us stay together and enjoy our first threesome.
(Transitional Dating)
In the past, I had my first threesome experience with a female friend and her boyfriend, but I didn’t really enjoy it. I remember feeling awkward afterwards and I wondered why she agreed to let her boyfriend have sex with me in front of her?! At the time, I was single and I had never considered having a threesome with any of my other boyfriends during past relationships; I never thought that this was appropriate in a relationship and I didn’t think it was right to share my lover with another woman. This was all before I learned about the concept of open relationships.
Why do I decide to have threesome with my fiancée?
The biggest reason that I was willing to try having a threesome with my fiancée is that in myself I have realized that I have some sexual feeling towards other women, but I need a man at the same time.
My fears of having threesome with other women:
After my fiancé and I decided to try a threesome with another woman, I started to feel nervous, I panicked often, and I felt threatened by it. The decision completely triggered my abandonment phobia so much that occasionally I had to take medication to calm myself down. I was afraid that my fiancé would fall in love with the other woman or that she would try to steal him from me, so I lost a lot of self-confidence.
How did I overcome my fears?
Just as my abandonment phobia was getting worse, my fiancée introduced Frank as a relationship coach to help me understand what an open relationship is and how it works. Frank explained why people choose this relationship style and I was able to ask him lots of questions because I was particularly worried about how we would still stay together after our first threesome. Frank helped me to understand why my man would choose to have an open relationship with me instead of being monogamous. Frank has explained to me that when a man chooses to be non-monogamous it is in part because the man doesn’t want to cheat behind his partner’s back. Sex can easily become boring in a monogamous relationship for some men, and some men will want to look for some fun with other women and can end up cheating on their wives. Frank explained important concepts to me and also helped me overcome my fears of losing my fiancée. “Men may be willing to have sex with other women, but it doesn’t mean that he will fall in love with her because she doesn’t address his emotional needs and he chose to have fun together with me and another woman [instead of just with another woman].”
How do I feel afterwards our first threesome?
I didn’t know how I was going to feel after the first time that I saw my fiancée have sex with another woman in front of me. I was quite nervous about the whole situation at the time. I felt awkward at first when we simply tried to get another girl turned on by us, but then I started to feel more relaxed once I realized that she was enjoying herself and that was also when I became excited by her reactions. In the end, we enjoyed the experience with the other girl, I didn’t feel any negative feelings at all and I completely enjoyed the threesome. Afterwards, my fiancée and I sent the girl home, he held my hands and we talked the whole night. He made me felt calm, satisfied, and I didn’t feel abandonment at all. The experience has helped me to trust my fiancée even more than ever and it pulled me out of my extremely bad abandonment phobia.
I am extremely grateful to Frank for all of the help that he gave us. I would not have had the confidence to explore this part of my sexuality without his teachings. Frank has made our relationship stronger and has always has our back! If you have any relationship difficulties or your marriage is in danger, please contact amazing Frank!
-Review by Melissa
United Kingdom
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Review: Hi Frank, Thanks so much for your coaching, and also the information you have given me has proved invaluable. I now have begun dating the girl we were talking about. Your words, guidance, coaching have been so insightful and helpful and I can't thank you enough.
It's early days we're taking it slowly, I am determined to do this the right way and get off on a good start, we've spoken about boundaries, so things are moving along nicely. Look forward to having another session with you soon. (PS. congratulations on the increased media coverage you're now getting, I truly hope it continues to be an upward trajectory for you this year and beyond, you deserve it and we need more of you out there, Canada can't keep you to herself).
- Review by Barron S,
United Kingdom
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***A very intense review of private coaching came in this morning:
My boyfriend committed suicide.
Without my saying anything, Frank recognized right away that to talk with him would help. He has the kindness of a good friend combined with the exquisite expertise of really knowing.
He immediately cut to the chase of what was going on, but without malice or pointing a finger. He dispelled my deep worry about me being the cause of it or because we had argued. He really knew about the affect of suicide
and could give me specifics that were amazingly helpful.
He reminded me of how both people in the relationship have a responsibility for the relationship and for themselves. He gives you tools, concrete suggestions that you can do immediately or in the situation. This is so empowering.
He has a calmness: a patience, and an acceptance of you and the situation that puts you at ease. I felt so respected and accepted. Afterwards, I felt a deep calmness myself that I haven’t felt in a long time. I feel
stronger in the best parts of myself. I feel more hopeful than I have in a long time.
Thank you, Frank. We need more of you in this world.
-Review by Anonymous
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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***Review of Frank coaching and teachings in general - various formats and mediums - Donald (Canada)
I believe Frank, through is work is directly truly helping men and women better their relationships and he does this by upholding the highest standard of honesty with himself and his students. It's this integrity that demands that he knows how everything fits together as is demonstrated by his works and by his ability to speak on relationships.
Frank helped me take relationships from magical things to things that are simply complicated but with discipline, understandable.
Frank's guidance early in my own education was invaluable. He introduced he to concepts, people, and he provided for me a mentorship that above all allowed me to go on and forge my own personal understanding of sexuality, health, my ideal lifestyle and my ideal self. That was important because no one could really teach me to live my current lifestyle. Frank gave me the language to develop my own thing completely.
When someone puts the work into making things clear that Frank does it's hard for a committed student to NOT absorbed the information. If you're relationship(s) need help or you're marriage could be better, Frank is who to talk to.
-Review by Donald
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Today has to be the most important day in my development. It all started when I spent a total of about 4 hours with Frank. The stuff was amazing and I could already see the mind transformation in my own personal time with Frank I did not believe it possible to pack so much value in so little time (or so it seemed).
We started with him describing a bit of his past as he developed as a man and specifically the 5 year dry spell. I was curious some of the reasons that had lead to that. I got a clear understanding of where he was coming from as a man and some of the motivations that have lead him to success with women and dating. It was truly amazing. If you want to know the details I would recommend you buy his autobiography "from loser to seducer", it's out of this world.
We also discussed some of the reasons why attraction may not be maintained in a relationship once it is started. This was especially important to me because having come from a different background studying with other coaches where the focus is on attraction I have had the experience of attracting girls but not turning the opportunities into potential relationships. It is all about having long term value and meeting her emotional needs consistently.
For someone who is thinking logically answers for these kinds of questions will be hard to come by. Most of the time you will be like "ahhh I don't know." The answers will give you the meaning of who you are and why you do things. Answering these questions will mean you will have to think emotionally. It was like I was in direct connection with my subconscious that describes me completely.
Thanks Frank
-Review by Romeo,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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This is a review on Frank Kermit and Franktalks.com material vs. Neil Strauss Stylelife Academy. This is a review of both material for anyone who is wishing to purchase coaching related material. This is a review for anyone who has doubts about Frank Kermit’s material or Stylelife Academy.
I was always taught to give credit where credit is due and it has taken me quite awhile to do so. It is not something that I can explain easily as you have had to experience my journey....
Frank's Material I own:
* I’m a man, that’s my job
* Everything out of her mouth is a test
* Emotional Needs Workbooks
* How to date multiple women honestly program
Stylelife Academy Material I own:
* Was a subscription member from March 2007 to December 2007
* Own a copy of ‘The Game’
* Own a copy of ‘Rules of the Game’
How it all started (my personal journey):
It has taken a considerable amount of reflection to be able to write this review and I am not quite sure where to begin. It started a few years ago in college. Throughout College (and prior in High School), I had several female friends but that was the extend of it.... “let’s just be friends” friends. After graduating (a 85% female population) college, I moved to Toronto for a job.
I quickly got into the habit of
a) playing on the computer World of Warcraft,
b) sleeping or
c) watching TV with every once and awhile emerging to buy food or go to work.
I was beginning to become very alienated, shy and a very depressed person. I found myself often yelling and argumentative with friends and family about anything to do with relationships. 'Why are you still single?' 'You should meet a nice girl and settle down!'. I am normally not an easily angered individual, however I was becoming one and very depressed as well.
I decided, “I will meet new people” and what better way to do this then at a club! I bought a cool shirt, a suit-jacket, and a cool pair of pants. I headed to the most expensive “young professional with lots of money” club in Toronto hoping to attract young, very intelligent and gorgeous women. Well, I got my wish. At the club, there were a group of girls who commented in the lineup on my height and how I was “really cute, and really tall”. I barely managed to say, "talk to you once we get into the club" and proceeded to pretend to be cool while being scared whit-less at the fact of talking to beautiful gorgeous women. I simply did not have the social skills with women to know how to handle the situation and did not go back for a very long time. Went home, hid the book (as I was embarrassed at the fact of reading it in the first place) and felt completely stupid for even attempting something like that. Several months later, I received information (from where I purchased the book) for 'Stylelife Academy'. I'm not sure why, but I signed up.
Stylelife Academy
The Stylelife Academy was announced May 31st, 2007 and shortly after I signed up. Stylelife (for short) was a portal where participants of the academy would login, and accept daily missions. These missions were anything ranging from Call a CEO to plan a dinner for 30 people. Also, based on your progress you were eligible to win prizes such as a weekend with Hypnotica (Rapustin from ‘The Game’) or signed copies of books, ties, and other seduction related material.
Also within the portal, was a message board. You had the ability to chat with members of the academy, coaches (and sometimes Neil Strauss himself) or could post questions on the forum/message board area.
Stylelife Academy: The Good
I posted a journal on the message board, and participated in the chats for the entire 4 months membership I endured. This helped me to go back and to reevaluate what I might have done wrong and I did see a small amount of improvement from doing the challenges.
Stylelife Academy: The Bad
It’s expensive monthly fee is not worth what you get in return. The daily challenges repeat themselves. For example, one day might be ‘Meet your neighbour’, then next ‘Meet a stranger’, followed by ‘Meet the president of a company’. On top of this, the book that was heavily promoted to the participants of the academy (The Rules of the Game) contained many of the same challenges. It was when I realized the $100/month I had been paying for daily challenges, I could have received the same thing for $29.
As for the message board, I rarely received a reply (unless I private messaged) from a coach. It mostly was outlandish responses to ignore her resistance, throw her on the bed and have sex with her right then and there (to a girl I had just met) or to ignore her when she called (as I needed to pretend I was busy), or to protest against Valentines day as its just a cash grab. As for the other participants, I rarely took them seriously. Stories of extreme sex stories (some of which would have been illegal... if they were actually real). If they were real, I didn't not want to know them, and if they were made up, how could I receive advice from them?
Stylelife Academy made relationships sound like a complicated rocket science formula where you have to
a) dress pimp,
b) talk like you are way too ghetto for your shirt and
c) woo her by eliciting values from your women pivots that didn’t exist or using a crazy magic trick.
Enter Frank Kermit
In December of 2007, I cancelled my subscription to the Academy. I somehow came across Frank Kermit’s social media page. After sending Frank several messages via social media, I worked up the courage to join his support group and it was then when I started reading and enjoying his material.
Frank Kermit: The Good
Emotional Needs?! At first, this was something I had no idea existed. I knew women were emotional, but having emotional needs completely blew my mind and this may have been 90% of my problem. I was giving women emotions, but not fulfilling them. Or, I was giving them all the same of one emotion (happiness) and then wondering why there was so much drama in the relationship.
Most of Frank’s material deals with starting, maintaining and being in a relationship. This is something I wanted and I had not seen from any other related material. Frank’s material is a lot simpler and makes more common sense. You have a fairly interesting girl and you want to know more about her. You walk up, say ‘Hi! My Name is X’ and proceed to talk to her all while addressing emotional needs and demonstrating you are a great man (as that’s your job).
The man is a genius! Compared to where I started only a year ago, I have had several relations with several women. I walk into a club, women approach me and I'm no longer a babbling brook of nonsense. Women love me, call me, want to be with me and well.... life is great. I owe all my success to simply addressing emotional needs, being an interesting guy women want to know, and by enjoying being me.
There is a lot of work in practicing the material. It does take a lot of practicing to understand the emotional needs and why I purchased the emotional needs workbook. However, I did see results immediately.
Frank Kermit: The Bad
There isn’t anything I can say bad about his material or Frank.
Level of Realism
Frank's material is very easy to follow but takes practice. The material comes from his own story, struggle and battle with seducing women. I can relate as we share a very similar background.
Academy material is based on a novel... a story. I often wondered if I had to have a large mansion, a ‘project Toronto’ in order to gain the level of success Neil Strauss did.
Neil Strauss teaches you some calibration techniques but mostly one routine fits all. Palmistry, The Cube, Three Blind Mice, etc ....
Frank's material has instructed me to figure out who I was as an individual, what I wanted and test and calibrate to figure out if she matched my criteria all while addressing her emotional needs.
Neil Strauss teaches one specific type of behaviour and expects you to believe all women will react to it.
Frank teaches it is better to know who you are, and what you want (your criteria) and this has provided me with a world of success, relationships and casual sex.
Since Christmas, I have spent and enjoyed every major holiday with someone special. I now have a great social circle of friends (from his social circle building seminar), better relationship with family, and from his coaching workbook for men, it's great being me.
-Review by Jack Razors,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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A review found on an online forum
I used to have a shy manner about me that repelled women, but women's cruelty toward me was the reason I was so shy and reluctant to approach them. This led me to have anger against women. So it was a vicious cycle. My best advice for you is to listen to the advice of Frank Kermit. Type in his name into a search and start listening to the advice he gives. It will give you a much greater understanding of women, how they think, and what they want from men. Women are not A to B thinkers like men are. That's why so many women wind up dating and marrying losers who beat them. What if you could have the same appeal to a woman as an abusive man has without being an abuser? Check out the material.
-Review by ksnake10
online forum
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Review that came in from a listener of a media appearance of StreetSmartDating Podcast:
First of all, can I thank you for introducing me to Frank. I listened to your lengthily interview with him & I was completely amazed! First I loved the appeal of a guy hitting rock bottom only to rise up to the top of the ranks and redeem himself (A hero if you will).
The other thing I noticed was the way Frank portrayed himself it was not his look’s that got him the women he has today but rather his character in its entirety.
His approach to women is unique & that appealed to me. Sure some guys can be cheeky, charming and a bit cocky but Frank broke things down to a much deeper level I could relate to. Women are emotional creatures & Frank addresses emotional needs of women in what he calls the Emotional Needs Analysis is a very important aspect of his teachings.
I would highly recommend to any one No Matter what your situation is regarding women check out Frank Kermit.
-Review by Joseph Trimble
Dublin , Ireland
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