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Do you want to create a support group for men to help men fix their love lives, know family law and be a support to each other?
Would you like a sample list of rules that will help you achieve this?
Would you like to plan ahead for growing membership, and what might be some problems that you do no foresee yet?
Would you like to be able to spot misfits quickly and weed them out?
Would you like a process for screening your potential membership?
If you answered YES to any of the questions above,
This is the KEY to solve all your support admin problems:
What’s This Book About?
Learn the basics of how to run a successful non-commercial Seduction Lair.
Frank Kermit was a founding member of one of the world’s first Seduction Lairs called the Montreal Seduction Lair. He is the creator of the very first Seduction Lair Constitution that was used as the model for the first Seduction Lairs around the world. He also founded the Frank Kermit Toronto Lair.
You'll get ALL of the following information in this 279 page digital Ebook:
*P.S. Many coaches use the term "For Entertainment Purposes Only" to write and say whatever they want without any legal repercussions. Even reviews of their own products and services! Frank Kermit does not hide behind entertainment purposes. The advice in this book is 100% AUTHENTIC.
P.S.S. There's going to be a lot of spelling mistakes in this book. You might be wondering "Why?" Because Frank writes his own books and does not hire any "ghostwriters" to do his work, unlike other coaches out there. Frank is no marketer by any stretch of the imagination! But this also means his writing is 100% honest material.
(Note: Read the reviews below of those who have found positive change reading this book)
Would you like a sample list of rules that will help you achieve this?
Would you like to plan ahead for growing membership, and what might be some problems that you do no foresee yet?
Would you like to be able to spot misfits quickly and weed them out?
Would you like a process for screening your potential membership?
If you answered YES to any of the questions above,
This is the KEY to solve all your support admin problems:
What’s This Book About?
Learn the basics of how to run a successful non-commercial Seduction Lair.
Frank Kermit was a founding member of one of the world’s first Seduction Lairs called the Montreal Seduction Lair. He is the creator of the very first Seduction Lair Constitution that was used as the model for the first Seduction Lairs around the world. He also founded the Frank Kermit Toronto Lair.
You'll get ALL of the following information in this 279 page digital Ebook:
- Part 1: Introduction and Lair Basics
- Part 2: The Goal and Focus of a Lair
- Part 3: The Forums of a Lair Board
- Part 4: Naming a Lair
- Part 5: Multiple Lair Memberships
- Part 6: Lair Spaces, Membership Size and Guest Speakers
- Part 7: Banned Member Stories
- Part 8: Rules for Lair Functions
- Part 9: The Lair Constitution (1 of 2)
- Part 10: The Lair Constitution (2 of 2)
- Part 11: Membership Size
- Part 12: Undesirables - People You Don't Want In Your Lair
- Part 13: The New Member Application
- Part 14: Being a Lair Leader
*P.S. Many coaches use the term "For Entertainment Purposes Only" to write and say whatever they want without any legal repercussions. Even reviews of their own products and services! Frank Kermit does not hide behind entertainment purposes. The advice in this book is 100% AUTHENTIC.
P.S.S. There's going to be a lot of spelling mistakes in this book. You might be wondering "Why?" Because Frank writes his own books and does not hire any "ghostwriters" to do his work, unlike other coaches out there. Frank is no marketer by any stretch of the imagination! But this also means his writing is 100% honest material.
(Note: Read the reviews below of those who have found positive change reading this book)
***Legal: if you are purchasing a non-tangible, digital product from this sales page at the website www.franktalks.com, the purchaser by acceptance of these terms agrees that all sales are final and non-refundable. This is a legally binding condition of the purchase on the buyer. If there is a problem with any digital product please contact [email protected]
Seduction PUA Community Interview
Check Out this interview from
Passion w/Dr Laurie Betito about Seduction Lairs |
All testimonials and product reviews on Franktalks.com are authentic.
No persons have ever been paid for any testimonials or reviews.
Some have been edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity of message.
All testimonials and product reviews on Franktalks.com are authentic.
No persons have ever been paid for any testimonials or reviews.
Some have been edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity of message.
Before I get started, I would like to take a moment and thank Frank for all of his contributions to the word-wide
seduction community! I have known Frank for some time now, and have been lucky enough to have him as a regular visitor within the Paradigm Shift Institute! Frank was one of our first guest speakers, and ever since, he has been an amazing addition to our group. From all of us at PSI, we can't thank you enough for this!
When I first met Frank through the wonderful world of the Internet, he immediately took me under his wing and provided me guidance and valuable knowledge that I needed in order to get my lair up and running! Now 15 months later, our group has grown beyond my wildest expectations, and a lot of this would not have been possible without the guidance and direction that Frank provided! Through my group has gone through a lot of change, and evolution has helped make our group unique, positive, and well synergized.. a lot of this was a result of and my vision and desire to help others combined with Franks guidance. I won't say much about my group, as this is not the purpose of this introduction, but rather to take the fantastic opportunity to express my gratitude to Frank for all his contributions to us, and for his assistance in helping me create a phenomenal group for Torontonians to share, experience, and grow from one another in an environment so cleanly set for learning.
‘How To Run A Seduction Lair’ eBook is geared towards Lair Leaders, and aspiring Lair Leaders around the world.
It will undoubtedly open your eyes to the Pros and Cons of running a Lair, as well as all the trials and tribulations that you will experience as a Lair leader.
I was lucky enough to be in attendance when Frank Kermit was creating the audio version of this eBook, and I can't stress enough how valuable this information is to all of those who strive to run a community on any level. |
First off thanks for making the book available, as I spent last night reading it and have a much deeper appreciation for what guys like you and Aar, have gone through over the years. I'll admit it was a real eye opener. If you truly want an appreciation of what it takes to run a group, such as (a lair), then I would suggest you read Franks book It was really well laid out and gave great insight into the nuances (and nuisances) of leading a hodge-podge of guys to becoming more confident & successful with women. Keep up the great work. Regards
-Review by Rex (of paradigm shift institute)
What a pleasure it is to work with a group of men who have made it their vocation to become better people. We can all learn something from them. As a psychologist, I spend my time traveling around the world, teaching seminars and workshops on all aspects of human interaction and relationships - from small groups to Fortune 500 companies. At some point, the teacher NEEDS a student. The mentor NEEDS a protégé. It is a sacred bond. It gives the teacher meaning and purpose to share his life’s worth of knowledge with a deserving pupil. One thing I can say about the guys at the lair is that they inspire me to WANT to help them. Because of their sincerity, openness and eagerness to learn, they are a true joy to teach. They know the difference between authenticity and pretense. In them, I have found many deserving pupils who would be worthy of the knowledge I could infuse them with. And I think they are mature enough to use this knowledge responsibly. Congratulations and keep up the good work.
-Review by Doc
It was my first time in Canada, and I had a wonderful weekend teaching a student from the TO lair, Ash. It was a successful weekend and made me definitely want to come back. Then on Sunday night, I visited and spoke at Frank's Toronto Lair. My first thought when walking in...Fight Club! In the basement of a bookstore with 20-30 guys meeting weekly. My second thought was how normal the guys were in the lair...I've been to a lot of lairs around the world, and including my own, the socallair, we always have a bunch of weird guys, try hard posers, and other non-pleasantries. Yet, your lair was totally different. You had guys of all different skill levels, but a lot of respect for each other at the same time. No one tried to steal the show, and no one made each other feel like they were better than each other. You guys are really lucky to be a part of this lair. I will gladly come back anytime I'm in Toronto to give another free lair speech to you guys.
-Review by Johnny Wolf,
Dating Coach
To say that the Toronto Lair has 'helped me' would be a gross understatement. When I take a look at the person I was before joining the lair and who I am now, I realize that I owe all of the happiness in my life right now to one man's unswerving devotion to helping those in need, patient mentoring, and invaluable teachings on dating and relationships; Frank Kermit. Although I had been somewhat familiar with 'Game' for quite some time beforehand, within less than six months of joining the Toronto Lair I met my perfect match and am now happily married to her; something that I would have never imagined was possible before meeting Frank. Learning Frank's teachings on Emotional Needs Analysis is like putting on a set of 3D glasses and suddenly all emotional needs and their social repercussions pop out at you so clearly. I see things now that six months ago I was blind and oblivious to. - I'm even looking forward to passing these teachings down to my own children someday. Thank you Frank!
-Review by Geri El Greco,
Dating Coach
This is a valuable information not only for the lair leaders how to run a lair but also for the members to know what they can expect from the lair. Many members in the lair know about the rules but they don't know the reason behind the rule. By listening to Frank's talk they can understand the philosophy behind the rules, and by clear real-life examples that Frank provides what problems may occur when the rules are broken .
-Review by Dr. B,
Lair Captain, USA
Frank Kermit's How to Run a Lair is clearly an essential resource for lair management. It is so complete and so detailed. He's clearly got a wealth of experience and this product lays it out in a clear, concise and organized fashion, so as to cover most any contingency that may arise. Kermit's How to Run a Lair is invaluable.
-Review by Speed,
Lair Leader USA
I used Kermit's constitution as a basis for the Sunny Coast Lair.
-Review by Chad Mann
In actuality the constitution among other things that Frank had put up as a model for all of us was very helpful to our lair. We had problems that ran the gamut from members trying to sell to other members as well as people joining up just to either spam, recruit, or just plain take advantage of the resources of an active and legitimate lair in a major city. Within one sitting we had an iron clad framework for our constitution and things have been going very well for us and we are much more organized to fight these problems now. So I certainly disagree with whomever called Frank's models for running a lair "bull". On another note a few months ago we used an amended version of the constitution that you made available to us. We had some serious trouble with a couple of members who were using the forum/lair to sell discounted bootcamps to our members. I had been under the impression that it would be a free one or at the very most asking guys to pay for their drinks and cab fare etc. Even though they were only able to get one guy willing to pay the few hundred dollar fee, they promised me they wouldn't do it anymore. But they wound up charging one more guy a month or two later. Needless to say they were banned even though they thought that their close friendship with me would give them complete immunity. Plus we always have to look for fly by night "instructors" trying to advertise "free" seminars etc. We believe that everyone of our members knows where to look for instruction and seminars and there's no need to compromise the lair with this. Either way your constitution and other materials were invaluable to us. We're keeping undesirables out and providing a sense of harmony and order among our members. It's back to being fun and informative again. THANK YOU SO MUCH FRANK!!!!!!!!
-Review by Dave aka LovePirate
Frank Kermit’s program about how to build a successful non-commercial lair is a valuable and long overdue asset. This could very well be the single greatest product available in this industry today. Well run lairs with capable lair leaders is the missing ingredient this community needs to advance pickup theory and get the knowledge into the hands of the common man for the good mankind everywhere.
-Review by Randohm, Lair Leader
Twin Cities Pickup Artists
So here's the positives of having used Frank's material:
1. The concept of having some sort of constitution is very forward thinking and can possibly prevent problems if used well.
2. Good and knowledgeable reasons why legal issues should be kept strictly enforced is provided.
3. Talks about various potential ideas such as meetings/guest speakers/hidden admin forums(five stars for this idea) are presented.
4. Shows what a potential lair run by a very caring leader can look like.
5. Exemplifies you definitely do not need killer web design skills to put up a online forum.
6. I guess I just gotta thank Frank for putting all that up for free too! Thanks Frank, it was much appreciated.
-Review from Vancouver Lair Rrepresentative
Now you guys see why I Don't ever want to run a Lair myself. I would rather help in the context of promotion, awareness & organization support. Think of this group as the United Nations of Lairs. This further emphasizes the importance of a decently strong "charter" (or whatever it's called - constitution, member agreement, code of ethics, etc). Please use Frank's guidance on the matter, he's put a lot of thought into it.
~Review by Jay Formhandle
In addition to running the Sydney Lair, I also do am a lair administration for every single lair in the world. As a leader of the International Lair Leaders online group, it's my job to deal with their stuff as well. I sort the wheat from the chaff there too. I ban the idiots who rip into guys who are trying help them, I keep out the commercial operations, I help keep the place clean and I also do that for nothing. Thankfully I have some great leaders to work with like Formhandle and Frank Kermit. Frank has been my biggest mentor and his lecture on how to run a successful non-commercial lair has helped me tremendously. Frank has been a huge influence and a patient and wise teacher and for that, I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
-Review by Alchemist
Moderator of the runningapuagroup online forum for lair leaders around the world
Frank Kermit is the founder of one of the original seduction lairs in the PUA community and the first Lair to have a written Constitution. Frank Kermit’s Lair Constitution was modeled by successful lairs all over the globe. He is quite possibly the seduction community’s foremost expert on Lair matters, having the most experience in organizing and setting up the functions of a successful lair. Now after retiring as a Lair Leader, Frank Kermit spills all his knowledge in his latest book: How To Run A Successful Seduction Lair, A Guide for Lair Leaders, Officials, and Moderators on the Administration and Member Rules of Non Commercial Seduction Lairs. This tell all book will most likely be the communities foremost guide on how to run a lair. Frank Kermit lets new lair leaders exactly what to expect, what type of situations they should be expected to have to deal with, what policies he recommends, and all the trials and tribulations lair leaders will endure. Frank has seen it all during his time as a lair leader, and shares some of his unintentionally amusing stories with his readers. Indeed, lair leaders should not just expect the drama factor when letting new members in, but a good lair leader will also be keen to limit his liability. Prospective lair leaders will check out his entire section on banned members to get an idea of what they may expect as leaders down the road. Probably the best piece of advice is Frank Kermit’s section on setting up guest speakers. Many lairs have been able to emulate Frank Kermit’s model and have been able to get some of the biggest names in the seduction community to speak to their lair, often for merely $10 or $20 per person. Such events really draw in new members, and creates a sense of camaraderie beyond the typical “weekend sarge”. Many of Kermit’s anecdotes and stories of typical lair drama will probably scare off many from starting a lair, and possibly even joining one. Indeed, many young PUA’s are heard to comment “Yeah I was going to join a lair, but then I read that Frank Kermit Book….” Most lairs have no issues getting rid of potential problematic members before any conflict breaks out. As long as good lair leaders are keeping their eyes open for the potential warning signs BEFORE the conflict happens, most lair members will probably never even notice. Are you a lair leader or thinking of starting a lair? Frank Kermit’s book is a must have!
-Review by Anonymous Lair Leader
If you ever find yourself being promoted/delegated/volun-told to the position of Admin or Moderator for a seduction/ PUA forum, this product with help you answer all of those questions that made you feel that you were not equipped with enough knowledge to run a lair. I am an admin on the Official Toronto Lair. Frank's product has really helped me answer all my questions ranging from How to get more guest speakers to come to all the legalities associated with running a lair. I recommend this to all admins and mods out there that have any skepticism about running a lair.
-Review by Addiction